What's the Best Day(s) to Have Off and Why?

I am new to MFP but this ain't my first Rodeo sts. Back in my regular work out days I gave my self Sat and Sunday off. That now seems counterproductive. So, since joining I decided I would allot myself One day off of workouts per week. I chose Monday because It just seemed like the right day psychologically. No temptations, I guess one could say. Can some of you experts and or members who have schedules that work really well put your two cents in? I'd really like to know what flow patterns work the best for great results, thanks.


  • lngbrd
    lngbrd Posts: 279 Member
    Ya, I'd like to hear some opinions myself. I think Mondays off would be a good pick for me too. I always hate rolling out of the rack on Mondays, (all in my head).
  • lngbrd
    lngbrd Posts: 279 Member
    Just creeped your profile, seeing where you live, do you surf, body surf, boogie board, paddle board for recreation? Great excerise. I occasionally surf between the condo towers and paddle board from Glorietta Bay park. Great little city!
  • ItsJordanNicole
    ItsJordanNicole Posts: 110 Member
    I allow myself Friday and Sunday off from the gym, and Saturday off from tracking food.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It depends on whether I'm training or working out. When I'm actively training, my fitness tends to be more intense and I have two-a-days a few times per week so I actually take more active recovery days...usually in the middle of the Week on Wednesday on then either a Saturday or Sunday depending on what's going on.

    When I'm just working out to maintain my fitness and just get my sweat on I do not do two-a-day sessions and my riding mileage drops significantly from around 100+ miles per week to around 50-60 miles per week and I balance things out more with my lifting and basically lift 3x weekly and ride 3x weekly on opposite days and take one rest day per week...usually Sunday.
  • Vupe
    Vupe Posts: 80
    Thanks, this helps
  • Vupe
    Vupe Posts: 80
    creepin ey? Ya, I went SUP'n a month ago on the ocean side, that was hysterical. Looking at Kayaks now for the Bay...its more my speed in the Bay. I had a bad surfing accident in IB in 2006 and have not had the courage to get back out there. TJ spills its junk in the Ocean and I ingested all that bacteria into my lungs and was in ICU with dbl fungal lung infection. So the ground looks great!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I take Friday off. That's the only day I take off. I like to take advantage of my extra free time on the weekends by getting longer workouts in then and then I just keep up through the week.
  • StrongHealthyPowerful
    StrongHealthyPowerful Posts: 98 Member
    I try to go to the gym every day, but I alternate my workouts to keep myself engaged. One day I'll run for 35-45 minutes and then do some abs. The next I'll do some stationary bike or elliptical (maybe 20-30 min) and then strength training. The running is the hardest, but also the most rewarding, so if I skip a day, I'll always start back up with that, even if my last workout was strength.

    When it comes to taking days off, I don't have one specific one. My work schedule tends to be a bit unpredictable though, so that would be difficult. I just do my best to listen to my body and if it's telling me I'm wiped, I take a day off, but only one per week, if that. On those off days I try to go for a walk or something in the evening. Nothing strenuous, but a long stroll to get things moving.
  • Vupe
    Vupe Posts: 80
    Jordan, That's a nice thought! Jemhh and Annie, I thank you for sharing. I am thinking of starting two a days after week 1.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I don't have one set rest day. I aim to have one day off a week, or at least one day of only gentle exercise, but when it happens (and whether or not I have more) depends on what else is going on, how tired I am on a particular day etc.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Jordan, That's a nice thought! Jemhh and Annie, I thank you for sharing. I am thinking of starting two a days after week 1.

    I started off taking two days off a week and then after time just switched to one day. This week, actually, I've been going back and forth in my head trying to decide if I'm going to go back to two. Anyway, in the beginning I had one set day off (Friday) and then a floater day for when I just felt like I needed a break.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Jordan, That's a nice thought! Jemhh and Annie, I thank you for sharing. I am thinking of starting two a days after week 1.

    Two-a-days as in for your workout? I personally would not recommend this unless you are already pretty fit and also have some specific reasons for doing so. To boot, you really have to know how to feed your body...two-a-days are very hard on the body and if you're not getting adequate nutrition, you're really doing yourself a disservice.

    Even when I'm training and doing two-a-days, it is not every day...usually 2-3 days a week and I take 2 recovery days to boot...I also only train this way for a matter of about 12 weeks or so at a pop...it is very hard physically on the body as well as mentally challenging. If you're not feeding yourself properly, all you're going to do is substantially break down your body.
  • Vupe
    Vupe Posts: 80
    Thanks y'all for the input and advice. As far as the two a days, I would be increasing my caloric intake or I would never make it. I have been in good shape my whole life until this thyroid issue came to light. As excited as I am to have my levels back to normal, I won't be loosing my head to achieve my goals. I like the idea of a floater day though. I want to enjoy getting my fitness back not loath it.