Hi looking for a weight loss buddy

Hi, I'm recently unemployed after working at the same job for 14 years::sad: So I thought well since this part of my life is changing
I might as well make a another change and get myself healthy! I just got on the scale today and found out that I weight 198 :noway: !
I'm 5ft 4in and will be turning 55 next month and that not where I want to be at that age ( or any age! ). Since I have the time off I might as well take some me time. I just started today, I have a gym membership but haven't used it in months. I was always too tired when I got off work and since my husband works nights and sleeps during the day I have the time. I do have a couple problems 1st I'm going through menopause and 2nd I get bored with things rather quick or ya and I LOVE watching the food channel! Someone told me to find a weight loss buddy online to have so when things start getting tuff I can talk to, I'm willing to try if it will help me stay with this. I did weight watchers 9 years ago and lost 90lbs but at that time I had my daughter living at home and she was my support system but she's not living at home all the time now. So if there is anyone out there looking for a weight loss buddy let me know. I don't have a photo of myself so I used one of my cats.


  • Barro627
    Barro627 Posts: 15 Member
    Dear fellow traveler,
    In my experience the four cornerstones of success are :
    1. A strong desire or reason for change.
    2. A sustainable, common sense plan that we can believe in and work daily.
    3. Commitment that defies external circumstance and negative attitudes from others.
    4. Imagineering scenes and feelings of success; far more commanding than will power.

    I hope that you find this film as valuable as I have.
    It's a life changer...changed mine.

    No companies to join, no products to buy. Just incredible results
    based on wide-ranging research.

    Watch the video- Eat Fast and Live Longer by Dr Michael Mosley.

    I'm over 30lbs down and all vitals are back to normal.
    Remember, you can do anything for 24 hours.
    All the best,
  • heelstead
    heelstead Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, I just "rejoined" today and would love to have a weight loss buddy. I think maybe we have a fair amount in common,
    although I am a bit older than you. I am 67 (and people tell me I look 50!) and am a retired elementary teacher. I was working
    at another job part time but in May I had hip replacement surgery and had to quit so now I've got lots of time to take care of me.
    I weigh 186 and am 5'8" and am very bothered by my weight even though I am quite tall and can carry it pretty well. I am growing out of size 16 clothes! I have a husband who loves to cook, is a very good one, and loves to eat sweets and go out to restaurants all the time; that is a big problem for me. i get very tempted. I have done lots of diets and only successful once about 7 years ago
    when I did LA Weight Loss and lost 25 lbs. Over those years I have regained it. I would like to lose at least 20 lbs and stay
    below 168. My birthday is in mid September and I am setting my goal today to try to lose at east 12 lbs by then. It is so hard
    for me to stay on a weight loss program but I am going to keep having health problems if I don't take off these 20 lbs. Let me know
    if you think I might be an acceptable buddy for you. My name is Carole and I live in San Diego.
  • Hi Carole, my name is Rose I live in Michigan. I think it would be good to have someone to talk to closer to my age when I'm having issues with my diet. I worked teaching pre-k kids for 14 years I loved it, I had been thinking about a change in careers but got too comfortable where I was so with the place closing I now can take advantage of the time. I find with my husband being gone at night ( he's a truck driver) and sleeping all day I get bored and want to eat! I know I have things that I can do crafts, cleaning reading etc... it's just getting up to do them I have a issue with LOL. Sorry about going on and on, but yes I would like having you as my weight loss buddy.