How to start jogging?

jadejo63 Posts: 136 Member
I am quite overweight, can not run or jog properly lol I never have, does anyone know if it's possible to be able to start being good at jogging? Lol. I know that sounds really silly, but I could only run for about 20 seconds a time lol.


  • flame_retardant
    flame_retardant Posts: 49 Member
    Over the course of 1 month (February 2014), I went from being able to jog for 45seconds at a time at 4.5mph to being able to jog for 6min at 6.5mph. It doesn't sound like a lot, but I was so proud because it took a lot of effort to get there. I ran/walked at least 5days a week for nearly the whole month.

    What I did - kept expectations on myself really low and easy to start with. I started at 45seconds, and would run for 45sec and walk for a minute to get myself not feeling faint again. Then I'd time myself for another 45seconds and run again before walking again. So interval jogging/walking essentially. I did this for a few days, then worked up to a minute, then 2minutes, all the while slowly increasing the speed.

    By the end of the month, I could run (breathless and dying) at 9mph for 45seconds and averaged at 6.5mph for 6min.

    I also tried to be at the gym when no one else was there, so I didn't feel too awkward being the ridiculous, unfit person there.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I am quite overweight, can not run or jog properly lol I never have, does anyone know if it's possible to be able to start being good at jogging? Lol. I know that sounds really silly, but I could only run for about 20 seconds a time lol.

    I'd start by asking how long you can comfortably walk for at a brisk pace. As long as you can sustain that for 30 minutes then you should be well placed to start some form of running programme that'll work up your endurance.

    I'd suspect that if you're struggling to sustain more than 20 seconds then you're probably going too fast when you try to run.
  • sloseph
    sloseph Posts: 157 Member
    just start slowly, i started running this year after a good 10 years of no exercise at all, i started not being able to run for a full minute without feeling like i was going to explode, on Monday i ran for 30 minutes without stopping

    i followed the Couch to 5K program with starts you off running small intervals then slowly builds them up over a 9 week period (it takes most people a bit longer)

    i recommend looking into that and seeing how you get on :)

    good luck
  • EmRobo
    EmRobo Posts: 146 Member
    Highly recommend couch to 5k program!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I am quite overweight, can not run or jog properly lol I never have, does anyone know if it's possible to be able to start being good at jogging? Lol. I know that sounds really silly, but I could only run for about 20 seconds a time lol.

    I'd start by asking how long you can comfortably walk for at a brisk pace. As long as you can sustain that for 30 minutes then you should be well placed to start some form of running programme that'll work up your endurance.

    I'd suspect that if you're struggling to sustain more than 20 seconds then you're probably going too fast when you try to run.

    This. Don't push yourself too far too fast, there is a significant risk of injury which is really annoying... :grumble:

    Start by making sure you have properly fitted shoes (go to a running store and have them watch you walk). There are plenty of couch to 5K apps and programs available, choose one that goes by time rather than by distance. Start slow. I run at about the same pace as I walk, just pick up the feet a little more. Your body will adapt quickly, but it will not feel that way. In four weeks, remember how your first run felt and how far you have come! Best wishes :flowerforyou:
  • Odinisgod
    Odinisgod Posts: 46 Member
    Jogging for me is like corn torillas. Something I always hated in my youth, and I now can't get enough of.

    Start by getting a walking course down, then add in spurts of slow jogging. If you can only go for 20 seconds, fine. Next day try to go for 21. The trick is to always progress. It won't be long before you can jog a slow mile, then 2.

    When you get to that point, you may want to invest in some good running shoes.
  • crystalblair2355
    crystalblair2355 Posts: 63 Member
    When i first started on my weight loss journey I definitely ended up overdoing it! I tried to walk to far and tried to jog tooo much too soon!!! ended up hurting my knee and having to go to the dr which resulted in her telling me NO lower body workouts just upper body
    I soon ended up starting a kickboxing class in my town and now i do that as well as try to walk on my off nights....if i decide to jog a little the AWESOME if not then i just keep my pace up and walk.... i encourage like others to remember to take "baby steps" and celebrate those tiny accomplishments even tho they may not seem like much but still be happy in the progress! :smile:
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Your body will adapt quickly, but it will not feel that way. In four weeks, remember how your first run felt and how far you have come!

    Indeed, this. I was thinking just this last night. I started running about 17 months ago, using a C25K plan. Last night was 12km at half marathon race pace of 5:40 per km. I remember when 12Km was my long slow run, something that needed breakfast, a fuel belt with electrolyte and some mental preparation. Last night was after a full day at work, an empty stomach and not carrying anything to drink.

    Progress is rapid.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Try and couch to 5K programme to get you started.

    And just get out there and DO it! Don't give a damn what anyone thinks of you and try to enjoy it! Put some good music on and enjoy the feel of freedom you get from running!
  • trivard676
    trivard676 Posts: 90 Member
    Start slowly and focus on proper form. Getting your form and breathing right is easier as a beginner than it is after you've grown accustomed to do it another way. Don't worry about no being fast enough or going far enough when you first start off. Focus on proper form and strengthening your leg muscles to take the pounding that you are going to give them. It doesn't matter how heavy you are, running gives your lower legs a serious beating when you run.

    Don't overdo it or you risk seriously injuring yourself. You might be thinking 'but I want to lose the weight NOW' or 'I don't want to give up!' when it starts hurting, but injuring yourself will keep you out of the game for a lot longer than taking a break will. Intersperse your running/jogging with walking intervals. If your body is telling you it's time to take a break, it's time to take a break.

    Some sites (like Popsugar) will tell you "oh, with interval program, you can start by getting to 5 minutes at level 5, it's so easy! I looked at that and at the treadmill and was like "5mph? Is that what they mean?" and laughed. Do what works for you.

    Someone else who didn't like/know how to jog or run
  • LDBianca
    LDBianca Posts: 28 Member
    Good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone!

    I run all the time now but I really hated it in the beginning. Then I found what worked for me.... HAVING FUN!!

    What I did was simple. I got some good fast pace dance music on my ipod and hit the treadmill at the gym. I would find a good quick pace for walking and then get to dancing. I'm not talking about all those crazy videos you can find of people tearing it up and spinning on the treadmill; I'm talking just keeping pace with the music.

    I love doing this to Kanye West's song Stronger. If you know counts to music I would do Long/Big Steps for counts 1,2,3,4 then Quick/Short Steps for 5,6,7,8

    Listen to the rhythm, have fun, get your shoulders and hips moving as well! Soon you will be scooting along and able to increase your speed and before you know it you will actually WANT to run to the music.

    Good luck and have fun with it!!

  • danfiveoh
    danfiveoh Posts: 23
    I am quite overweight, can not run or jog properly lol I never have, does anyone know if it's possible to be able to start being good at jogging? Lol. I know that sounds really silly, but I could only run for about 20 seconds a time lol.

    This was exactly how I was a couple of years ago. I decided I didn't quite like being like that so found myself a good 'Couch to 5k' app on my iPhone and followed it religiously for the two or so months it lasted, despite horrible shin splints for a lot of it! Within a year I was regularly running 5ks. I couldn't get too much further due to a dodgy Achilles but I did manage an 8 mile run once and at once point was doing 10k at least once a week. I was never particularly fast, but I was more concerned with simply going further.

    So yes, getting 'good' at jogging is achievable, just don't overdo it at the start, get a decent pair of trainers and find a nice picturesque spot to run where lots of people are at it too.
  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    I'll echo the others suggesting a C25k program. get yourself a good pair of shoes and get started!
  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    I'll echo the others suggesting a C25k program. get yourself a good pair of shoes and get started!

    Same advice here as well. C25K app, Zenlabs has a great free one that you can sync to your music on your phone. They tell you when you are half way through the workout so you can go out and do a loop back home again. Also SLOW SLOW SLOW, you may feel like you are already going slow but your body will go further and thank you if you slow it down even more. I struggled for a long time not understanding why I couldn't progress, it was because I was going to fast and my body couldn't cope. Once I slowed down, my times increased dramatically and I was ecstatic! You can do this! I was a beginner like you and am now after 5 weeks of using the C25K app am running for 25 minute intervals! Be sure to come back here for support and any questions you may have along the way. There is a C25K board on here as well under the groups tab. :happy:
  • catherinet89
    catherinet89 Posts: 60 Member
    Highly recommend couch to 5k program!

    I agree i went from not being able to run 10 minutes of walk run intervals without dieing to running 3 miles a day. Im a self pusher though i always try to push myself to get that much better that much quicker so i didnt follow the plan 100% i shortened it abit lol
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    November 2013 I could only run for like 20secs at a time ok maybe once and call it a day. last week I ran a 15K and still ran back and forth going back to pick up a friend who had fallen behind a few times. so yes, it takes time and patience and most of all hard work. no way around it. just keep at it. I'm now shopping for my first half marathon in November. so give it a year and you will be running a half marathon this time next year. :)