Been using the phone app, never been in the community.

Hey there everyone, I have been using the phone app, but never been on the website or community, and have been going off track a lot. With and without the app Ive lost almost 60lbs and I feel like adding friends and being active in the myfitnesspal community will help me stay on track. So I would like anyone and everyone to feel free to add me and be friendly, however I am quite shy so if you PM me i might not answer, just looking for support and friends, thanks!!! :)


  • draugr_lord
    draugr_lord Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there. I've got to admit to doing the same thing myself, so I'll be dropping you a friend request. Maybe if a few of us shy folks band together we can make better progress. :)
  • madxprofessor
    madxprofessor Posts: 81 Member
    Yeah haha some people get offended because I ask for them to add me then don't tell them my life story. But Im hoping the people here are friendly, supportive and never critical.
  • sammama5
    sammama5 Posts: 92 Member
    If you can't stand criticism (even constructive), here is a word of advice: Do not post "What am I doing wrong?" threads in the forum. haha Actually, I try not to pose questions in the forum threads at all because I get too emotionally involved.
    A lot of people will respond with what they feel is helpful advice, but not take care to put it nicely.

    Instead, if you have questions, search the past forum posts. There is a search option ^ at the end of the message board sub-areas. Pretty much any question you have has been asked by somebody else before you, and you can benefit by reading through the responses given to them without the emotional response of feeling like people are attacking YOU. :-)

    If you are willing to open up your diary to at least friends, you can feel free to add me. I try to encourage my friends and stay somewhat active socially because of my past experience with not using the social aspect and it's negative effect on my journey. I like the diary being open because I do not want to encourage unhealthy behavior.
    i.e.- If I see "____" completed her diary for _____ and was under her calorie goal," it's not gonna get a like if I can't see what you were eating. I've had "friends" just do "Quick add calories" for the whole day under their goal just to see that in their feed.

    I do not have a great streak right now because I was out of town without internet a few times already this summer, however I've been tracking pretty solidly since April, and my diary is open.