No one ever believes me but .....

MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I find that the earlier I eat breakfast, the hungrier, no more starving, I am througout the day.

For years I have tested this out, and whenever I have gained weight or regained weight, its because I eat breakfast (and a good one) early and for the day I am outright famished and will get migraines if I ignore my starvation or try things like drinking extra water, gum, distraction, etc.

I have coffee when I get up (between 430-7 on any given day), and then wont let myself have breakfast until at least 9 or 10. The only exception is if I am going to church or the gym and need to eat because I wont be able to eat later. Most mornings that we go to 830 service I eat about 730, and I have a "food migraine" by the time we are home at 1100 even if I have a little snack (nuts, cheese stick, protein shake/bar) between service and Sunday school.

People nag me to no end that I am wrong, and that I need to eat breakfast as soon as I get up, or my metabolism will be slow, no fuel, etc. No one believes me that to fuel my body without it being in a raging state of hunger, I need to wait a few hours to eat, then I am able to control hunger between 3 meals and 2 small snacks.

Has anyone heard of this, or noticed this pattern themself?


  • mollyt37
    mollyt37 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I did some research on this and you are suppose to eat within an hour of waking. If you work out you should have a snack and then eat breakfast after the workout. It was hard for me to get use to eating in the mornings but it sure has helped with my weight loss! I wish I had an answer for you but I don't! Sorry!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I've been told the same thing about eating breakfast to get my metabolism going. I used to only drink a cup of coffee for breakfast and enjoy a big lunch. Since I've started eating a healthy breakfast, I have more energy throughout the day and I actually feel better.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    YES! It is true for me, but I have fortunately learned that it is not a bad thing. EAT breakfast, but make it a good one - some protein included. THen plan a healthy snack 2 hours later; lunch 2 hours later, another snack, 2 hours later, then dinner 2 hours later. If you will make your day into 5-6 meals, you won't be getting hungry. You just have to plan ahead for your day. Meals don't necessarily have to be as large as we have been brought up to think they should be. Multiple mini meals certainly do the trick for me.
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    Yes, me too. I try to eat my breakfast as late as possible before I leave the house because if I eat it earlier I am REALLY hungry all day long. It is strange but it is true :)
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    Makes sense to me that you get hungry, sure. You are breaking fast and kickstarting you metabolism. I would think you should still be able to work in healthy snacks when you get hungry again and stay in your target range. There's nothing special about mealtimes. Eat when you're hungry. A few carrots, an apple, etc.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I am a lil confused however, I do believe that you need to get yourself on an eating pattern. Try eating breakfast the same time everyday. It could be what you are eatin for breakfast that makes you hungry later on or whatever... Like I said, I am a lil confused. Are you eatin a breakfast that contains fruits such as a banana which will help you stay full longer? Coffee can sometimes be the cause of alot of headaches. If you get hungry 2 hours after you eat your breakfast then eat a snack high in protein. People are freak out if they ate breakfast @ 6am and are hungry @ 7:30am but don't want to eat their snack until 9am because they are afraid of some mental state of mind. Just eat something if you get hungry. You don't have to have a full coarse meal. But if you get hungry your body is tellin you something. And you may be lackin something as well. Are you gettin enough vitamins? Are you eatin enough protein? Sounds like you eat different times every morning and that can cause a "food migrane"
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I think the reason you are getting those hunger pangs is the breakfast is working. It is supposed to rev up your metabolism. If you eat at 7:30 you should be getting hungry around 10:30 and you shouldn't be ignoring it. The headaches could be due to dehydration or stress because you are trying not to eat and you are hungry. I don't know how long you expect your breakfast to last, but you should be eating about every 3 hrs. If your metabolism is running good you should feel hungry then too. Make sure you are getting enough water in the AM. Coffee is a diuretic (I think I spelled that right) you don't want to get dehydrated.

    Good luck.
  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member
    I am usually up at 4:30 and head out to the gym or for a run. I have a cup of coffee before I leave. I eat breakfast when I get to work around 7:30 0r 8. I can not run with any food in my stomach or I get really bad cramps.
    There is always conflicting reports on what time you need to eat by or what to eat and how much to eat. Key is everything in moderation and what works for you!

    Note: I am a strong believer of eating 5/6 times a day so that your body never goes into starvation mode.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    I'm the same way. My normal eating pattern was allowing me to not even feel a pang of hunger until 1:00pm each day. My metabolism had slowed down that much and is why I am where I am today. I just joined MFP last night, but have been trying to eat better for the last 10 weeks. I notice when I eat breakfast before work, I am STARVING by 10am.
    I have overcome this a little by eating breakfast at work. I'm up by 6:30 am, going crazy getting kids ready, I'm at work by 8am, and eat some oatmeal/cereal at my desk at about 8:30ish....sometimes 9, depending how busy I am. I drink water like crazy and have an apple or something small in between breakfast and lunch...keeps your metabolism going! Hope this helps!!
  • lisabernard
    lisabernard Posts: 59 Member
    I am not a breakfast eater. If I really want breakfast foods, I want French toast, bacon, sausage etc.... all the fattening stuff! I used to drink just coffee til around 11am. But, when i started drinking an Herbalife shake with extra protein powder in it in the morning, I find myself less hungry all day long. Works for me....
  • manleyzoo
    manleyzoo Posts: 113 Member
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    Do you have any protein in your breakfast? I tend to get hungry, quicker, when I don't have protein in the morning. This was suggested to me years ago, and I really do find it helps!

    If you do include protein in your breakfast, than I'm kinda at a loss.
  • YES. I have noticed the same pattern as well. The bigger the breakfast and the sooner I eat it, the more I tend to eat all day. It's a balance though, because if I wait too long (as you note), I then become overly hungry.

    I try to listen to my body and what usually makes it happy is to settle in with some tea for the first hour that I'm up to give my body some time to adjust to being awake. I usually have a small breakfast an hour later. This works for me. Also, the blander the breakfast (oatmeal, multi-grain cereal like Nature's Path), the less I crave sweets throughout the day. I don't even like sweets for b'fast.

    I think the key to this whole process is learning to listen to your body and what makes it tick. it's not about being right or wrong or perfect. It's about knowing what makes your body have energy and what drags it down. And then choosing to be kind to it.
  • motherhippo
    motherhippo Posts: 33 Member
    I have noticed this as well. When I eat in the morning, I get hungrier during the day. When I don't eat in the morning I have less desire to eat. It's like a switch gets turned on. I think if you are waiting a couple hours, that's not a problem since you are eating in the morning. At the end of the day, you have to listen to your own body and trust that that is what will work. Every body is different and needs different things, but it sounds like you are doing it the right way for you and in a healthy way at that.:happy:
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    Maybe try experimenting with different foods as well. A filling breakfast I like is oatmeal with peanut butter or almond butter and maybe a banana added to it. If you're going to eat carbs, make sure they are whole grains. Sorry to say I looked at your food diary and any variety of chex are not WHOLE grains. Those types of foods burn quickly and leave you feeling hungrier sooner. Maybe even try some yogurt smoothies made with greek yogurt for high protein.
  • i totally understand! no matter what i eat for breakfast...eggs, cereal, fruit...i am hungry the rest of the day! if i only drink ice water and coffee until around 9am-10am and then eat 6 small meals the rest of the day, i'm not hungry and i lose weight. good luck! :)
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