Any 5'4" 150-160 pound ladies wanting to lose 20-30 pounds?



  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    In the same boat! 5'4, 158lbs looking to be around 130. I got to 137 two years ago but let myself go with the food/beer combo at school.

    I love lifting but am currently taking a break to focus on running, aiming to run a 10km race for the first time ever in September. Been researching keto lately but haven't taken the plunge, just trying moderation and aiming for around 1750 calories a day. Feel free to add me, I'm 22 and from Canada if that helps.
  • sapl31
    sapl31 Posts: 72 Member
    I am almost 5'4". Had RNY surgery 2.5 yrs ago. I am up a few pounds and am trying to take back off about 20.
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    It really is difficult! I was telling my boyfriend the other day that I just have zero motivation to work out. I plan it, I tell myself "I'm going to wake up early and just do it" but then snooze is my friend. Then I say "okay, ill do it after work" HA! That never works either. I used to do it like clockwork for 5 days a week, I don't understand why I can't get that spark back? Blah.
  • roseym10
    roseym10 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm in the same boat. My weight has gone up to 168 and my ideal weight is 145 which I previously reached a few years ago on weightwatchers. I'm on medication for anxiety which I'm slowly decreasing that has contributed to my gain. I hope to be completely off it in September. In the meantime, I'd love some motivation from similarly situation women to lose 20 lbs.
  • sarahrosheen
    sarahrosheen Posts: 82 Member
    im 5'5" currently 150, would like to be 130
  • sarahrosheen
    sarahrosheen Posts: 82 Member
    I gained 20 pounds in the last 2 years :s
  • Geloza
    Geloza Posts: 315 Member
    Hi!, I use this place for a lot of my motivation. I'm 5'3", currently 155lbs and want to lose 20-25 more. Add me if you like! Good luck to you all. :flowerforyou:
  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    That could've been written by me too! 5'4" and about the same.

    I have the hardest time waking up early too. Maybe I should get that annoying clock that you have to chase around the room.
  • dlkingsbury
    dlkingsbury Posts: 90 Member
    Yep, that's me too. I am hoping to lose another 20ish.
  • therealthurgasi
    therealthurgasi Posts: 12 Member
    Meee! Sort of. I'm 5'5" and reached my highest weight of 160lbs in 2011. I'm currently 140 and all I want is to hit 130 but it's tough!

    Any girls with similar stats/goals, feel free to add me! :)
  • KatieMcCakes
    KatieMcCakes Posts: 294 Member
    Y'all feel free to add me! Just under 5'5, currently 159 lbs, hoping for 125-130 lbs. Good luck everyone! ;)
  • xoxsahara
    xoxsahara Posts: 58 Member
    I want to ideally lose a little more than 30, but I'm in the right weight (157) and ALMOST height (5'3") range :)
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    So glad you all replied! It always seems like the obstacle isn't such an obstacle when you have motivation and people who want to achieve the same goals :happy:
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 147. I would like to lose 20-25 pounds. I too struggle with motivation. I've done better with exercise in the last month, but can't seem to get my eating under control!! I would love some motivation and support!! Anyone interested in starting a group with daily/weekly challenges and goals? I tend to do better when I am held accountable.
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    This is me!

    Ideally, I'd like to lose maximum of 20lb, so I don't think I'm actually asking the world here! Am currently 153lb, I have been under 130 through illness and it wasn't a look that suited me, so would look to staying in the low-mid 130s

    Have just restarted running today. That's my problem. I do a lot of restarting things and then can't see them through :-( but am happy to see how the running pans out, I've picked a different programme to follow rather than rehashing the same old, same old!

    I tend to "restart" things as well. I've just restarted running and weight lifting. I had my 2nd child a little over 2 years ago and it was taken me this long to try to get myself back on track. Before finding out I was pregnant with him I had lost 25 pounds and looked great. Still had some toning to do, but was ultimately happy. Now I have to find a way to crawl back there!
  • binniesmart
    Well, Im 5'5, with a medium build, and about 150 lbs. Besides being pregnant Im at the heaviest Ive ever been. I was very athletic in high school, too skinny in college, normal weight during my baby making years (my son is 2 1/2 and my daughter is 1), and now on the verge of being overweight. Ive been prepping meals consisting of 1/2 cup lean protein, 1 cup veggies, and 1/2 cup healthy carbs. And for breakfast I usually eat eggs or oatmeal with fruit on my workout days, which is 4-5 times a week. I also laid off the wine. I was doing right for the last few weeks,except I realized that having a few glasses Saturday night was adding a few hundred empty calories..... Right now my body fat is around 24-25%, I would like it down to 18-20%. I dont care what the scale says, I just want the fat gone, and to be girly muscular

    This is me, but add another 10lbs :-(
    I'm the heaviest I have ever been and need to just get a grip. I'm never gonna be skinny, but what to be toned, healthy and fit. I'm not afraid of hard work in the gym, it's my diet I REALLY struggle to clean up. Eating out and takeaways has absolutely ruined me. It's fun at the time... I know what to do, it just a case of doing it, consistently.
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    I think the best thing we can all do is to tell ourselves that even though we may not be skinny, or look like Jennifer Aniston (her arms OMG), that being healthy, toned and fit is the way to go :)
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    I would be up for a group. We could take turns with the weekly challenges so it wasn't one person's duty. Run it for 8 weeks, set our goals in advance, and then if we all want to continue - great.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I would be up for the group thing too, if only to have a 'place' to offer motivation and encouragement (and I know I will need some serious butt-kicking to keep me on track!) :-)
  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    I'm 5'3 and just shy of 150, hoping to lose about 25 pounds. :)