Anyone in their 20's??



  • schember_rex
    schember_rex Posts: 145 Member
    Im 25 and am looking to lose the last 20 lbs to reach my goal. I have an active job but for the past 8 years have been on so many different medications for Crohn's disease that it has made working out tough until about a year ago when I finally got healthy. The toughest for me has been motivation to keep working out even when drained from my job. Good luck. Feel free to add
  • shaunadawn94
    shaunadawn94 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi i am Shauna, i am 20 years old and look to loose about 30 LBS. the same weight i was when i first met my boyfriend three years ago! I had a desk job for two years, and i recently got promoted to be in the back shop where i do lots of walking!
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    26/ Office all day long.
  • anashid6
    anashid6 Posts: 2
    23, sit behind a desk all day too. :/ I've been trying to lose these 10lbs for a while now. Feel free to add!
  • LynseyAnna
    LynseyAnna Posts: 7 Member
    25-have had a desk job since I was 18...
    Looking to lose about 40-45 lbs for now. :)
  • ellasarahm
    ellasarahm Posts: 2 Member
    21. Not a desk job, I work with the elderly and in food services so I am on my feet a lot.
    I have a 2 year old daughter and my body hasn't gone back to the way it used to be.
    Working on losing 10-15 pounds and toning/tightening my muscles.
    I'm 135 and 5'3
    Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • paulzli
    paulzli Posts: 72 Member
    Freshly turned 19 this July. Stuck behind a desk at an internship, but I still find time to walk a good 3 miles every day. I'm 5' 9'' and weigh 233, though my starting weight was 253. My GW is a nice even 150 though.
  • dazy26
    dazy26 Posts: 18 Member
    26! Went from walking around every day at my server job for 5 years to sitting at a desk. I started losing weight (18lbs so far!) by walking at lunch every day. I also do Herbalife most of the time, but just eating right will help (Herbalife just helps me be lazy because I hate preparing breakfast and lunch). I walk at lunch (45-55 mins) and then walk again when i get home. Either to an episode of Breaking Bad at the gym or just around the neighborhood.
  • helimonster77
    helimonster77 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 28. I have a job that is a desk job most of the time, but then when certain times of the year come around for our business, I am then on my feet for 18-20 hours a day. I am currently in the slow, desk-job time of year. I really understand the struggle. I have been wanting to lose this weight since graduating college 6 years ago and becoming less active. Using MFP has really helped me get back on track, and I am halfway to my goal! Biking on a trail near my house regularly has also really helped.
  • danielle_brittany
    danielle_brittany Posts: 1 Member
    26. Just had my third (and last!) child in February. Struggled a lot with my weight since I had my first. Managed to lose 30lbs last spring and then got pregnant again. Time to lose the baby weight once and for all! Looking to lose about 60lbs, but I'm happy with just about anything as long as the number on the scale goes down haha