Working out and gaining weight

I have been eating clean and working out 6 days a week for a month. I do 80 minutes of cardio 4 days a week to burn 400 calories and lift weights (light weight) 2 days a weeks. 2 days I do 105 minutes of cardio and burn over 500 calories. Why am I gaining weight?? And what can I eat to not go over fat and carbs. I always end up over fat or carbs with calories left. And if I want to lose weight should I not eat back my calories??? Very frustrated.


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You're doing ALOT of exercise. My guess is you're retaining water for muscle repair.

    Is there a reason you're doing so much cardio? It seems like overkill to me. Unless you're doing something like hiking which generally takes more time to begin with, 45-60 mins of cardio is more than sufficient.

    As for eating back calories, yes you should be eating them. You're giving your body 'extra' work, so you need to make sure your body is fueled for it. Otherwise you won't be able to keep up exercising and you'll start feeling the effects of it.
  • lizkeziah
    lizkeziah Posts: 4
    I'm doing a lot of cardio to try to lose weight. I thought the more cardio I did the more weight I lose and lose it faster.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I had been swimming for six months. I started Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred and picked up 4pounds in a week. I was also very sore and stiff. After two weeks the soreness is gone and the extra weight is also. I believe when I ramp up my exercise my muscles retain water.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I have been eating clean and working out 6 days a week for a month.

    That's great, but a month isn't really that long of a time.
    I do 80 minutes of cardio 4 days a week to burn 400 calories and lift weights (light weight) 2 days a weeks. 2 days I do 105 minutes of cardio and burn over 500 calories.

    Why so much cardio? Do you enjoy it? It's not necessary to lose weight- and it's easy to overestimate your calorie burn- how do you know how much calories your burning?
    Why am I gaining weight??
    What sort of weight gain have you seen in this month? Do you weigh daily? Weekly? 2lbs? 10lbs?
    And what can I eat to not go over fat and carbs. I always end up over fat or carbs with calories left. And if I want to lose weight should I not eat back my calories??? Very frustrated.

    Eating back exercise calories is up to you- some people do, some don't. I don't because I pick at food when I cook it and don't keep track to log how many baby bites of whatever I ate. So I just don't eat back my exercise calories to make up for the extra intake.

    Eat more lean protiene: tuna, chicken breast, chicken thigh isn't that high in fat either, egg whites, lunch meats.

    Make sure your weighing and measuring food correctly, make sure your calorie burn is accurate, give it more time and if you're still gaining weight in another month post again letting everyone know exactly how you tried to correct your diet/exercise.
  • Wow, you are doing great on the excercise. Much better than I have. Now it seems like you are going to have to look very carefully at what you are eating. Start with lean protein. Change all your meats to lean meats, chicken, fish, 96/4 hamburger, you get the point, and chicken from Mcdonalds doesn't count. Do that for a few weeks and see if that doesn't help, if not then you can look at cutting back on your carbs.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'm doing a lot of cardio to try to lose weight. I thought the more cardio I did the more weight I lose and lose it faster.

    No, unfortunately, it's not quite like that.

    Calorie deficit = Weight loss
    Exercise = Fitness

    To lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit, which is created by the foods you eat.
    If you're following MFP as it's meant to be followed, to lose weight, all you need to do is eat the amount MFP gives you. IF MFP tells you to eat 1500 calories to lose 1 lb a week, you eat 1500 calories. Period. THEN, if you're exercising on top of that, you eat back those calories burned.

    For example, if you exercise 300 calories off, mathematically it'll look like this:

    1500 calories (eaten) - 300 calories (exercise) = 1200 calories NET

    But, since your goal is 1500 calories, you want your NET to be 1500 calories. Therefor:

    1500 calories (eaten) - 300 calories (exercise) + 300 calories (eat back)= 1500 NET
    1800 calories (eaten) - 300 calories (exercise)=1500 NET

    The neat thing about MFP, is it already works out your deficit for you. That 1500 calories net or gross already has your deficit included. The more you exercise, the more you could eat (within reason).

    Again, exercise is for fitness (and the bonus of eating more). You weight loss will come from your calorie deficit.
    And lastly, losing weight faster isn't necessarily better. It's better to lose at a more reasonable pace.
  • lizkeziah
    lizkeziah Posts: 4
    I track my calories burned on treadmill machine, and bike.. I weigh once a week. Seeing a 1 to 2 pound gain. I've been eating egg whites, canned chicken and tuna, veggies, whole wheat bread etc. I measure everything and I hardly ever eat back my calories. But on weeks were I have one cheat meal once I have better results in losing weight than if I eat clean without a cheat meal.:smile:
  • ifixyospeech
    ifixyospeech Posts: 25 Member
    You mentioned eating back your exercise calories? That's probably the issue. When it comes to weight loss, you "lose weight in the kitchen, get fit in the gym." In other words, eating less calories than you burn is how you will shed those pounds. No matter how much you work out, when it comes down to it, WEIGHT LOSS (not talking about your physical fitness goals) is all about calories in vs. calories out. Stop eating back your exercise calories, drink plenty of water and give it a week or two. You should notice a difference.

    EDIT: just now saw the (way better) post above mine about this exact same thing. Listen to that person!
  • lizkeziah
    lizkeziah Posts: 4
    I think I am maybe not eating enough. I never eat back my calories and do good to eat my 1200 it just confusing to try and figure out eat them or don't. I eat an 1/4 Atkins bar or egg white omelete for breakfast, tuna on 45 calorie whole wheat bread at lunch and grilled chicken or lean beef with vegetables at dinner. That's pretty much it
  • Samie8183
    Samie8183 Posts: 5 Member
    I think I am maybe not eating enough. I never eat back my calories and do good to eat my 1200 it just confusing to try and figure out eat them or don't. I eat an 1/4 Atkins bar or egg white omelete for breakfast, tuna on 45 calorie whole wheat bread at lunch and grilled chicken or lean beef with vegetables at dinner. That's pretty much it

    You're not eating enough. Your body is going into starvation mode from eating too little. Also you may be over stressing yourself by working out so much. Cortisol rises and causes you to not be able to lose weight. Add in some more fruits to help with fuel before you workout. Are you snacking at all? Try eating some cucumbers or natural peanut butter and carrots for a snack. Hand full of no salted almonds is a good choice too. You should eat something every 2-3 hours.
  • Samie8183
    Samie8183 Posts: 5 Member
    I think I am maybe not eating enough. I never eat back my calories and do good to eat my 1200 it just confusing to try and figure out eat them or don't. I eat an 1/4 Atkins bar or egg white omelete for breakfast, tuna on 45 calorie whole wheat bread at lunch and grilled chicken or lean beef with vegetables at dinner. That's pretty much it

    You're not eating enough. Your body is going into starvation mode from eating too little. Also you may be over stressing yourself by working out so much. Cortisol rises and causes you to not be able to lose weight. Add in some more fruits to help with fuel before you workout. Are you snacking at all? Try eating some cucumbers or natural peanut butter and carrots for a snack. Hand full of no salted almonds is a good choice too. You should eat something every 2-3 hours.
    It didn't take long for the ever so common starvation mode to appear. Sigh. Never fails. Ever.

    Just advice from personal experience, sorry if it offended.