Total Newbie

I have always struggled with my weight. At this point, I have 80lbs to lose.

I can stick with eating healthy until I a get frustrated by not seeing results quick enough. I am hoping now that by bloging and finding a community here on that I can stick with healthy eating and logging what I eat every day.

My goal is to lose the 80lbs by the end of the year. I know that I can do it with enough support!

Ready, GO!


  • audrast
    audrast Posts: 74 Member
    I'm a month into my transformation and I, too, have been very disillusioned about how quickly I see results (or not see results). What I keep coming back to is that, sure, I might not see results now or even a few weeks from now. The body is a strange thing. But your efforts do make a difference. If you eat better, you will feel better, your body will perform better and stay healthier longer. If you workout more, you will get stronger, your body will be in better overall condition.

    I keep those thoughts in my head and try to make them loud enough that they drown the negative thoughts. Also, don't use that scale as your goal. That scale shouldn't be your goal because that number does not make you healthy. Make performance based goals.

    Make short term goals like "I will workout for 30 minutes today," "I will do 20 pushups this week." And make long term goals, "I will run a 5k in 2 months" "I will be able to 20 bicep curls at 20 pounds by the end of the month." Whatever you want your body to be able to do, make THAT your goal. As you train, your body will follow those goals and get stronger, leaner.

    You will have bad days. Days when you feel like quitting. For me, the ridiculous little voice that has gotten me through it has been from Finding Nemo, of all places. Dory (the forgetful, happy go lucky fishie) has this line that has really stuck with me, "Just keep swimming." Combined with another saying I've come across, "No matter how big the wave, it's still just water." Find something that has motivated you or inspired you and make it your mantra. You may be surrounded by waves but just keep swimming.

    ETA: I am also aiming for 80 pounds for an ideal BMI. That was my initial goal. I'm still working on developing performance goals for myself.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Logging works.

    Eat "good" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to bingeing.

    Read the Sexypants post:
  • I think the biggest key is accountability. That is one of the reasons I turned to MFP. I have done Weight Watchers in the past and it totally worked for me. I officially started today and know that taking it one day at a time is the only thing that is going to help me.

    My goal is 50 to 60 pounds...

    Good luck to you!
  • kristinabucki
    kristinabucki Posts: 1 Member
    I just started today. I have 90 lbs to lose. I blogged about all the goals I have set for myself. For every goal I set I am making a plan with my husband on my reward. I get down to my ultimate goal... I am going to have an actually wedding and wedding reception with my family since we were married in a courthouse (without my family). So each end goal I get gift from my hubby. It makes the incentives worth the effort. Good luck.
  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    Good luck! This site works wonders.

    Take your time. Take pics and measure! Drink as much water as pos!

    My goal?
    If I get two dress sizes smaller, a uk12 for my wedding next yr in October I will consider that a win :) I find if I set lb loss goals I tend to get deflated when I don't see on the scales, physical changes are much more rewarding x
  • emmiebrook
    emmiebrook Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much!

    I like your comment on setting goals. That's something I need to get better at, setting realistic goals. I also need to get better at positive self encouragement. I have this way of talking myself out of things that are good for me. Like waking up to make my 5:45 am work out class.

    I am going to log everything. Even on the weekends (that'll be hard).

    Thanks for the responses! I am so excited about this!
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member

    You can add me to your MFP community if you need encouragement and support. I log on everyday and had 80lb to lose. I now have 64lb to lose and I am holding strong. A good family on MFP is the best option to keep going!
  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    The sleep demon talks me out of them classes too haha!

    If you do set goals don't get disheartened if you don't meet them all, many factors Prevent you from meeting them! (Spesh being a lady). Take each day as it comes. You will get there eventually, even if it takes years and that is most important!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Logging faithfully makes a huge difference. I've tried 'eating better' for years. But seeing it down here in black and white (and red!) and seeing the math, and the daily totals, and how my exercise plays into it, and how I am balancing my carbs/fats/proteins...all of thatn being so visible has made a huge difference for me.

    I happen to like puzzles and organization and seeing how things fit together. It's just my personal mentality. So this fits very nicely into that for me.

    Maybe for you too!

    Take it slow. Make small changes over a period of time. Make one or two changes at a time. Dont' try to do everything at once. Remember it's the big picture, not just the numbers on the scale. It's how your clothes fit you, your increased stamina, your flexibility, your strength, your blood pressure, etc. There are many changes happening inside your body that you can't see, even when the scale doesn't seem to be moving. And there WILL be times when the scale doesn' move. Don't let it throw you off course.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I love your dress in your photo!
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    Good luck! This site works wonders.

    Take your time. Take pics and measure! Drink as much water as pos!

    My goal?
    If I get two dress sizes smaller, a uk12 for my wedding next yr in October I will consider that a win :) I find if I set lb loss goals I tend to get deflated when I don't see on the scales, physical changes are much more rewarding x

    Physical changes*!! That's the only thing I base my success on. I hate the scale, as it can be so misleading when you have gained 1-2 pounds but you've LOST an inch in the waist! Scales are ok, but please don't let it rule you!
  • ardysedwardsmcgrath
    ardysedwardsmcgrath Posts: 120 Member
    H Newbie! im also new on here.. this is awesome .. &free how sweet is that... I too need to lose some wt like100 or +depressing soo much.. good goal for yourself 80by end of yr! Good luck!! im gonna try to take baby steps.. 10by Aug..17...I'd like to smaller by next yr when my baby graduates from high school.. I luv this where u put your info in& it tells u everything u got to know!Im also trying not to tell every1im trying to lose wt... in case I turn out to be a failure.. :(.my goal this wt is walking a.m.&pm.. even with working&eating healthy.. like either weight watchers or watching fat grams.. good luck to u keep us posted! :)
    Giggles92266 IOWA :)
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    It's great that you're excited, but don't set yourself up for failure by expecting a loss by a certain time (your first post mentions 80lbs by the end of the year). Yes it's great to have goals, but don't but your entire hope into hitting those time lines. Any progress is forward progress after all and the key is to take every victory, no matter how small.