New to cycling

sleepy_mum Posts: 40 Member
Hi all,

I've recently taken up cycling after not going on a bike for 20 years and am really enjoying it. My partner is a serious cyclist so it's nice to be able to join in, even if our rides together are more of a snail's pace than he is used to! I have ME and Fibromyalgia so am taking my time building up my rides without hurting myself and it seems to be going well.

Is anyone else new to cycling who might like to buddy up?



  • Jannalicious
    Jannalicious Posts: 215 Member
    You're doing such a great job with cycling Sarah. So proud of you. I'm sure your snails pace isn't as bad as you think it is. I've been riding for a year now and LOVE it. I have arthritis and bone spurs in my knees and in my hip. Riding has helped me with the pain. I find I can go for hours on the bike without pain of any kind. I'm sure the more you ride you'll find this true yourself. So keep riding and enjoy the beautiful outdoors. There's so many unexpected benefits of riding. You'll find each and every one of them!
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    You'll be up to speed in no time!
  • sleepy_mum
    sleepy_mum Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks Janna :-)

    I average 7.3 mph today which is an improvement on the 5mph a few weeks ago so I definitely feel I'm making progress. I'm less wobbly, more confident, and not as terrified of going fast (ish) or being in the front of the group (sometimes it's me, Rich and two of our boys). I don't have to stop as often and I don't hurt so much, especially since I invested in some padded shorts! lol! But most importantly I'm really enjoying it which is great!

  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Those padded shorts are a must! :laugh: I ride my stationary bike all the time but do get out on the roads sometimes too. I also have fibromyalgia and can appreciate the effort it takes to make oneself get up and move some days. Keep up the good work! Your speed and endurance will keep increasing over time.
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I bought a bike in May and LOVE it. It's a 7-speed but built like the bikes I rode as a kid, meaning I ride sitting up straight and the seat is pretty comfortable. My daughters got bikes at the same time and we have 2 carts to haul grandkids ( that's a WORKOUT!). I absolutely love the fun of being outside and the feeling of freedom gives me, and the extra calories earned aren't bad either!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have just started cycling as well. I am trying to go to and from work everyday at the moment - building up gradually. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like- I understand ME because my wife suffers from it as well so I think what you are doing is fab - make sure you go for small increments so you don't get walloped by the ME though - I am sure you are anyway :-) As people said you will get faster and faster and the distances will get longer as you get into it. Good luck whatever :-)
  • HelenWater
    HelenWater Posts: 232 Member
    All so inspiring!

    I love riding a bike because it makes me feel like a child again with the freedom to go anywhere and everywhere!! I haven't been further than about 9km or about 30 minutes, but it definitely gets easier each time.
  • sleepy_mum
    sleepy_mum Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks all :-) It's really great to hear lots of positives as it's such a fun way to exercise! My longest ride so far has been 9.6 miles in about 1hr40 including a few inclines which were like little bumps to Rich and mountains to me! lol!
  • I just started riding as well. I love it because it doesn't seem like exercise to me. I hate exercising. I have never heard of the padded shorts...I may need a pair of those. My seat is quite comfotable, but I notice if I stop and then get back on to ride my butt hurts. Where can I get the shorts?
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    I just started riding as well. I love it because it doesn't seem like exercise to me. I hate exercising. I have never heard of the padded shorts...I may need a pair of those. My seat is quite comfotable, but I notice if I stop and then get back on to ride my butt hurts. Where can I get the shorts?

    Any bike shop or sports store that sells cycling gear.

    Never heard of them? A google search for cycling shorts brings up 12,800,000 results. ;-)
  • sleepy_mum
    sleepy_mum Posts: 40 Member
    I got mine from eBay brand new for under £6.50 ( - they're worn instead of underwear (they're inside out in the pic, the padding is on the inside) and I wear cropped joggers or shorts over them. Or if you don't mind wearing lycra in public you can get ones like this ( which my somewhat skinnier fiance wears. They are a must for longer rides though as you're right it's when you stop and get back on you feel it!
  • wendy0210
    wendy0210 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I took up biking again a few months ago and LOVE it. When I get my bike tuned up and the gears adjusted I'm sure I'll love it even more :) If anyone wants to add me as a friend, please do so. Your speed and distance will pick up quickly, I'm sure.

    Right now I'm nursing a minor arm injury, and hope to be back on the bike in the next week or two...
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    My husband started cycling two years ago and I started a year and a half ago. We take our daughter our for family rides and we both cycle as part of our exercise regiment. I also really enjoy spin classes! My husband has lost 100 pounds and I am down 85. I think finding fun ways to be active is essential to getting healthy. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    I got back into biking 7-8 years ago. I started biking to work 3-4 days a week for 2 summers (the first year was on my 15 year old Huffy mountain bike that I dug out of my mom's basement, and was lucky to average 10mph...then I bought a Marin Larkspur, which is a commuter hybrid, for the second year). In the third year, I didn't commute as often (we moved further away), and I started training for my first triathlon.

    Over the past few years, I've stopped commuting (my office moved locations to an "unbikeable" area) and gotten really into tris. I've done 6 in the past 5 years, and I have at least three (likely 4 and possibly 5) on this season's schedule (the first was Sunday).

    I've also decided to do a metric century (100KM - aka 62.5 miles) in September, and the local Ironman 70.3 race next June.

    In light of that, I retired my Larkspur and upgraded to a Specialized Ruby Sport in June (I :heart: her!). With my Larkspur, I usually averaged around 15MPH....with my Ruby, I'm averaging 17.5-18mph. :happy:
  • nucgirl13
    nucgirl13 Posts: 56 Member
    I also got into cycling to do triathlons. Although riding a proper road bike was terrifying at first (the tires are so skinny and the bike so light, any movement at all would make the bike go hurtling off in that direction) I am completely in love with it now. I love the sense of freedom it gives you. I also love racing through my neighborhood and pacing cars going over the speed bumps, lol. Since it's so hot here in Arizona now I've also taken up spin classes and am really enjoying those even though my off the seat pedaling is ridiculously slow.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I am also new to cycling and it's my latest obsession! I have a Jamis Coda Sport.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    So three months ago I quit smoking, a month and a half ago I dusted my bike off and barely made it around the block, last weekend I rode 128 miles pedaling for about 10 hours on the bike with a few breaks for food and nature calls.

    You can do pretty much anything you decide you want to do and riding the bike is a pretty fun way to lose some weight.