Free to Be Healthy July Running Challenge - 75 miles



  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    You're doing awesome! I was up at 5 to finish laundry to get my 15-year old off to camp, then church, then took a bunch of high school kids to camp today, stayed and played on the beach with my little one and her friend, came home, and am just now getting to bed for a 5 AM wake-up for work. Exhausted. With all the teens and 5 hours of driving, ended up with both lunch and dinner being from fast food restaurants, but I still made the healthiest choices I could and stopped eating when full. We're getting a little break from the heat tomorrow so I hired a sitter (older daughter's friend) so I can run after work. My older girl will be gone 16 out of the next 22 days, so I need to figure out a way to stick with what I know works - 22 days is too long to have my program on hold. Hope your girl is healing well.
  • redhardman
    redhardman Posts: 10
    Look at you go supermom! Challenge aside, I'm proud of you.
    I did my customary 3 miles, leaving me 31 to go.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    51.3 less 2.6 Monday, 2.5 Tuesday, and 2.8 yesterday = 7.9 = 43.4 to go. Not gonna make it in 14 days left, but I will give it my my best shot, and it will probably still be my highest mileage month since before I injured my achilles. Getting back on track with tracking and nutrition-wise - haven't made real bad choices, just eating beyond full. Hope you're doing well, sorry to flake for a few days.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    43.4-2.0 today = 41.4 to amounts and nutrition better today...hope you're doing great.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    7.3 miles today! 41.4-7.3 = 34.1 left in 13 days - it's actually do-able now, going to give it a shot. Hope you're doing well.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    34.1-2.8 miles today = 31.3 to go in 12 days.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    31.2 - 2 today = 29.1 left to go in 11 days...going to be hard because my older daughter will be away 6 of those days, but i'll give it my best shot.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    29.1-2.1= 27 left in 10 days.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    27-2.7=24.3 left in 9 days