Sleep schedule and how to change.

For the past few weeks I have been trying very hard to change my sleep schedule. I want to wake up at 5 AM instead of 7 AM because I work at 8 AM. I want to work out in the morning instead of at night.

Any tips? So far I have tried not sleeping the day before so I can choose the time I want to sleep. However, the next day I end up not being able to sleep until 11PM which is basically starting over again. I've also tried Melatonin sleep aids, but they don't really work that well when I'm too wired to sleep at 8PM to wake up at 5AM.

Edit* I eat high carb sugar protein in the morning. Protein and vegetable for lunch. Vegetable's only during the evening. So I don't believe it's my diet that's causing this.


  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    Can you get up a little earlier every day until you're where you want to be? When I'm having trouble getting back on my sleep schedule, sometimes I'll take a sleep aid (basically Tylenol PM without the Tylenol, generic from Target) to help me get back on track. Even half a dose usually does the trick.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I changed slowly in 15 minute increments. It took a few weeks. The weekends can get rough but I try to stick with getting up early on the weekends also.
  • Belaklevaleva
    Belaklevaleva Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the replies. It's working. :)