Lets reach our goals! What are your personal motivators?

ok I'll start!

I lost 69lb and maintained for seven months but never quite reached goals. due to illness and medication I gained about 18 lb back.
Now I am ready to reach my original goal, and then some!
Here are my four motivators!

1. To have body confidence, look amazing naked and feel sexually empowered.

2. To look fit as f*** in my gym kit

3. To look amazing in a bikini and fit into my tiny denim shorts which I wore on my first holiday with my husband 8 years ago! I have a holiday in November!

4. To look teeny, muscular and sexy as a bridesmaid for my best friend next March

What do you use as motivation?


  • ghostunicorn
    ghostunicorn Posts: 1 Member
    To finally feel comfortable in my own skin. I've never had that feeling, even when I was slim at 17 I still felt fat! I feel like I've wasted my youth by being uncomfortable and having no confidence, now I'm 23 I want to enjoy the rest of my twenties!

    I have a holiday next June and want to wear a bikini for the first time. I'm also dying to wear a bodycon dress.

    I feel like there's a pretty face underneath all my face fat and I want to see it!

    I'm excited and I finally feel like I can actually do this :D
  • clm878
    clm878 Posts: 4 Member
    My motivations are,

    To look better and wear nice clothes (skinny jeans and figure hugging dresses!)
    To feel less tired and sluggish all the time
    To no longer be classed as obese or overweight
    To feel confident going out with friends/attending family events without worrying that I have nothing nice to wear or that I'm fatter than everyone else

    No more double chin in pictures!
    No more covering my muffin top with a bag or my arms when sitting!

    Feeling sexier around my partner.

    My best friend is getting married in November '15 and I want to be in good shape to be a bridesmaid and to be able to enjoy the day and look back at pictures without regretting my weight.

    I'm 27 in under 2 weeks and it's about time I lost this weight
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I am vanity-driven. Nothing to do with health. I smoke cigarettes, don't exercise and don't worry about nutrition. It's all about looking good, for me. I am 61-- I don't have any money for plastic surgery to look younger. Dieting is the ONLY thing I can do to look better that doesn't cost $$$$$$!
  • elizabethroyce10
    elizabethroyce10 Posts: 37 Member
    My motivation is my family . I am watching my mom have heart failure. I realize that had she not smoked and been more active she could have prevented this. I want to be on this earth with my children. I dont want to lose them when i am still young and should be enjoying life! It is a sad thing... but has definately provided me with the push to get going. I love feeling stronger
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    clm878 - looks like we have a lot of the same motivations including being bridesmaids!!!

    good luck everyone and hope you achieve your goals!
  • clm878
    clm878 Posts: 4 Member
    kittyr77 - I'll add you and hopefully we can spur each other on =D
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
  • triciabh1
    triciabh1 Posts: 126 Member
    My current motivation is to feel comfortable wearing a swimming suit or even just shorts...I feel I'm at a good weight but my lower half still has so much bumpity bump...and not the good kind.

    My other motivation is when I'm racing my 9 year old running and he looks over and asks if I'm just jogging because he is. :laugh:
  • court_fritch26
    court_fritch26 Posts: 297 Member
    My fiancé is a Marine and in great shape. I want to be able to keep up with him and be super active.

    I am getting married in a little over 2 months and I want to look and feel amazing in my wedding dress.

    I want to start our marriage being super healthy and fit so that carries throughout our life together.

    I have also not seen my fiancé in months, and won't until a week before our wedding, I want his jaw to drop.
  • my_chrystal82
    my_chrystal82 Posts: 46 Member
    My biggest personal motivator has been my family, both immediate and extended. My dad has had 2 heart attacks, 2 strokes and he converted to healthy living in his late 30s-quitting smoking and dropping 80Ibs. Now he's 61 and maintained living healthy, but those first 20+ years did it's damage.

    I like to fantasize about reaching my end goal while I'm on my walks. I envision buying clothes that are not plus size (what are these designers thinking?!) and not being horrified every time I see a recent body shot of myself. Not too much to aim for, I would say!

    Also, I am a mature student at university and I would like to be a fit, healthy interviewee whilst trying to land my dream job. 3 terms left to go!
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    This one is easy to wear one of those brazilian bikinis and look amazing in it
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I'm motivated by how hard I worked to get to this point. I worked way too hard to settle for just okay looking, in mom jeans and the right shirt, if striking the right pose, under the correct lighting, while holding my breath. All I have left to lose is my gut. I'm carrying at least ten pounds of fat on it. Other than that, it's maybe a half pound each of inner thigh and upper arm, maybe a pound each of hip. But the gut! My proportions are way out of whack. For vanity reasons, I want it gone. It also might help with my lower back pain, but mostly I'm just sick of looking at the damn thing.
  • ASH2038602
    ASH2038602 Posts: 215 Member
    I have been thrilled every time I see the scale drop or inches dropped, but I am doing this for health reasons. My grandma died of heart disease in her early 60's, one of my uncles died from heart disease in his mid 40's, my aunt died of cancer in her late 40's, and another uncle had several heart attacks and a stroke by his early 50's. I am 25 and started to feel like I wouldn't have much time left, and that scares the crap out of me. I have a beautiful 6 year old boy, and I can't imagine leaving him. So the vanity aspect is nice, but it's not what keeps me going.
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    thanks for your replies - I admire those doing this for health reasons only - I want to be healthy too especially as Im on meds that increase risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. But there is a big short term vanity side of it lol ;)
    good luck everyone!
  • Archer9304
    Archer9304 Posts: 113 Member
    My motivation is that firstly, I'm at the lowest weight I've ever been, I'm more fit and less tired and my asthma has improved because of exercise, I actually (nearly) feel good about myself around other people (just a few more vanity pounds left), I wish I could also name my family, but I can't. Because they're continueally trying to sabotage me. :smile:
  • epadmeister
    epadmeister Posts: 102 Member
    I've never owned a pair of denim shorts before.... I'd love to be able to pull them off without looking muffiny! :sad: I'd also LOVE to be able to see my own ab muscles one day :bigsmile: