new to this, hello all.

chellefish Posts: 7 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
:blushing: Hi All

I downloaded this app for my iphone a while ago but have never got to use it much. I decided a new year time for a fresh start, wipe the slate clean of all bad habbits and create new good habbits.

I have managed to track my food all week and seem to be doing ok, i have 92lbs that i want to lose, would really like to accomplish that before my 30th birthday next year.

I'm looking for some buddies that can help me keep motivated or people to chat too if i feel a wobble coming on (no pun intended).

So i just wanted to pop on and say hi and good luck to everyone out there that wants to lose weight.



  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    I also have about 90 lbs to lose. I'd be happy to help motivate/encourage you! Add me as a friend if you'd like! :-) Good luck to you!
  • manleyzoo
    manleyzoo Posts: 113 Member
    I started with 85 to lose and I am down 14 lbs. I would love to support your journey. Friend me!
  • Hi! Feel free to add me. Message me anytime you'd like! Good luck and you can do this! I have more than 100 to lose! Ugh! lol One day at a time is the best focus for me right now.
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