So I decided it was cheat day,in the middle of the night.

If you'd take a look at my diary (FOR TODAY),I actually decided it's gonna be a cheat day for me when I start off with snacking on almonds at 12am.Which then proceeded to snacking on peanut bars,I had like 4 sticks about 2 inches each.And then,I had some nut cake which my mom made.I have been under eating lately and my last cheat day was like....ages ago.So I thought to myself,why not give it a go this time,since I was kinda craving for these in the midst of studying for exams.Also,I've heard that cheat days are good for the metabolism? Anyway I don't regret but my only concern is that,for the days to come,if I go back to my usual calorie intake,will the weight I gain today go off?


  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    i usually weigh less after about a week from a cheat day. That's if i went out to eat. If you didnt go out to eat there probably wont be much of a gain and that will come off after a few days =D
  • summer92008
    summer92008 Posts: 202
    You'll be fine! They said it is good to have a cheat day once every week or two weeks. I had my first one two weeks in to dieting. They say it is good for you because it keeps your body from getting used to your eating habits. If your body is used to lower calories, it doesn't have to work as much to burn them. But when you have a cheat day and eat more, it kind of "shocks" your metabolism into burning faster. That's what I've heard, at least. One cheat day ever so often will not hurt you at all. Enjoy it. It keeps you from binging a lot more often and keeps you on track during your lower calorie days because you have a cheat day to look forward to.
  • gcdn
    gcdn Posts: 42
    i usually weigh less after about a week from a cheat day. That's if i went out to eat. If you didnt go out to eat there probably wont be much of a gain and that will come off after a few days =D

    Ohh absolutely no.I don't eat out :P Apparently my cheat "meal" were like the healthier alternative snack but I gobbled them down like they were chips.Still,I'm pretty sure I've gotten some nutrients there and not empty calories like burgers,fries etc
  • zenhiker2014
    zenhiker2014 Posts: 84 Member
    Your "cheat" does sound pretty healthy, but I just wanted to say fast food is not completely empty calories. I had breakfast at McDonald's this morning and while the amount of sodium and fat I consumed is not something I want to do very often, I also got triple the protein I would have with my normal bowl of oatmeal. Now I just have to be careful the rest of today to balance things out!
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Your fine. Just average a bit of the excess over the next seven days ... basically one less candy bar a day to get under your net weekly goal. And if you're still a little over, no biggie. It's not like you're going to quit this Sunday are you? Nope. Didn't think so.
  • Smccabe8
    Smccabe8 Posts: 129 Member
    I have been under eating lately and my last cheat day was like....ages ago.

    Is your diary for the last week accurate? Because you're eating between 365-700 cals a day and that sounds very much like an eating disorder. Your body cannot survive on that little of calories.
  • Birder155
    Birder155 Posts: 223 Member
    Why are you under eating lately? Your calorie level is way too low. Your "cheat" day doesn't even begin to make up for the calories you've been under eating by.
  • RushBabe_214
    RushBabe_214 Posts: 115
    Why are you under eating lately? Your calorie level is way too low. Your "cheat" day doesn't even begin to make up for the calories you've been under eating by.

    ^ This. :(
  • gcdn
    gcdn Posts: 42
    I have been under eating lately and my last cheat day was like....ages ago.

    Is your diary for the last week accurate? Because you're eating between 365-700 cals a day and that sounds very much like an eating disorder. Your body cannot survive on that little of calories.

    Yes it is.Yeah I know,which is why I decided on this cheat midnight snack.And honestly,I kinda feel nauseous now,not because I'm overly stuffed,but maybe because I ate too much of nuts.Its prolly also a bad timing considering I have to sleep now and I can't :(
  • gcdn
    gcdn Posts: 42
    Why are you under eating lately? Your calorie level is way too low. Your "cheat" day doesn't even begin to make up for the calories you've been under eating by.

    ^ This. :(

    I think I'll most prolly go back to eating around 700cal tmr since I'm going back to college tomorrow for about a week or so.
  • Smccabe8
    Smccabe8 Posts: 129 Member
  • kbeloved
    kbeloved Posts: 67 Member
    Why are you under eating lately? Your calorie level is way too low. Your "cheat" day doesn't even begin to make up for the calories you've been under eating by.

    ^ This. :(

    I think I'll most prolly go back to eating around 700cal tmr since I'm going back to college tomorrow for about a week or so.
    you need to net AT LEAST 1200 calories at day.
    if you consistently do not please leave the forums to get some help with your eating disorder or msg me.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Why are you under eating lately? Your calorie level is way too low. Your "cheat" day doesn't even begin to make up for the calories you've been under eating by.

    I agree...typically when you're STARVING in the middle of the night it is because your body needs extra food! You're a young girl, EAT!
  • Dean649
    Dean649 Posts: 39 Member
    I do not know how you guys do cheat days, I can not do it. If I do a cheat, it is like busting open a dam. The cravings get stronger if I cheat, not satisfied. Back when I was fit. I cut out all goodies, all sweets and junk food, it was like quitting smoking. At first it was hard, but then after a couple months, you could stick a pizza or cake in my face and I did not have the slightest craving or want for it. Nothing. I think like with other addictions, you can abstain long enough that you end up not wanting it at all, as long as you do not slip and eat something you should not, that can cause a relapse. But you can get past the point where you get those cravings. Getting to that point however.... Ya, that is a matter of who is stronger, your will or your craving.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    That wasn't a cheat day.

    That was the OPs poor body forcing a binge so it could survive.

    See the body is smart, even when we are treating it like garbage.

    It really doesn't want to lose heart tissue or brain function, so it kicks in with the hunger hormones.

    Please recognise that you are probably in eating disorder territory OP.

    We can't help you here, you need professional help.
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    Your diary entry for the cake snacks just list calories, and you have plenty of carbs without the cake. Chances are that carb load will increase your appetite in later snacking.

    If I ate that percentage of carbs, the hunger would drive me to bananas.
  • gcdn
    gcdn Posts: 42
    That wasn't a cheat day.

    That was the OPs poor body forcing a binge so it could survive.

    See the body is smart, even when we are treating it like garbage.

    It really doesn't want to lose heart tissue or brain function, so it kicks in with the hunger hormones.

    Please recognise that you are probably in eating disorder territory OP.

    We can't help you here, you need professional help.

    No I wasn't hungry and I wasn't craving for any food.I just felt like eating while I was studying.It happens to everyone right?
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Your diary entry for the cake snacks just list calories, and you have plenty of carbs without the cake. Chances are that carb load will increase your appetite in later snacking.

    If I ate that percentage of carbs, the hunger would drive me to bananas.

    Yes, if you were eating as little as the OP is. Read the thread.

    I eat 200/400g of carbs a day. Guess what . I'm stuffed.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    That wasn't a cheat day.

    That was the OPs poor body forcing a binge so it could survive.

    See the body is smart, even when we are treating it like garbage.

    It really doesn't want to lose heart tissue or brain function, so it kicks in with the hunger hormones.

    Please recognise that you are probably in eating disorder territory OP.

    We can't help you here, you need professional help.

    No I wasn't hungry and I wasn't craving for any food.I just felt like eating while I was studying.It happens to everyone right?

    Quite often the hunger hormones shut down completely when you are on very low calories.

    Threads going to get shut down soon, as very low calorie dieting isn't supported in the website.

    But you will get plenty of 'advice' and lots of ex eating disordered people trying to help.

    I just hope you can sift through, and find a way to get your eating back to normal.

    So now you are just posting because you felt like eating for the sake of it? In the middle of the night, and you are worried how to lose the calories? I'm sorry, it's not sounding so good.

    But the fact that you are on 700 cals is in red alert territory and I would address this as soon as you're able to my friend.
  • scode83
    scode83 Posts: 42
    I ate a lot on Sunday, weighed myself Monday morning - had put on about 5kg. Weighed again yesterday, had lost 1kg, weighed again today and another 1kg gone. Water weight from a sudden increase in carbs, it soon drops off if you get back to eating normally. But ffs start eating normally before you end up physically destroying yourself. There is literally no future in eating so little.