20 years old, looking for people around my age!

Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
I think having more friends would help me stay motivated in tracking my daily intake/exercise! Seeing other people working hard helps me do it too :D I am about 5'3 (okay... 5'2 and a half but I like to round up ;) ) I reached my goal weight before (115 from 143) but I am back up to about 125 and am working to get it back down again. I pretty much completely stopped working out and it is showing tremendously! Keep in mind my pics are from the days I was at my goal weigh! haha

Please feel free to add me if you are around my age and want an extra buddy! :)


  • sashachilders18
    sashachilders18 Posts: 44 Member
    I have 60 lbs to lose, form 218 to about 160, but I'm also 20! turning 21 soon. But if you want we can be friends! I'm very motivated and active!
    FRiNADA Posts: 67
    I want to be around 115 again too! Unfortunately I have been on the ropes between 130-145 for the last year now. I'm 23 so I hope thats not too old for you ;D
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks for the adds guys!! :)
  • I am also 20 years old! I love to workout, if I could I would be working out 3 times a day (I have enough motivation for 3 people). I ran cross country since I was 13 years old until last November. I have great endurance but I want to focus now on my strength training. My goal is to lose 13 pounds. I would like for you to follow me as well. I need encouragement since I workout by myself.
  • I'm 19 years old! I want to get down to around 115lbs as well.. I'm currently at 128lbs at 5'3!