bjm223 Posts: 36 Member
I would like to try it but has anyone else? Any before and after pictures? Thank you :)



  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    I've tried weight watchers before and it's basically calorie counting except they give everything pro-points based on the nutritional values.

    So yeah it will work if you stick to it.

    Although do be careful as I remember logging a couple of days based on my points allowance and it was pretty low calories (around 1100 if I remember rightly!) so if you do exercise, make sure you definitely eat the activity points you get from that.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Its a calorie controlled diet so if you stick to you goal and track your food accurately then you will lose weight.

    Or, you could save your money and use MFP for free :wink:
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    I've done versions of weight watchers in the past and I like the way WW educates you towards portion control, healthy alternatives and healthier methods of cooking, but the problem I have is 'points' . You stop going and the real world isn't point orientated. Also costly. I'd stick to calorie counting myself...and MFP and it's community is free!
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    the only other time i have done well was on weight watchers. there are good and bad things about the point system. but it can definitely work. i chose them because after a college nutrition class i researched and they were the healthiest and matched what i learned in class perfectly.

    however, they didnt have this site then... it is pretty much the same concept here and here is free. this site is also built better. the weight watchers site is clunky, everything takes at least two more clicks than it should. also ever since they stopped using calories in their formula it isnt as easy to estimate when you arent at a place you can track. i had to spend a LONG time scanning things at the grocery store to find out how many points something was. when they used calories i could pretty much tell by sight of a label.

    there is a small community but not nearly as active or easy to follow as here, and here people interact with you. i blogged and chatted in the forums and nobody ever talked back...

    i started on weight watchers this time but felt like i was alone in it all. spending more money than i needed to, and having a really hard time tracking. once i found this site it took me 20 minutes to drop ww and switch.

    weight watchers... is a corporation. and everything they do is designed to make you dependent on them so you spend money with them.

    really the concepts are so similar i dont know why you would need to use a paid program to get the same thing you get here.

    and really their website is bad. its like they are stuck in the late 90's and never updated as technology improved.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I would like to try it but has anyone else? Any before and after pictures? Thank you :)


    Simple start is two weeks of no counting.
    Generally, the foods are whole foods and there is a list to follow.
  • Grouse1965
    Hi I am on weight watchers pro points and in five weeks have lost one pound I exercise but don't use the points from exercise so reading posts above this could be why I am so upset I actually cried this morning when my weight increased cos I have worked out 21 times last week not cheated at all save your money. Not worth it I am online user . I am new to this site today how many calories do you log for an exercise DVD and do you really get to eat all the extra calories you exercise as my bike registers at least 1400 a day!
    Any help or advice welcomed
  • Grouse1965
    Hi I posted after reading what you had written as I am new today could you take time to read the post I would welcome your advice
  • epadmeister
    epadmeister Posts: 102 Member
    Any kind of calorie counting works as long as you are creating a deficit :) How accurate and honest you are with tracking your calorie intake is how well it will "work": it's not magic I'm afraid!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Hi I am on weight watchers pro points and in five weeks have lost one pound I exercise but don't use the points from exercise so reading posts above this could be why I am so upset I actually cried this morning when my weight increased cos I have worked out 21 times last week not cheated at all save your money. Not worth it I am online user . I am new to this site today how many calories do you log for an exercise DVD and do you really get to eat all the extra calories you exercise as my bike registers at least 1400 a day!
    Any help or advice welcomed

    How far are you cycling? Unless you are doing about 3 to 4 hours on the bike, it is unlikely you are truly burning 1400 cals. Machines often give highly over-inflated estimates of calorie burns.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    Hi I am on weight watchers pro points and in five weeks have lost one pound I exercise but don't use the points from exercise so reading posts above this could be why I am so upset I actually cried this morning when my weight increased cos I have worked out 21 times last week not cheated at all save your money. Not worth it I am online user . I am new to this site today how many calories do you log for an exercise DVD and do you really get to eat all the extra calories you exercise as my bike registers at least 1400 a day!
    Any help or advice welcomed

    if you exersized 21 times in a week you could be rebuilding muscle which is heavier than fat. however, at the beginning of a weight watchers plan you should normally see more loss than that and i would make sure you are logging the correct portions (weigh them and count them out) weight loss is slow on healthy plans though. a pound or two a week, and if you arent extremely overweight you may start out slower.

    you really dont need to exersize 21 times a week though. in fact, if you dont give your body a break you will regret it. i find that i actually weigh lower after i take my 2 recovery days than i do on workout days. 3-5 days a week. 45 minutes to an hour is a good amount. eersize isnt what will make you lose weight anyway. what it does is tones your body and keeps it healthy while you do it. and allows you to eat more calories.

    on weight watchers they suggest you eat your exersize points and flex points. and in my experience i had better results when i did than when i didnt.
  • Grouse1965
    Hi yes I am doing three hours a day
  • lynnymcc
    lynnymcc Posts: 89
    I am currently doing W.W and enjoying it. I HATED the simple start tho...I HATED the planning...with Simple Start you are given lists of foods and you can eat any of them, not weigh them, etc...for me, it was too much planning...I lasted a day then switched to the Points Plus plan, where you count every food as a "point" system. I think whatever you choose, being honest, logging everything will be key...regardless of doing W.W or MFP, etc. I do however, like attending the meetings for the support/accountability. MFP is VERY supportive too...infact, MFP has way more in their database than W.W (one con I find on the W.W site). Good luck with whatever you choose
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    No need to waste money when this site is free.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Hi yes I am doing three hours a day

    3 hrs of cardio per day is really not necessary. You would see much better results in terms of fat loss if you decreased your time spent on cardio and added some strength training.

    This thread is great inspo for the great things weight lifting can do:
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