help with regaining my life back

Hi There

Over the past year, I have ballooned in weight (on top of my other weight) gained 2 stone and struggling with fatigue daily.
Even when overweight over the years, I have always been great at walking, jogging ect. and generally had good fitness and drive.
The past year my health has deteriorated rapidly. I stand up, and i'm out of breath, I'm aching all the time, I'm just so so bad.
I need help, I used to play netball every week plus a match and still overweight but didn't struggle, but now I cant even picture playing netball

What can I do to fix this, not quickly as it needs to be sustainable

Advice please

Just to add, I am classed as about 7 stone overweight in total


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    As you probably guessed, the solution involves doing regular exercise. Pick any activity that you can push yourself slightly beyond your comfort zone.. and repeat most days of the week. Start short, and gradually increase the duration & intensity as you improve.

    And of course eat fewer calories, and eat relatively healthy.

    It's good to get a doctor's exam before starting a fitness program.
  • dawnr2
    dawnr2 Posts: 29 Member
    I would say you've taken the first step by admitting you're not happy with your situation and reached out for help. That can be a difficult thing to do in itself. My advice would be change your eating habits so that you use more calories than you take in and log every single thing that you eat, whether that be within mfp or writing it down. Whatever way you do it, make sure you're honest with yourself about your intake. I'm a weight watchers member and that has definitely got me to the weight I want to be but I know diet classes aren't practical for everyone. In terms of exercise, I'd suggest starting off with simple walking, gradually building up what you do. Apps such as runkeeper can be great as a motivational tool. I find that the most important thing with exercise is to find something that you enjoy as if it feels like a chore, you won't keep it up.
    I'm glad to see that you're not looking for a quick fix. Anyone with that goal will quickly become disheartened. Set yourself small, achievable goals and reward yourself every time you meet one - not a food related reward. I found that buying a new outfit or going for a massage worked well for me but everyone's different. Good luck with your journey.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    walk, walk and walk. Then start walking faster. Walk so you feel it in your shin, quads and butt. One step at time in more ways than one.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    At 7 stone overweight (as an American, I dislike stones as a unit of measurement), diet is your friend first. You can start to lose the excess pounds without exercise. That said, exercise helps with your overall fitness which you indicate is lacking.

    Identify what your body currently needs to maintain your weight and identify a reasonable caloric deficit. If you can get the energy to exercise now .... start. It doesn't matter what you do as long as it gets you moving. Walk, dance, swim, lift weights, ride a bike ... anything you enjoy doing and will do regularly. If you aren't at that point yet ... it's ok. Just eat at a deficit to start losing the weight and if you want to exercise, try again after you're a little lighter.

    Think long term. Everyone would love to wake up in the morning at their goal weight and imagined fitness level. Too bad it doesn't work that way. Realistically, about two pounds per week is a feasible goal right now. You might lose a bit more rapidly at first, then seem to stagnate. This isn't a linear progression. Thinking long term, tracking what you eat and what you burn via exercise, and targeting that net caloric goal can keep you on track.

    Once things are working, reevaluate as you lose. Your caloric needs will change as you get closer to your goal weight.

    If you learn the art of portion control there is no reason not to enjoy the foods and beverages you like ... only in moderation. Pizza, steak, beer, or wine are not inherently evil. Too much of them leads to exceeding your caloric goals and not losing weight.
  • lornabfitness
    You seem to be receiving great advice but I would also add to stay hydrated! You should be drinking at least a gallon of water a day in small sips. Also adding fruit to your diet will give you energy. Best of luck!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You lose weight by eating fewer calories than you burn. Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Get a digital food scale and weigh everything you eat.

    As the weight comes off, you will be able to be more active. Start with walking. Every day, try to walk just a little more than the day before—but never overdo it. Listen to your body.

    Those two simple things (logging & walking) will change your life. They're simple, but they're not easy—so celebrate every NSV (non-scale victory). You can do this!

    The advice in the Sexypants post worked for me:

    Edited to say: please see a doctor ASAP!