Anyone fancy joining me on a 30 day shred?

Hi all

I'm keen to kick start my weight loss again after a few casual months topped off with a holiday to Turkey (delicious food!). I once did a 30 day shred and it was quite successful, but it really helps me to do such things at the same time as someone else.

Would anyone like to join me on a 30 day shred programme? I think I'll probably start it on Saturday, but could easily change start date to accommodate anyone else's needs.

Thanks very much!



  • Marnie102
    Marnie102 Posts: 13
    I have learned over the years that quick fixes don't work for me.
    I have read about the shred diet. I wouldn't do it myself because it seemed to me just another diet which wouldn't work for me. I don't diet anymore. The fad diets didn't last and I always gained the weight back because I was always hungry. I just ate right and the pounds came off along with staying active everyday. I am almost 60 and lost 40 lbs in the past 7 months. No diet, I just layed off the sweets. I learned to love fruits and now crave them. And I use the food pyramid for what foods that I should be eating. It works great for me. My husband did the same (layed of soft drinks and sweets) and lost 50 lbs in 5 months. I eat 100 - 150 carbs a day and my husband eats 225 to 260 carbohydrates a day. I need my carbs for burning while I exercise. It gives me more energy and I burn the fat better.

    I wish you the best of luck :smile:
  • gregbennett1973
    gregbennett1973 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi again

    Judging by the last post, I'd better clarify what I mean. The 30 day shred is an exercise video, which takes 25 minutes each day. That's something manageable for me to commit to. I won't be doing any fad dieting, just adding a bit of exercise to my daily routine for a month (and maybe beyond).

    If you don't have the video, it's on YouTube. The last time I did the exercises every day and saw some decent results.

    Might anyone fancy joining me for the 30 days for a bit of mutual support?

    Thanks a lot!

  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member

    I have started this morning, and could do with a buddy to check in with?

    I am at a stall with my weight loss, probably because I don't do much exercise (naughty I know, no excuses!)

    I have taken my weight and 'before' pics and I'm not going to weigh again until the 10 days is up.

    Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • rachelglendening
    rachelglendening Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I am on day three, in preparation for my beach holiday in august, finding it hard but watching jillian makes me feel really motivated, I am averaging a 400 kcal burn in just 20 minutes which is really motivating me to stick with it :laugh:
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    I'm starting level 1 today. I did it last year and had wonderful results, then I got pregnant and gained a ton of weight so here I am. I just got the clear from my dr to do more intense exercise. Add me if you'd like:)
  • gregbennett1973
    gregbennett1973 Posts: 48 Member
    Great. Thanks, All. It looks like there's no time like the present! I'll join you all and start on level one tonight when I get home.

    Thanks very much!

  • kellyirene77
    kellyirene77 Posts: 7 Member
    I am on day 5. I am VERY out of shape and it's really hard on me ( I could hardly walk on day 2 and 3) but I can already feel a difference! I am very excited to be starting my weight lose journey.
  • StephanieL14
    StephanieL14 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm almost seven weeks postpartum and have 15 lbs to lose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight (and then I hope to lose a few more)! I see my dr today and assuming I'm clear for exercise I will start tonight!
  • Who is the author or instructor for the video so I can look it up. Just starting jump rope routine yesterday, been looking for additional videos. Thanks.
  • BellaGowrie
    BellaGowrie Posts: 45 Member
    Jillian Michaels :]
  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member
    It's Jillian Michaels, You can find level 1 on Youtube I believe. I have the DVD from Amazon which was a really good price. She is excellent and very motivating! Feel free to add me those who are taking part!! I need someone to kick my *kitten* when it comes to Exercise!!! :drinker:
  • Hey I started the 30 day shred on Monday - now on day 3! Really hurting all over especially above the armpits and also my legs!

    Even just on day 3 I feel like my body is changing.

    Good luck to everyone doing it!! :bigsmile:
  • pattymason7
    pattymason7 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi y'all. Just did my first shred class with Jillian Michaels yesterday at the YMCA in Dallas,Texas ,she's amazing! I'm in.
  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm in, I haven't been able to make it to the gym this week and don't really feel like risking a ticket while I wait for my registration sticker to my car! This will be a great start for me! I will start tonight!
  • meg4280
    meg4280 Posts: 6
    Hi all! Looking for a group to keep me motovated and accountable!!! I started 30 day shred last night. Yay.
  • rachelglendening
    rachelglendening Posts: 16 Member
    glad to see it's not just me that's got sore armpits, never had that one before, must be doing something right:blushing:
  • Melonpaul
    Melonpaul Posts: 323 Member
    I finished Day 1 Level 1 yesterday but I'm still in! Day 2 today :)
  • shnoots
    shnoots Posts: 82 Member
    I'm moving to a new apartment Saturday, and I'll finally be free from having a bottom neighbor. I'm planning on starting level one on Monday.
  • gregbennett1973
    gregbennett1973 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi All

    I've formed a group that you might like to join so that we can support each other without cluttering up the Forums. So please, feel free to join it -

    I couldn't work out how to add a photo to the group, so it doesn't look especially jazzy yet! Hopefully I'll be able to sort that out soon.

    Let's get shredding!

  • mskayanderson
    mskayanderson Posts: 8 Member
    Hello 30 day shred group :-)

    I have completed day 2 level one this morning and boy do my legs hurt!

    I don't have a great deal of weight to lose.. 10lb, but I need to get fit and tone up as I haven't done any exercise in about 4 years. I have taken 'before' pictures but will wait until the end of the programme until I post them.

    I will be taking Ms Michaels advice and doing two consecutive days 30ds, 1 day cardio, repeat then a days rest so programme will take around 8 weeks. I am doing kettlercise on a Tuesday (started that this week and found it tough) as one of my cardio sessions and will probably do a different dvd for the other cardio session on a Friday with Saturday reserved as my rest day.

    I have 4 children aged from 2 to 10 and a variety of pets.. dog, hens and a hamster (kids promised to look after the hamster but that ended up my job too :-/). Life is busy so I am just getting up earlier and doing the dvd first thing in the morning so I don't have it 'hanging over me' all day.

    In conjunction with the exercise I have started Saints and Slimmers breakfast and lunch with a healthy-ish meal in the evening. I am also stopping my glass of vino with dinner which I think has been the habit that has caused the majority of the weight gain (about 14lb over the last year).

    Good luck everyone.. I will post again for an update at the end of level one.