Aiming To Lose A 100lbs

ChrisThornes Posts: 15 Member
Today marks the last day of my first week of my weight loss goal of a 100 lbs so far i have been satisfied only using around 1500 calories of my 2020 a day. my fitness pal is great! very helpful i'm staying away from the scale so i don't get discouraged. but i feel better about myself already. I've mainly been living off of Tyson grilled & ready chicken, Steam fresh veggies and fresh grapes, oranges, and bananas And eating other meals in smaller portions while eliminating the things i don't need. its nice to read all the success everyone is having on here and i hope with your support i can achieve my goal.

Before starting this weight loss goal i would eat fast food breakfast about 4 days a week consisting of 2 Burger King croissan'wiches w/ a medium hashbrown and a coke. and if i didn't get breakfast i would eat lunch which usually would be at least 3 of the dollar menu burgers followed a few hours later with a dinner fit for two... every Friday has always been a dinner eat out day and i find little ceasers to be a favorite for me since its cheap and filling so i would eat the whole pizza. not to mention tasty cake snacks or little debbie at night. looking back i cant believe i let myself get to that and i know i need to make a change in my life especially since i'm getting married this week.

I work for a shuttle service with my day usually starting around 3 am so by like 6 am im hungry. this job has turned me into a fast food junkie especially for breakfast. so far the burger king croissan'wich cravings have been my only struggle. but i have faith i can do it. i don't have time for the gym because my daily schedule can have me going from early am hours until late evening but i do get some physical activity detailing the shuttle vans between trips, or mowing the grass at the business etc... any suggestions for me? thank you

ps: i have been drinking a 24 pack of water a week for the past 3 years.


  • fitgirldanyel
    fitgirldanyel Posts: 59 Member
    Congrats on getting married this week! It sounds like you are off to a great start with your weightloss, and you seem to have a great attitude about it all. I want to lose 75 pounds total and I am a little over halfway there. Feel free to add me! I log on everyday~
  • maireailbhe
    maireailbhe Posts: 19 Member
    This is only my personal experience, so maybe it won't be the same for you, but.... the first change I did to my diet was significantly cut down on my consumption of fast food. If I really really wanted it, I'd get it. But I consciously tried to eliminate it. It took me 3 weeks to successfully stop eating fast food regularly. The weight I dropped from that change made me stick to it! My next step was to pay attention to serving sizes. That sounds like such a dumb, obvious thing, but omg!! There were packages of things that I had always been positive were just single servings. Reading the packages and seeing what an actual serving size was really helped me, too!! Those two things have given me a 35 pound loss as of right now. Now that I'm used to those two changes, I'm ready to try something else to add to the list. Just take it one step at a time. I have 100 pounds to lose too (though my goal right now is just 85 pounds), so I'm in it for the long run as well! We can do this!
  • KMS3208
    KMS3208 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there,

    Congratulations, not only on getting married, but also the huge step you are taking on their journey and for reaching out to folk. I started one week ago and have lost 6 pounds in my first week. I agreed with maireailbhe, one step at a time. I have mainly focussed on trying to get to my calorie levels this week and not been too hard on myself if I go over. I had a very similar diet to the one you mentioned and so for me, this week has been about eliminating as much sugar and rubbish from my doet as possible and getting my body used to it.

    I try and drink lots and lots of water and am getting more disciplined at drinking a glass if I am hungry to see if it is just being a little dehydrated.

    I have been full of cold, which has been a blessing as I haven't been well enough to exercise, but he has made me take this process slower and set achievable goals. I normally would be looking up training plans for a marathon or something by now and miss a trick. The simplest of bits of advice I have had is 'eat less, do more'. In a nutshell, that is it...and log everything, even if it does send you over.

    Everyone on here has also been great and we all understand exactly what it is to go through this. I have stopped talking to my other half and friends about this sort of thing now and just keep the lessons I learn along the way between myself and my MFP buddies. Nothing on my friends or partner as they all want to see me do well, but I get easily demotivated if someone tries to offer their opinion or advice when I am in this focussed frame of mind.

    Good luck and feel free to add me if you like. Still a newbie to all this, but am here to support too.

    :-) K x
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    My suggestion would be to realize that weight loss takes time. You didn't gain that weight overnight and you won't lose it overnight either.

    Be patient when it turns into a grind and it seems like nothing is happening. If you have a plan and work the plan, results will happen.
  • ChrisThornes
    ChrisThornes Posts: 15 Member
    thank you! thats awesome keep up the good work
  • weighstolose
    weighstolose Posts: 1 Member
    just getting started again for the umpteenth time. The cravings are driving me crazy. Hope this blog can help keep motivated.
  • ChrisThornes
    ChrisThornes Posts: 15 Member
    thanks everyone for all the positive support i know we all can do it!
  • HollyDee14
    HollyDee14 Posts: 21 Member
    Congrats on your wedding! Some of the things that have worked for me so far include:

    -Using a food scale rather than eye-balling serving sizes
    -Drinking only water or 0 calorie beverages when I'm craving something else (Powerade ZERO Mixed Berryy is my favorite)
    -Packing my lunches and snacks, otherwise it's just too tempting to drive through somewhere or use the snack machine
    -Logging BEFORE I eat so that I have a pause moment to consider my decision before it's too late
    -Taking foods that are tough for me to use self-control around out of my house and not buying more than one serving size when I'm really craving it (for me, that's ice cream)
    -Eating what I want to eat, just in smaller portions, particularly if I go out (eat half, take half home)
    -Walking at lunch time (I eat for 30 minutes and then walk for 30 minutes)
    -Setting my goal for and eating 300 calories less than my BMR (right now it's manageable without eating back my exercise calories, but once I lose more that will change)

    Those are the big things so far. I'd also recommend a really fantastic book called "Mindless Eating." It's fascinating, an easy read, and cheap on Amazon. :) Feel free to add me- I'm also trying to lose 100lbs and am on here every day. :)

    Best, Holly
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Congrats on starting. I am 2 years into my journey and I am down 107 lbs! I'd be careful eating only 1500 a day, you will wreck your metabolism like I did. Weight falls off fast at first, then you stall out for a very longs time and it it very frustrating. Most guys, especially us big guys, should never go below 1800-1900. I'd like to encourage you more. Feel free to add me.
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    I've lost 60 and I think I have about 80 to go? Not exactly sure yet. Sounds you're off to a great start with the change in eating you've made already! It's tough to eat healthy when you're on the go. But I recommend eating simple and natural foods. Fruit and veggies, chicken, fish, turkey, nuts for snack, lots of water. I only drank water the first 3 months and I just drank tea for the first time yesterday. If you cut out sugar, breads and caffeine the cravings won't bother you as much. They go away after the first 3 weeks or so.
  • dj59lane
    dj59lane Posts: 52 Member
    It's a hard journey speaking from experience, but it can be done lots of luck to you
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Nice to meet you and congrats on your marriage this week and making the choice to lead a healthier lifestyle :) I think that is a great gift to you and your bride to me :) I can't say much else that everyone here hasn't already said but just be honest with yourself, log all food, and never give up :) If you never give up you will never fail :) This will be a long journey but one of the most rewarding in so many ways. I wish you the best of luck :)