(hashtag) Frustrated

matgh124 Posts: 25 Member
alright I have been going at this now since June 1st or late May... i lost count. But any way I'm a 30 yr old male with a desk job. before i started working out, I weighed 267 pounds on a good day. I didnt measure my waist then so i have no idea what my measurements were. and i didnt calorie count then either but based on online calculators i had to consume 3k calories daily to maintain my weight. ok. so now for the past month and 2 wks or less, I have been at a 2000 calorie a day diet with about 180 grams of protein and about 100 grams of carbs. and i lift weights. i usually do a muscle group about twice a week. and i just started doing dead lifts of 225 lbs and thinking of doing this twice a week. I have noticed that i have gotten much stronger compared to when i wasnt working out. back then i could barely finish 5 regular push ups, i had to always have my knees down. but now i can hit 2 sets of 10 push ups with only 60 seconds of rest in between..a full 12 to 13 push ups straight (regular). I also am curling more and my benchpress has really improved. also there is muscle tone in my arms and shoulders and I am noticing great results in my neck and shoulder and chest... my arms come second... not a whole lot on the stomach region but i can see some slight improvement. I do cheat on the weekends. I try and eat clean monday thru friday and then cheat on the weekends to keep myself sane. but now almost 2 months in, my inches havent changed much at all
and my weight...well... during the week i'm about 261-263.4 pounds....but after the weekend i'm well into 266 pounds.....and let me add that on the weekends I still do some light cardio...like fast pace walking for 3 miles or more.... and etc.. so its not like i'm just lazing around... i'm definitely much much more active now these past couple months than i have been these past few years. and i hear weight is suppose to just melt off.... but its not for me...?


  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    It sounds like your weekend eating is negating all the work you are doing during the week. How many calories are you eating on two days out of seven? You could be blowing your entire calorie deficit. You put a lot of focus on working out, but you cannot out-exercise a bad diet. 2000 calories sounds like plenty to create a very delicious and satisfying food plan.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I'm a female but also have noticed a pattern:

    Because I work in an office I am able to control what and when I eat better than on the weekend. Also, I'm too cheap to walk around and look for additional snacks over what I bring so that helps keep me in check.

    I can go up 3 lbs from Friday to Monday, but it comes back off and I'm still lower at the end of the week.

    3 pounds is water weight most likely. Don't give up over 3 pounds!!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Lifting causes weight gain from growing muscles and retained water.

    It seems like you're not losing weight because you're losing fat while gaining muscle and retaining water.

    It's really frustrating, and hard to accept, but I wouldn't give up lifting, just know that it took a really long time for the weight to come on, so it should not drop off over night.

    Hang in there.

  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member

    I'm just the opposite. I work in an office and do way better on the weekdays then weekend.

    Mostly because I work a couple miles from home, and go home and eat leftovers or eggs on the weekdays and cook dinner at home.

    On the weekends I go to the city to spend time with my boyfriend, and out of my natural habitat all of a suddenly I'm all like "ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM!"
  • matgh124
    matgh124 Posts: 25 Member

    I'm just the opposite. I work in an office and do way better on the weekdays then weekend.

    Mostly because I work a couple miles from home, and go home and eat leftovers or eggs on the weekdays and cook dinner at home.

    On the weekends I go to the city to spend time with my boyfriend, and out of my natural habitat all of a suddenly I'm all like "ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM!"

    hahaha! I'm the same way!!! on the wekends I'm like CHINESE CHINESE!!!!....and PIZZA!!...
  • matgh124
    matgh124 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm a female but also have noticed a pattern:

    Because I work in an office I am able to control what and when I eat better than on the weekend. Also, I'm too cheap to walk around and look for additional snacks over what I bring so that helps keep me in check.

    I can go up 3 lbs from Friday to Monday, but it comes back off and I'm still lower at the end of the week.

    3 pounds is water weight most likely. Don't give up over 3 pounds!!
    Thanks a bunch for the encouragment! yea that's what i have been hearing too. that since i'm a newbie, I'm going to both gain muscle and water and lose some fat in the process. its just so friggin frustrating that the scale tips only so slightly... and the tape gives the same measurement... sometimes a little less.... but i'm noticing crazy crazy gains!!!!!!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member

    I'm just the opposite. I work in an office and do way better on the weekdays then weekend.

    Mostly because I work a couple miles from home, and go home and eat leftovers or eggs on the weekdays and cook dinner at home.

    On the weekends I go to the city to spend time with my boyfriend, and out of my natural habitat all of a suddenly I'm all like "ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM!"

    Wait, isn't that what I said? For me it's Margarita Time!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I'm a female but also have noticed a pattern:

    Because I work in an office I am able to control what and when I eat better than on the weekend. Also, I'm too cheap to walk around and look for additional snacks over what I bring so that helps keep me in check.

    I can go up 3 lbs from Friday to Monday, but it comes back off and I'm still lower at the end of the week.

    3 pounds is water weight most likely. Don't give up over 3 pounds!!
    Thanks a bunch for the encouragment! yea that's what i have been hearing too. that since i'm a newbie, I'm going to both gain muscle and water and lose some fat in the process. its just so friggin frustrating that the scale tips only so slightly... and the tape gives the same measurement... sometimes a little less.... but i'm noticing crazy crazy gains!!!!!!

    It will be like overnight. If you don't need to weigh yourself every day try weighing only on a Friday or Monday. either way you'll have a baseline established.

    I weigh every day but I do think it has really helped me see patterning. For example if I have a high sodium day I'm up 1-2 lbs. On Monday 2-3. But by Friday it all settles down again.
  • AtmaKing
    AtmaKing Posts: 145 Member
    It sounds like your weekend eating is negating all the work you are doing during the week. How many calories are you eating on two days out of seven? You could be blowing your entire calorie deficit. You put a lot of focus on working out, but you cannot out-exercise a bad diet. 2000 calories sounds like plenty to create a very delicious and satisfying food plan.


    "Cheat" days aren't supposed to be where you make up for your good discipline. Try not having cheat days but instead incorporate into your everyday life foods you enjoy. Not knowing a ton more about you than what you've mentioned, you’re supposed to eat 3000 and are eating 2000 seems a little steep. Try backing that off to 2500 per day all 7 days and I bet it becomes more sustainable and you won’t need a "cheat" day.

    Good Luck.
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    I can go up 3 lbs from Friday to Monday, but it comes back off and I'm still lower at the end of the week.

    3 pounds is water weight most likely. Don't give up over 3 pounds!!

    This ^^ I had pizza yesterday and I'm up 3 lbs today :noway: I know is "normal" but still bothers me, because then a game starts in my head, "will I lose weight this week or not?" and so it goes on and on :huh:
  • matgh124
    matgh124 Posts: 25 Member
    I can go up 3 lbs from Friday to Monday, but it comes back off and I'm still lower at the end of the week.

    3 pounds is water weight most likely. Don't give up over 3 pounds!!

    This ^^ I had pizza yesterday and I'm up 3 lbs today :noway: I know is "normal" but still bothers me, because then a game starts in my head, "will I lose weight this week or not?" and so it goes on and on :huh:

    hahaha!!! i know what you mean! lmao. thank all of you for the support :)
  • matgh124
    matgh124 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm a female but also have noticed a pattern:

    Because I work in an office I am able to control what and when I eat better than on the weekend. Also, I'm too cheap to walk around and look for additional snacks over what I bring so that helps keep me in check.

    I can go up 3 lbs from Friday to Monday, but it comes back off and I'm still lower at the end of the week.

    3 pounds is water weight most likely. Don't give up over 3 pounds!!
    Thanks a bunch for the encouragment! yea that's what i have been hearing too. that since i'm a newbie, I'm going to both gain muscle and water and lose some fat in the process. its just so friggin frustrating that the scale tips only so slightly... and the tape gives the same measurement... sometimes a little less.... but i'm noticing crazy crazy gains!!!!!!

    It will be like overnight. If you don't need to weigh yourself every day try weighing only on a Friday or Monday. either way you'll have a baseline established.

    I weigh every day but I do think it has really helped me see patterning. For example if I have a high sodium day I'm up 1-2 lbs. On Monday 2-3. But by Friday it all settles down again.
    yea i think i'm gonna incorporate that and just weigh myself on fridays.. .