PCOS friendly meals. Help!!

PcosChick1989 Posts: 1 Member
I'm brand new to this, just trying to get started on this. Joined a gym, need to meal plan. Here's the thing though...I really don't like veggies...and my husband doesn't either...so I'm lost. We are on a very strict budget right now...due to my husband being laid off our grocery money is so limited. I just don't know how to plan meals that will work. I have PCOS and I know I need to eat differently. Please help with advice or ways to eat healthy and cheap!


  • xenu01
    xenu01 Posts: 117 Member
    Look around for some PCOS forums. What has helped me and some others is trying to cut down on carbs and sugars while not worrying so much about fats.

    Budget Bytes has been a boon to me, since we're also cash-strapped:

    Try to get out of the mindset that you don't like vegetables! You will need to learn to like them if you want to live a healthy life and keep your teeth.

    Start by figuring out HOW you like your vegetables.

    Wilted Kale and Lentil Salad?

    Maybe you would like to try easy oven fajitas?

    Or maybe you'd like to try a coconut vegetable curry?

    Don't worry, and sub in ingredients when you want to. And of course, you can do a ton with frozen chicken tenderloins, which we always have in the freezer.
  • xenu01
    xenu01 Posts: 117 Member
    Oh, and one more thing! We've been making "fauxsagna" around these parts for a while now. What you do is get eggplant, or yellow squash or zucchini, whatever's cheaper, and you cut it real thin like lasagna noodles. Then you make yourself a fake lasagna! We don't bother with ricotta, which is expensive and really just a filler, but do what you want.
  • breakingfitter
    I have PCOS, too. I and many others have found that a low, or very low carb diet is the fastest and (relatively) easiest way to lose weight. It's something to do with how carbs are processed as sugars and your glycemic load (idk, google :) ) I've tried lots of other diets or ways of restricting calories and they have left me either really hungry or not losing weight. My suggestion would be to try a Paleo style or Atkins diet. A quick search will find tons of awesome recipes that are filling and you don't feel like you're missing out on anything. As for veggies...Well, I hate(d) them too. I would say I begrudgingly tolerate them now but honestly, to lose weight you don't need to eat many veggies. I take a multi-vitamin (and suggest it for getting those nutrients). Yes, for being healthy and long term, you probably want to incorporate veggies but being overweight is much more of a pressing health issue than not eating veggies. I'm sure I'll catch some flack for that but if the idea of vegetables turns you off of losing weight/eating healthy then it defeats the purpose.

    Also, ranch dressing is low carb so maybe some carrot sticks and broccoli drowning in that will help! (Again, if you decide to do low carb and not care about going over your fat macro)

    Here are a couple of my favorite recipes:




    Good luck, you can do it!
  • AbbeyDove
    AbbeyDove Posts: 317 Member
    Hmm. So I looked this up, and it seems like the general recommendation for women with PCOS is to limit their carbohydrate intake. That puts you in the land of low carb and paleo, most likely. Eggs, canned salmon and tuna are cheap options. Keep in mind that you may have disliked veggies that were 1) under-cooked, and 2) had no fat on them. My son won't eat crisp-cooked broccoli, for example, but he loves it cooked to very tender and tossed with butter and salt. How about avocados as a veggie? One of our favorite meals is ground pork sauteed with teriyaki sauce or coconut aminos, and served over really well-cooked cabbage "noodles." Cauliflower "rice" also works for us--see http://www.everydaymaven.com/2013/how-to-make-cauliflower-rice/. For other ideas, check out this thread:


    Here's some suggestions from the Atkins folks:


    Here's some suggestions from the Paleo people:

  • MaDwItNeWfLaVa
    MaDwItNeWfLaVa Posts: 78 Member
    If you dont like fruits and veggies, buy a nutri bullet. The bullet is only 100 bucks which isnt too expensive. Then u can drink your fruit and veggies. I lost sooo much weight on it. Fruits and veggies is about as cheap and definitely as healthy as your gonna get.. 10 dollars a week for all of my fruits and veggies per week. I eat lots of eggs and tuna. Cheap and im so full all the time cuz my body is getting the nutrients. That's what people dont understand is if your not eating nutrient desnse foods then your body isnt getting what it needs and your not gonna be full.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I'm brand new to this, just trying to get started on this. Joined a gym, need to meal plan. Here's the thing though...I really don't like veggies...and my husband doesn't either...so I'm lost. We are on a very strict budget right now...due to my husband being laid off our grocery money is so limited. I just don't know how to plan meals that will work. I have PCOS and I know I need to eat differently. Please help with advice or ways to eat healthy and cheap!

    Think of five vegetables that you do eat. Give us something to work with (green beans, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, . . . . ?) Maybe you would like cauliflower and other veggies if you spent some time on https://www.pinterest.com looking at pictures and great recipes.