what did you do differently today?

PearlMarie_3gen_11484 Posts: 272 Member
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
What did you do differently today than what you normally do? Today I workout out in the evening rather than in the morning. The 'old' me would have just sat on the couch and would have ate everything in the house. I am really proud of myself for changing things up, maybe I'll do this every once in a while. :happy:


  • Today, instead of sitting on my behind on the couch all day, like I usually would do on a Saturday, I stayed busy. I painted my dining room and my kitchen, which is a serious workout! I was productive and burned calories! And I didn't snack all day long which is a huge victory for me - I just kept busy! :smile:
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Tonight, I entered my dinner so I was sure how many calories it was going to be. I was going to be able to enjoy a cup of mac & cheese (prepared with only 1T of butter and 1% milk) along with my turkey roast and veggies. Well, I was half way through the mac & cheese (I always save the best for last), when I noticed that it didn't taste very good - it was pretty blah. So, instead of eating it, I gave it to my kids and went to get some more veggies and turkey (wich was delish). When I went to edit my food diary, I noticed that the calories balanced out!! It's just a little something, but it's kind of big for me. I was really looking forward to that mac & cheese!
  • lindainak
    lindainak Posts: 101
    Will be taking the granddog for a walk at 3 degrees. Yikes
  • salto
    salto Posts: 30 Member
    Good for you! See, it's never too late to "save the day." I love working out at night. I find I have a lot more energy.

    Let's see, what did I do differently today? I ate lunch, which is unusual for me on weekends. Usually on weekends time gets away from me and I forget to eat. Then by mid-afternoon I'm so hungry I go nuts and make a bad decision for dinner. But I ate a sensible lunch (tuna fish w/smart balance mayo, pickles, onion, celery on RF triscuits) so when it came time to plan dinner I was able to make smart choices.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Today I had them hold the mayo on my veggie burger and used mustard instead.

    Today I had cantalope instead of fries.

    Today, instead of diet Coke, I had water. Lots and lots of water at lunch :) I think I am going to float away!

    Today I didn't ask my kids to get me things in the house-- I got off my butt and got them myself :)
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Great post to remind people to pat themselves on the back for making positive changes! :)

    Today, I DIDN'T get my usual beer from the UK at Epcot, and I didnt get my standard tub of yummy Disney popcorn on my way out of the parks. I dont think Ive ever been to Epcot and NOT had at least one beer in the UK. Thats a big success for my health AND my wallet! :)

    I also came home from the parks and ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I normally would've counted "walking around a theme park" as exercise, and opted to stay on the couch watching football with my hubby. Instead, I ran and ran and ran....and I feel great! :)

    A series of little changes in my lifestyle are hopefully going to pay off with a serious change in my clothes and weight :)
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    This is my first "diet weekend" and I decided to go shopping with my parents and my son. I kind of splurged and shared a piece of pepperoni pizza with my son for lunch. So I had lean roasted turkey and green beans with water for dinner. And even with that 500+ calorie piece of pizza I am still WAY under goal! The old me would have just said, I already screwed up my day with the pizza so I'm going to just go crazy and cheat on my diet all day...but I didn't!
  • pgrady1
    pgrady1 Posts: 11
    Today I played the WII with my husband. We bowled and played tennis together. Quite fun! :blushing:
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    Stupid computer posted twice....sorry!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I walked out of the grocery store without getting my favorite salty snack that was on sale...it was sooo hard to walk away from them!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    oops! double post, sorry!
  • salto
    salto Posts: 30 Member
    Oh yeah, and I stayed under my sugar goal today. First time!
  • Today I didn't have the energy to exercise before work (not uncommon for Saturdays), but I managed to squeeze in an evening exercise instead (pilates). I feel so much better now that I've stretched out. This is not a bad end of the day-type exercise.
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Today, I worked out in the afternoon instead of laying in bed watching tv, like I usually do on Saturday. I also made a big pot of fresh chicken and veggie soup and homemade wheat bread. Should be ready soon...I hope!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Getting up before noon on a weekend used to be unheard of for me. I would never ever make plans before like 2pm and certainly not to get together to exercise! But I have a friend to meet at the gym now every Saturday morning at 9am and I was there!
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