Hi. I'm new

HI. I'm new here, and a little new to the whole workout thing. I am a mother of two and go to college online, I have been using that as an excuse not to work out but I am the biggest I have ever been and need to get healthy. My biggest problem is no motivation to get up and get it done.


  • jeannieitzen
    welcome,just joined yesterday...excited....
  • amreadarrens
    amreadarrens Posts: 43 Member
    Hi... and Welcome. Just don't lose hope even if you are that motivated. You can do it. There many inspiring stories here. I am in the midst of my journey. And I will really make it there.. :)
  • eweightloser
    eweightloser Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome Sarah !. I'm not new to the program but just getting back on the wagon. myfitness pal really has everything to keep you on track and can be with you by phone, IPAD or laptop. You can even copy and paste recipes in the program and it will calculate the calories in it for you . My goal s to loose 40lbs by next July very do able with exercise and healthy eating :)
  • kirst100980
    kirst100980 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm new also, played about with tons of diets over the years. Hopefully this one will work! 3 stone to go????
    Heard so many good things about mfp. Hope it works as well for me. Wish I didn't love food so much????????????my little girls 14 months now, can't keep using that as a excuse!