Will symptoms lessen with more exercise?

Hi everyone,

I used to do a variety of different exercises years ago, but due to debilitating plantar fasciitis, TMJ, and several other pain issues, I stopped all exercise for several years. Since then, I've tried yoga, Zumba, Pilates, WiiFit, different gyms, and weight training. Whenever I do anything for a little while, I start to have calf/foot pain so I stop (plus, I don't like the exercise). I've seen a chiropractor who has treated my P.F. with the Graston Technique (awesome!). I haven't worn orthotics in over 3 years and no longer have regular pain. I've also been seeing a nutritionist, using MFP, cut out gluten, dairy, sugar, and some minor things. I've lost 30 lbs. and seriously reduced inflammation in my body. I feel awesome except for one thing--I am craving exercise. I miss it, but I'm afraid my body will mess me up again.

I love doing aerobics and have started again with a few classes. I am trying to drink a lot of water all the time. I'm warming up, cooling down, stretching throughout the day, etc. I'm also trying to keep it low impact when I can.

Fortunately, I am not in pain, but my calves are very tight sometimes making it hard to walk. I am drinking more water. I am doing massage on my legs and feet, elevating, etc. I'm doing the various stretches (even if I don't know the right names)--the stairs, runner's stretch, using a towel, the seated one where you pull your foot in, and more. I'll be seeing the chiropractor this week too. I've read other posts here too. :-)

When I stretch, it feels great for a short time, but then it goes back to being stiff almost immediately.

I LOVE my classes and don't want to give in to my body again this time. I am determined to stay exercising and to get fit finally.

I'm nervous that my calves will stay like this and cause me to end up needing more treatments, orthotics, and other things that I have purged from my life. I'm hoping that with continued stretching, water, massage, and letting my body get used to the workouts that I'll get used to it. The rest of my body feels great.

Thoughts? Advice?



  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Wear a night splint. Problem solved.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    My mom went back to orthotics during exercise and a night splint. Since then she's been able to make significant progress with strength training and circuit training.
  • claychick2
    claychick2 Posts: 11 Member
    I also use a PVC pipe on the floor and run my foot over it. I started doing this in a yoga class, and it felt great! My chiropractor has me use a little ball too, but I like the pipe better.

    I think I still have one of the night splints. I'll have to check for it. I totally forgot about that. Thanks!

    So I probably don't have to give it up? I so hope not. I want this to work so much. I'm fighting for it!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I was going to suggest a night splint. When I had P.F. I wore night splints on both feet (a real pain when I had to get up to go potty, lol) but it soothed my pain SO much...I even wore the splints during the evening hours when I was reading or on the computer.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    BTW the night splints are reasonably priced on Amazon.com if you dont' have them.