Anyone know to healthily reduce sugar cravings?

I'm genuinely addicted to sugar and have no idea how to reduce my intake. I even wake up in the middle of the night and have to have some form of sugar in order to sleep again. I've tried to cut out sugar myself but get pounding headaches and feel really lethargic. I'm positive it's a huge part of the reason I'm struggling to lose weight. Any help or advice would be great


  • easto_79
    easto_79 Posts: 102 Member
    The only thing that has worked for me is to give up all carbs completely, after the 2nd day I have no more cravings, but for me evening oatmeal in the morning throws be completely off and staying away from sugar is basically impossible through out the day.

    Good luck
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    I found that a Zinc supplement helps.
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    You don't need to give up carbs. I am a sugar addict and I gave up refined sugar. It was hard for a week. After that, I don't crave sugar. I don't really want it. I have the choice, and I really don't want it anymore.

    I knew I had to give up sugar to do this program, but I didn't think I would be over sugar so fast. I'm only 2 weeks into the program. I truly don't crave sugar anymore. And believe me, I was an addict.

    I didn't have to give up carbs at all. In fact, I'm a new vegan and I eat a lot of carbs because I'm a vegan. I eat lots of fruit, bread, grains, etc. They don't cause cravings. And I watch out for added sugar in foods. I buy natural peanut butter for example. I check labels on pasta sauces. I have to be careful. Sugar is added to a ton of processed food.

    Having delicious fresh fruit and some unsugared dried fruit does the trick for me. I will have a 1/4 cup of raisins, or some watermelon, pineapple, what ever good fruit I have. This really works. You have to have something,when you crave sugar, and you need to substitute real food for it, and that food is fruit.

    Be careful about the calories, but medjool dates are like candy. Just limit yourself. three of them have 120 calories. Oops!
  • myamaria84
    Thanks, I've never thought about giving up carbs, what did you replace them with? I forgot to add I'm a vegetarian so meat and fish as substitutes aren't an option for me.
  • paulzli
    paulzli Posts: 72 Member
    You don't have to give up carbs per se, just replace them with high nutrient equivalents. Eg while whole wheat bread is better than white bread, why not go for sprouted whole grain bread? You'll feel full longer and won't get that blood sugar rush that comes with eating processed carbs. Also, starchy vegetables like pumpkin, corn, squash (esp butternut) are great high nutrient alternatives. You will want to limit these, but if cooked properly, can help get rid of cravings. Even white/yellow corn can be extremely sweet and its usually on sale in large quantities during the summer. You can obviously forgo the butter/margarine/I can't believe... or use a very small amount if necessary, again with moderation being key. The point is, just try to stay away from the processed carbs. Though a decadednt piece of cake or a brownie never hurt anyone.

    One last point, its weird, but for me at least, if I don't think about eating these certain foods and only consider it during parties or get togethers, I tend to forget about them. I don't go looking for them or even think about them at all. I'm just really focused on enjoying my meal---enjoying that garlic and rosemary roasted pumpkin or succotash.