calorie intake during pregnancy

I've been using MFP for a while and LOVE it!! I have lost right at 70lbs total and last week found out I was pregnant. I still want to continue with MFP and my doctor said it was fine as long as I did low impact exercises. Should I just up my calories a little or change my goals or what?? I already weigh over 200lb, I dont want to gain a ton of unneccessary weight when it's took me so long to lose it. Yet I want my little one to be healthy. Any Ideas?


  • tiddles_yeah
    tiddles_yeah Posts: 117 Member
    Im going to say this outright from the start - this is something you need to discuss with your doctor, not random people on the internet.
    Dont base your health and the health of your child on people that may or may not know what they are talking about :)

    I dont mean that in a cruel way, i just wish you and your unborn baby all the best and i would hate to see something go wrong because a 'brofessor' on the net told you 'x thing' was what you should do :)

    Congratz too!!!
  • rebeccaisafish
    rebeccaisafish Posts: 87 Member

    I'm going to repeat what was said before, you need to discuss this with your doctor! It's important to be concious of your weight while your pregnant, but your aim shouldn't be to continue to lose weight. Your doctor will be able to tell you the correct level of weight gain during your pregnancy.

    I stopped using MFP when I found out I was pregnant, but I wouldn't have had a clue how to log when I couldn't keep any food down! Ended up losing 15kgs. Not good.
  • keishakylejohnson
    keishakylejohnson Posts: 42 Member
    I didn't take you as being rude and thank you very much. I did discuss it with my Dr. and she said it would be fine to continue with MFP but to eat and extra 150 calories a day and do low impact exercises since i'm in my first trimester. In the second add an extra 300 calories and in the third an extra 500 calories.

    My question is, how do I go about doing that in the system? I've never had to manually go in and change my information. I tried to change my goals and it went up to 1880 calories and i'm only used to eating right at about 1300-1400. Is there another way I can change it? I'd like to make it about 1600.
  • keishakylejohnson
    keishakylejohnson Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you so much! I'm not concerned about weight loss right now, i'm more concerned with not gaining a ton of weight that isn't needed. Everyone try's to used to excuse "you're eating for two" lol and right now I should only eat right at 150 extra calories. I'm just weight concious and don't want to make it even more unsafe on the baby by eating unhealthy and gaining more than I should. I'd like to make my new goal 1600.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Use the custom settings and change your goal yourself.
  • keishakylejohnson
    keishakylejohnson Posts: 42 Member
    Thank You, I actually just figured it out and I think i've got everything fixed up :)