emotional eating suggestions...

I emotionally eat and I need help and ideas to avoid this. Suggestions?


  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    You need to confront that which is making you emotionally unstable. Remove it from your life or come to terms with it. There is no simple answer, but therapy may help you understand your emotions better.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Realize that you won't solve your problem by turning to food. Secondly, once the problem is resolved you will have to deal with another problem which is the extra weight. Get to the root of the problem and find ways to deal with it more constructively without ruining your health or weight loss efforts. If you can't change the situation then change your attitude in dealing with it. Exercise and music are my tools.
  • Alysin
    Alysin Posts: 10
    Yeah, there are some stressors I can't change. Counseling would probably help. I'm happy that I finally figured out why I eat so much. When I go to eat something now I can recognize if I'm eating just because I'm stressed or bored or if it is actual hunger. It makes me stop and I can try to do something else instead. Thinking I need to find some relaxing hobbies and more time alone. Thanks