hey everyone!!

hi, i am new to this site and i thought i would introduce myself and share my story. i am 25 years old and i am ready to get in shape!! i was always at a very healthy weight of 125 lbs, i am 5 foot six. i lost my job last year and sitting in the house all winter i got up to 145 lbs. i then got pregnant with my first child and weighed a whopping 200 when i delivered. three months after having my baby i am down to 160 and i just dont feel comfortable in my own skin!! i have never had to worry about my weight before so this will be a struggle for me but i am up for the challenge! not only do i wanna lose the weight but i would like to gain some muscle definition as well. i hope this site will help me out and i can get some support as well, i am sure i will need it...i am not a very disciplined person!!! wish me luck!!!!


  • GonnaDoIt
    GonnaDoIt Posts: 36 Member
    WOW.....your weight is very similar to my story. I was 135 when I got pregnant with my daughter....then after having her I was 165....i got on MFP, got down to 144 and then got pregnant with my son. My son is now 19 months and I am 163 now. I am so ready to start feeling good again! I have been back on MFP for 2 weeks now and have been doing good (I started at 168). I have had a bad day today, but I will get this weight off of me before summer!!!! Good luck to you!!!
  • fitforlife84
    Hi AVfrankie

    I am glad to hear that you want to get healthy. I will definitely offer my support. Add me to your friends.

    Brianna :)