Emotional eating

So finding a family/friends has helping me in a way cure emotional eating.

Is there anyone else who has been struggle with this horrible eating pattern?


  • NinaSharp
    NinaSharp Posts: 101 Member
    Yep! Any time I would visit my family, I would stuff my face even if I wasn't hungry. It took a long time for me to understand it, but once I realized I felt certain ways around them, I was able to re-access. Now I ask myself "Are you hungry? Do you actually want this?" Sometimes I'll even try to eat before I get there, that way, I'm not picking horrible foods.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I used to be a serious emotional eater but not anymore. I have decided to stop it and I did and no looking back for me. There will always be something in your life to stress you out, make you mad, or tick you off but you can't allow it to ruin your weight loss plans. Now, when I feel like that, I grab my walking shoes, music, water bottle, and talk a walk outside or on my treadmill.
  • heidianne92907
    heidianne92907 Posts: 5 Member
    I have always had issues with emotional eating. I can't get away from it. A lot of it stems from a violent past and it has transferred to my present. I just have to try and find a new healthy addiction besides food.
  • PeanutButterByTheSpoon
    Yes! But I am getting over it! here are some of my tips!
    1 ask your self if you are really hungry? Is your stomach growling?are you shaky?Are you concentraiting fine? Do ou feel psychicaly iratible?Do you feel empty or sick? If these apply to you than you are hungry. If not its just emotional, Do these things to avoid emtional eating
    1 Read a book or draw
    2 Call or text a friend or family member,
    3 Go on MFP
    4Do any chores that need to be done
    5Dance or Listen to music
    6 Work Out
    7 Write in a jurnal
    8 Play with your pet/Kids if you have any
    9 play a game with someone
    10 Make out with your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse
    KIZGNARR Posts: 28 Member
    I have also struggled a lifetime with emotional eating and have recently joined a weight-loss support group, lead by a psychologist that has really helped. We have discussed psychological trauma and how it affects each person differently... how some people cope better than others, etc.... and that often times we develop a "learned helplessness" in that "it is useless to try" or "things will happen and we can't change them"... thankfully we all know differently! :) Basically eating has been a coping mechanism that has literally made me "feel" better for a brief period of time, and therefore changes your emotional state. Changing your eating style has been likened to learning a new language. You have to learn the difference between emotional response=happens suddenly and intensely (is often a specific craving) and hunger response=comes on gradually and you can easily put it off or ignore it. Recognizing emotion vs. hunger responses is KEY to starting to deal with the emotional side... I suppose the bottom line is identifying your issues or past trauma that causes the emotional eating response, then learning WHY you have that response and deal with the issue, not just soothe it with food. You MUST create your own plan in order to be successful in overcoming this problem! Good luck! You can do it :)
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    feel your pain..

    for the last two weeks after getting around my goal weight I have be came lazy.

    first thing I do after finishing my dinner is go looking for chocolate. not hungry just because I went with out for so long.