Is it normal to always be tired when first starting?

Hey all.

Im going on my 2nd week of elliptical. Its been 20 minutes a day 5 days a week. Prior to this i had little physical activity other then work (walking around quite a bit and lifting boxes; driving forklift, but nothing very physically demanding)

I've ran into a issue now.. im not really that tired during work, but when i get home im just wiped out. I try to do my workout as soon as i get home and im lucky if i can stay up past 9.30 without nodding out and ive never had issues before waking up at 5.45 for work, and now i just want to sleep in all the time.

Ive lost like no weight but to be honest i haven't been really watching what i eat, i haven't been eating bad but i figured id try to get a work out going and make it a habit and then move on to healthier eating.

The other thing is i would thought my workout should be getting easier as i go on but i seem to be finding it more difficult.. last week i had no problem finishing and now this week even though i do finish i struggle.

Thoughts or suggestions?


  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    When starting a new program, one often "hits a wall", so to speak, at about the time you are experiencing. There is a certain amount of what I call "residual fatigue" that builds up while your body is adapting to the new routine. As you adapt, then the effects become diminished.

    At this time, don't be afraid to take an extra day off if you are really fatigued. You can also try to introduce a lite variety. Maybe one day, go super easy and push the duration up to 30 min, another day throw 4-5 intervals of 60 sec into the workout. These aren't "all out" efforts--just raise the effort to where it is hard(ish), but you are still in control.
  • Sarahliquid
    Sarahliquid Posts: 201 Member
    After work have a teaspoon or two of coconut oil. It really does give you energy.
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    Agree that you might just need an extra day off. But I remember when I first started that I'd never slept better in my life. As I've gotten used to daily exercise though, I've gone back to my typical insominiac ways, but I was pretty wiped out initially.

    What are your calorie goals? When I first started, I did the dreaded 1200 calories. After nearly passing out doing step aerobics, I changed that up and started doing the TDEE method. If you're getting in better shape, you'll probably start working out harder. You might need more to eat--make sure that you're eating back some or most of your exercise calories. This will affect you the next day too, by this I mean if you have a very low calorie day, your workout will suffer both that day and the next.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Look at your calorie intake. You may not be eating enough. When I am really fatigued I listen to my body and take a day off. On these off days rest your legs and eat all of your calories.
    IRLACTCYD Posts: 10
    I agree with the other posters that are suggesting more rest. Without adequate rest, exercise is much less effective. Good luck!