
I'm sure this has been posted at one time or another but I can't seem to find it at the moment. Has anyone had any success with this program?? I'm looking to lose a few lbs and tone my body. I've done P90x sporadically and enjoyed it, but it was hard for me to stick to with working so much during the day. I am switching programs because my mom would like to work out with me and she prefers the shorter length of T25. I would love some reviews or any opinions you have of this program :) Thank you!!


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    A good friend of mine had AMAZING progress with T25. I'd be happy to send you her results, just shoot me a friend request! :)
  • Awesomeness323
    Awesomeness323 Posts: 10 Member
    I completed T25 last week :) It was awesome. Lost 20-22 pounds. (Didn't measure inches but I know for sure I lost inches). Sadly, I don't have pictures but it helped me get halfway to where I want to be :).

    Also, just note: I did it with my little sister and she didn't lose any weight (but she's naturally thin). Diet is really really really really important. You're not going to lose weight if you don't change the way you eat.