Goal to Gain, not Lose?

Is there anyone else here who has a goal to gain weight, not lose it? I have a feeling I might be alone in this...


  • JustForMe27
    I'm pretty sure you are not! I don't happen to be one of those blessed to already be thin lol but I have seen some posts from others that are trying to gain... And even if you can't find anyone you are still not alone :) we are all on here for a reason.
  • mariaaa2010
    well, if this helps any, my friend is trying to gain/maintain her weight because she leaves for army boot camp next month! I Told her to eat a lot of pasta ...
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    yah there is not me im gonna try to put on muscle after i lose more weight gotta get rid of some bodyfat first but i think theres a guy on here yailift or something like that
  • monyango
    monyango Posts: 166
    I just started using this site with the sole purpose of maintaining my weight. I wouldn't even mind gaining a few pounds. I just don't want to lose any. It seems odd but it can be just as hard to gain weight as it is to lose it! So best of luck to you in your goal.