fried eggs everyday.

i have a question.. will eating fried egg everyday for breakfast will make my ldl/cholestrol levels to go high ..even if i workout? i just cant resist fried egg.. i feel my breakfast is incomplete without it. i workout everyday... recently i have been told its very bad to eat eggs everyday and doctors recommend 3eggs/ week :O.. i am at a normal weight for my height right now and i cant possibly think of eating 3 eggs /week.. i mean where will i get my protein in from ? :p


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    cholesterol in eggs =/= cholesterol in blood. if im not mistaken eggs have been found to reduce blood cholesterol in recent studies.

    eggs are awesome, eat away
  • apgabriel915
    apgabriel915 Posts: 53 Member
    I just had my blood tested for my insurance and I was eating a lot of eggs and it did come up high. My doctor did tell me to use more whites and limit my yolks. So I have whites and then 2ish yolks a week.
  • marinashakeel
    marinashakeel Posts: 263 Member
    cholesterol in eggs =/= cholesterol in blood. if im not mistaken eggs have been found to reduce blood cholesterol in recent studies.

    eggs are awesome, eat away
    now thats the kind of answer i was looking for!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I eat fried eggs after I work out, plus 2 microwaved eggs almost daily for breakfast. My blood work is fine.
  • Sarasota_Guy
    Sarasota_Guy Posts: 82 Member
    dont' believe the hype. Our government doesn't know any better than anyone else, and they couldn't get it straight for decades anyway LOL

    Eggs are fine :)
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    i have a question.. will eating fried egg everyday for breakfast will make my ldl/cholestrol levels to go high ..even if i workout? i just cant resist fried egg.. i feel my breakfast is incomplete without it. i workout everyday... recently i have been told its very bad to eat eggs everyday and doctors recommend 3eggs/ week :O.. i am at a normal weight for my height right now and i cant possibly think of eating 3 eggs /week.. i mean where will i get my protein in from ? :p

    I eat a lot of eggs for dinner. Omelettes and what not. Everyone is different though. The only way to make sure eating fried eggs everyday is okay for your body is to get a cholesterol test.
  • Because I am a low Carber, I eat a lot of eggs.
    I have never had a problem with my health due to eating to many eggs.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Here's my own personal anecdote.\

    I eat three eggs almost every day for breakfast. My blood work is perfect, and my cholesterol level was (last time it was checked, which was last December) was well below the threshold, and is well below what it was when I wasn't eating that many eggs, but wasn't working out. I can't remember the actual number, but my doctor was very pleased with everything. So... For me, eating lots of eggs is no problem.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I ate 3 eggs per day for over a year and my cholesterol went down.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Eggs are great. For most people, dietary cholesterol has no effect on serum cholesterol. It's just a fear that is a carryover of the "don't eat x because it clogs your arteries" myth.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Eggs are a superfood. Eat up.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I just had my blood tested for my insurance and I was eating a lot of eggs and it did come up high. My doctor did tell me to use more whites and limit my yolks. So I have whites and then 2ish yolks a week.

    Your doctor must be one heck of a forensics expert to be able to narrow your cholesterol level down to one specific item in one specific aspect of your life, that's impressive. OR (and more likely) he is simply spouting decades old wives tales about cholesterol in eggs being bad for you.

    Eggs are fins, and recent studies have shown that dietary cholesterol has no appreciable effect on your LDL level. Eat up, and don't throw out the yolk, that's sacrilege.

  • kentwhale
    kentwhale Posts: 18 Member
    The thought of not eating the whole egg & throwing away the best bit - e.g. the yolk seems sacrilege to me, I say eat away - but if you are worried about fried eggs being a bit high on fat, you could always try poached in water or my favourite, scrambled. I eat about 4 or 5 a week & despite being v.overweight my cholesterol has always been fine.
  • abear007
    abear007 Posts: 84 Member
    You can eat 3 eggs a day and you'll be fine.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    You can eat 3 eggs a day and you'll be fine.

    what about 4 eggs a day?

    or 8 eggs a day?
  • CaraMae1
    CaraMae1 Posts: 7 Member
    I eat eggs everyday too! I can't live a day without them either. :) I have never noticed any negative health effect from eating eggs.
  • TiffieLand
    TiffieLand Posts: 159
    So I was an vegetarian for 2 years, I ate more than 2+ pretty much everyday so nothing happened. I was fine. A lot of foods could increase cholesterol level, not just eggs.
  • abear007
    abear007 Posts: 84 Member

    what about 4 eggs a day?

    or 8 eggs a day?
    I suspect you could eat more than you'd like or want but people are always free to experiment.
  • marinashakeel
    marinashakeel Posts: 263 Member
    thankyou guyssss!
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    It's not a problem! Eggs have healthy fats and very high on protein! That's why they fuel your body after workout and it's a great way to start your day.