So i dont have any Goal dates....should i ?

I see a lot of people have current weight, goal weigh : (as exmaple) 145 by jan 15th, or whatever...I dont have any dates set...I am afraid that if i set these I will just be dissapointing myself if i dont meet them! Do you think it's important to have actual dates to look at? or can i just say my short term goal is 23 lbs, and long term goal is 33?

Just looking for some feedback & opinions :)


  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    I was just thinking about that this morning. I don't want to set "date" goals either. You can't force weight loss to happen any faster than your body lets it happen. So, if I don't set a date for something I won't be disappointed, then discouraged, because it didn't happen.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I agree, I'm not worried so much about the dates as I am the loss. As longs as the scale keeps dropping I don't really care how long it takes.
  • butterflyfaerie
    butterflyfaerie Posts: 94 Member
    I find they help to keep me focused. Even though I know what weight I want to get down to, if I don't set myself a goal, I won't stick to my diet. I'll overeat thinking I can make up for it, and that an "off week" is okay. But each to their own :)
  • lisarazz79
    I always wondered how to put in the goals!!
  • tiffsNEWlife
    I don't have date goals either. I do have goals.... but its short term 20lbs long term 30 pounds. But, it's going to take my body and mind time to meet those goals and how ever long it takes to get there I'm going to keep moving. I don't want to set dates because I'm afraid if I do that if I don't meet them by that date I'm just going to be dissapointed and want to give up. I'm just here to do my best and be held accountable for what I'm eating, and I need all the support I can get to get to my goals.
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    health is a lifetime endeavor. therefore, no date is good enough... BUT you should set small goals that are measurable... like weight lost (in small increments) or sizes... or inches. i prefer weight... so i set a goal to lose 5 lbs. when that's done... celebrate and set a new goal.

    if you are taking way too long... like more than a month or so to do this, you may need to re-evaluate what you are eating.
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    I am a competition, goal meeting freak! For me, setting goals and meeting those goals is a mental thing in my head and I will do anything to beat the to speak! However, I can't just pick an empty meaningless goal date and shoot for it. I have to pick a date that means something huge to me, like a friends wedding coming up or someone special coming to town, or a high school reunion. Then my date is packed full of meaning and I try like a maniac to meet that goal. Works very well for me, but remember we are not all wired the same and you have to do what is right for you.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I actually think having attainable mini goal dates are good for you. Its like a finish line in smaller races leading up to the big one. Its there to keep you push you.

    Now if you see it as a negative if you don't obtain that weight loss by that exact date..its like you're telling yourself that all the hard work, diligence and pounds lost up to then wasn't worth it because your didn't lose 30 lbs by day such & such. That can be a type of mental sabotage. Always try to find the silver lining in this lifestyle change because we can be our own worst enemy. We will tell ourselves that we can't do it. Its unattainable. If we do obtain it we can't maintain it.

    Keep Positive. Rule that mind! ;0)
  • CelesteENelson
    CelesteENelson Posts: 89 Member
    I have to say that a goal is better (for me) If I dont have a timeline to look at and something to strive for then I may not push myself as hard. Ill be lax and lazier than I should be. Even if it is to lose 2 lbs by the end of this week or whatever the case may be. Even use special events. Anything to give you something to strive for. Otherwise excuses tend to be prominent and with that you have to remind yourself if you dont reach goal that any weight loss is better than weight gain... even staying the same weight (after youve lost some) is better than gaining, no question about it. But again thats is just for me. Seeing the show "I used to be fat" made a big difference in my thought process. Seeing those people lose 90-100 lbs in 90-110 days inspires me no question about it. I hope you find this information helpful. Please, feel free to message me and tell me what weight you've lost. I enjoy celebrating it. Now, I am off to get changed and run to the gym to burn of this extra lb I gained due to my monthly cycle showing up and burn off extra calories for today. Just one day at a time is all we can do keep our heads high and know that there are people out there that support us in our en-devours.
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    I dont know if it's foolish or not, but I know my short term is 20 long term (and maintain is 30) and i my "goals" so to speak are those 2lbs each week i shoot for according to MFP standards...Thats kind of what i have been celebrating....(well i actually just weighed in for the first time today, lost 2.5 lbs) WOHOO!!!!

    Thanks for the feedback all! :)
  • JeanMargaret
    In my opinion, this is really something you need to decide for yourself. For some, it's beneficial to have goal dates. For others, it's a hindrance. I know this doesn't help you, at all; but I do hope that you're able to determine what it is that YOU really want from this journey. I wish you much success!!!!


  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Everyone is different! If you are like me and will completely freak out on youself if you miss a goal date then set them in a way you can work with. Id live to be in a size 14 dress by ny birthday and I think I can but if I put that in my goals and didn't make it I'd ruin my own birthday, so my goal is to look good in w birthday dress, even my ultimate goal weight is not only undated, the scale number is to be determined, I really don't know my healthy weight. I've been 130 before, but I was very unhealthy with no muscle. Anwwy I think you should set goals that work for your personality.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm just taking the approach of "It'll happen when it happens." I'm more concerned with my fitness level than my actual weight. I just want to be strong and healthy.