For the longest time i've had a problem with peanut butter (not the real kind). Its the only thing in my household that is unhealthy and sugary so so i tend to eat waaaay too much of it lol. I know that there were some days where i sat down and ate out of the jar. I remember eating an entire mini jar once and feeling aweful about it later. I tried eleminating it out of my diet but it never worked out. I still continue to eat it everyday to this day, but recently i found a way to eat it without consuming so many calories.

As we all know peanut butter is a fat, therefore it is very calorie dense. When you eat it with things it is very thick. If you don't mind the consistancy changing, you can add milk to it to turn it into a dip for your veggies, apple slices or even toast. In my opinion it tastes much better because its smoother. Just take a couple tbsp of peanut butter and place it in a small bowl and add a more or less a tbsp of your choice of milk (I like almond milk the best. it's lower in calories plus i'm vegan). Place it in your microwave in 30 second intervals and wisk with a fork until it is an even consistancy (you could probably do this on the stove too). The finished product is in no way runny or stiff, it's like a paste so you can handle it with a butter knife for spreading. I used crunchy peanut butter for this and it worked great so smooth peanut butter is likely to be even better. Other nut butter may work as well

By doing this, i didn't have to take an extra tbsp of peanut butter, I actually had more than i needed. It didn't affect the flavour that much. Imagine eating a peanut butter sandwich with milk but better. ;)


  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    So in other words, you're saying dilute the peanut butter in water or milk for greater quantities but less calories without compromising the taste. PB2 is kinda like that but less fat! :)
  • dsoucy31
    dsoucy31 Posts: 17 Member
    i actually just nuke it for a few... It coat whatever your using it for a whole lot better so that you are not going for huge dips into the jar! I personally love it with sliced apples and bananas!
  • DecemberPsalm
    DecemberPsalm Posts: 97 Member
    I can't believe I never thought of that before...but then again I would eat gobs of it without exactly taking my weight into consideration...but anyway!

    I just got PB2 and use that ....just 45 calories. But I suppose your method would probably keep the true peanut butter flavor more than PB2 :)
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    Isn't peanut oil a healthy fat, though?
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    Isn't peanut oil a healthy fat, though?

    Regular peanut butter is full of added salt and sugar. Regular peanut butter has been messed with further to keep the oil from separating, going to the top of the jar.

    PB2 is a diet product with fewer calories per serving. It has added added sugar and salt and is a dried form of peanut butter with some of the fat removed.

    Natural peanut butter is a whole food and doesn't have salt or sugar added too it. Natural peanut butter's fat gets you full, and you are correct, it is a good fat. Eating food that keeps you full is a good thing.
  • 1FearlessFighter
    1FearlessFighter Posts: 114 Member
    i LOVE peanut butter , i have at least 2-3 tablespoons a day, i have had a lot of problems as i have had so many days where would binge on peanut butter and eat the whole jar , and so many times of re-introducing it back into my diet to see if i can control it again, and now i finally feel able to have the willpower to not go overboard. i have it every morning when i stir it into porridge. it also tastes incredible stirred into yoghurt and chop fruit on top.

    i now pretty much use peanut butter in everything , yesterday i felt like having brown rice and peanut butter so i thought , why not combine the two , and it tastes AMAZING!!!!!!!!

    i make my own nut butters , right now i have 2 jars full of coconut, almond and cashew butter .....mmmmmmm.......:love:
  • Firstly, fat is not the enemy, it will help you burn fat by consuming fat in the long run. It's the sugars you need to cut down on to avoid insulin spikes, which literally tell your body to store fat.
    Secondly, peanut butter isn't sugary, or it shouldn't be if you're buying half decent peanut butter. The small amount of palm oil that is in the good variety of peanut butter is a healthy fat anyway, and the tiny tiny amount of sea salt that they use is also essential in your diet to help you hold onto essential nutrients and electrolytes.
    Peanut butter is awesome, stop messing with it and buy better stuff. If you're buying crap and watering it down, it's still going to be watered down crap :)
  • 43mmmgoody21
    43mmmgoody21 Posts: 146 Member

    Regular peanut butter is full of added salt and sugar.

    Peanut butter is not full of sugar-- the stuff i buy (Kraft) has 80 calories a TBSP of which 9 calories are sugar (hardly a lot).
  • 43mmmgoody21
    43mmmgoody21 Posts: 146 Member
    i LOVE peanut butter , i have at least 2-3 tablespoons a day, i have had a lot of problems as i have had so many days where would binge on peanut butter and eat the whole jar , and so many times of re-introducing it back into my diet to see if i can control it again, and now i finally feel able to have the willpower to not go overboard. i have it every morning when i stir it into porridge. it also tastes incredible stirred into yoghurt and chop fruit on top.

    i now pretty much use peanut butter in everything , yesterday i felt like having brown rice and peanut butter so i thought , why not combine the two , and it tastes AMAZING!!!!!!!!

    i make my own nut butters , right now i have 2 jars full of coconut, almond and cashew butter .....mmmmmmm.......:love:

    Never tried it on rice (will have to try)-- tastes awesome on potatoes too!
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    The only peanut butter I buy is 100% peanuts with zero additives. Why would I mess with perfection? :smile:
  • OhhNiff
    OhhNiff Posts: 1,397 Member
    The only peanut butter I buy is 100% peanuts with zero additives. Why would I mess with perfection? :smile:

    He's got a point.
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    I'm reading the ingredients on my peanut butter jar... Peanuts, contains 1% or less of salt. It is indeed a perfection :happy: Eating it as is, I regret nothing.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    I've never had an issue eating straight up peanut butter, but I do prefer mine creamy so this may be a great way to make something awesome even better for me :D

    Thanks for sharing, great idea!!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Ahh, interesting. I might try this. I do something similar with mayo - thinning it out with lemon juice to put on salads. Yes, natural peanut butter is healthy fat and really good for you, but tricks like this can help you with the "everything in moderation" thing by allowing you to have a satisfying amount, but still save a few calories when you can't make the same volume of the undiluted food fit in otherwise. Mayo is something I have trouble eating in moderation - just a little bit does absolutely nothing for me. Diluting it with lemon juice has been a really helpful strategy for me. :)
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    Love this idea, especially since I most often eat peanut butter on pancakes and the thinner consistency would help it spread (or drizzle) without tearing up the pancakes.
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    You can always make your own PB, peanuts + a blender. No added nasties! Easy to make your own cashew butter or almond butter than way too - and you could still thin it down with almond milk as you made it if you want.

    Do wish PB2 was easily available over here so I could try it though, it sounds interesting!
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Just tried this--BRILLIANT!!! Loved it with some apple slices, normally I would eat a little extra.

  • derilenea
    derilenea Posts: 1
    If you love peanut butter, check out ifood.real.com for some scrumptious recipes that have peanut butter in them without the sugar :-)
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    I can eat a jar of peanut butter off a spoon, too. Lately, I've found that buying in-the-shell peanuts makes me eat and chew each peanut, one at a time, and I sate my peanut butter cravings.

    Oh, and I've found using half real mayo with half fat-free yogurt keeps the mayo flavor while cutting the numbers down for things like cole slaw, etc.