Looking For Morning Shake recipes

orlandosgoddess21 Posts: 72 Member
Hello everyone! I am back today with a fire lit under me. I joined the gym a month ago and have been going to either a class or doing the couch 2 5k app every other day most weeks. I am up 6 pounds :(. I know muscle weighs more than fat but in 23 days my brother is getting married and I need to fit into my bridesmaid dress. I know that my biggest problem is snacks and alcohol right now and the fact that I'm not running around as much as I'm use to. So this is more of an emergency situation right now. So I am thinking of breakfast shake, if not for breakfast and lunch. I am also planning on snack in between with veggies and fruits. SO what I am asking for is shake recipes that are not those companies that you have to order from, just things I can get at the grocery store. Can anyone help me?


  • ADScott13
    ADScott13 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm currently trying Herbalife. You can add skim, almond, or soy milk as well as fruit, peanut butter, oatmeal, etc.

    Good luck!
  • betrishy
    betrishy Posts: 52 Member
    My morning shake:
    Pure Protein (Whey Protein) - Vanilla Cream, 1 scoop
    Silk - Light Almond Milk, Vanilla, 1 cup
    Vip - Frozen Blueberries, 35 g
    Banana - (Small), 6 - 6.9 inches
    1/4 cup water
    handful of ice cubes, put it in the blender until smooth

    325 calories
  • spinneyhex
    spinneyhex Posts: 54 Member
    Handful Frozen berries
    1 small banana
    1tbsp peanut butter( I use meridian whole organic)
    1tsp Chia seeds
    200ml coconut wAter
    1/2 scoop of whey protein powder