Help meeting daily calorie requirements!

Ok, I gained a lot of weight over the last 1.5 years. I started road cycling last year for fun/weightloss. Problem is I never lost weight or inches....then during the off season (too cold to ride) I didn't do any exercise and really packed on some weight which is unusual for me. I am 38 and have never been over a size 6-8 right now I am in a size 14 which is drastic. Been to Dr. had blood work was mildly anemic. Got my iron levels back to normal blah blah blah. Started cycling again this spring. ZERO ENERGY No matter how much sleep the rides were just killing me to finish. Haven't been able to figure out what in the heck has been wrong with my energy levels despite sleeping good and exercising and still losing no inches or lbs. So this week downloaded myfitnesspal app to link up to Mapmyride app. Put in my food intake for the day I was thinking Ive been eating right, my calorie intake has been around 1300. I have been eating like this for a long time without ever adding up the calories. Not realizing how LOW calorie I was eating. Especially after my bike rides. I just always try to think low calorie and LEAN. For example this is a normal days worth of eating for me and some days if things get hectic it will be significantly less calories.....

Breakfast Pre Ride- Nature Valley Granola Bar 2 cups Coffee 430 cal
Lunch time Post Ride- 2 Egg Omlette and 1/2 cup 4% cottage cheese 260 cal
Snack: Cottage Cheeese 4% 1/2 cup, 3/4 cup bluberries(fresh), 1 cup Whole Milk 326 cal
Dinner: Home made low fat Turkey Enchaladas 326 cal

As you can see there is a major deficit. My ride alone that day I burned 921 calories. And had only consumed 1342 cal for the day........YIKES

So I set up the app and am trying to lose around 1lb a week so I am trying to stick to 1650 calories a day. Which isn't hard until I ride my bike and burn between 800-1000 calories. Which is too much of a calorie deficit and I cannot figure out what in the heck I am suppose to be eating to help fill up the 800+ calories I am burning on my workouts so I can get my body out of starvation mode and into fat burning muscle building mode. I don't want to overload on protein because I am worried my legs will bulk up too much because of the cycling and I don't want GIGANTIC quads!

Some advice would be great here. Yesterday I had managed to get to about 1550 calories then worked out after dinner burned 889 calories on a 17+mile bike ride and had a protein shake and an extra piece of broiled talapia and still was 710 calories short for my day. I am always tired I know its because I don't have enough fuel to run on. Where do I find that many HEALTHY calories to add during the day/post workout??? Not to mention I am not feeling very hungry even when I am eating with the exception of dinner and post ride. Most days I ride in the late evening so its a post dinner workout most of the time and I literally will have 800+ calories to replace when I am done. I am not giving up the biking I love it so much but I know my body is not able to continue to run on so little fuel.......advice welcome because I am unsure of how to add so many calories!! Thanks in advance!!


  • Archer9304
    Archer9304 Posts: 113 Member
    Eat calorie dense food. Like cheese, full fat milk, avocado, chocolate, nut butters, olive oil ect.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Forget low fat number need fat in your diet.
    Get in more protien
    Not sure why your breakfast is so small yet so high in calories...I prefer to go for eggs with protien in them like ham or shrimp etc.

    Lunches you could be adding in toast and bacon and veggies and mozza or cheddar cheese to that omlette

    Dinners are easy to get calories in steak, chicken, salads, potatoes, pasta with sauce etc.

    And if in the evening you find you should have more calories have some ice cream or chocolate
  • SueColumbia
    Be careful with the low fat stuff. New research is showing that the low fat diet that has been foisted on us is not a healthy one. Read the June 23 issue of Time magazine (there is butter on the cover).

    I add calories with a protein shake.
  • idontcarroll
    idontcarroll Posts: 216 Member
    Eat calorie dense food. Like cheese, full fat milk, avocado, chocolate, nut butters, olive oil ect.

  • Archer9304
    Archer9304 Posts: 113 Member
    Eat calorie dense food. Like cheese, full fat milk, avocado, chocolate, nut butters, olive oil ect.

    Hah! I love my meat. But it's not as calorie dense as fat. I eat everything :wink:
  • whitehaze
    whitehaze Posts: 13 Member
    I find on my ride days I never reach my required calories. For example yesterday evening I rode 49 miles and burned 1064 calories. My daily calorie goal is 1780 + 1064 exercise cals put me at 2844 for the day. I ended up w/ 779 cals left yesterday. I can understand where you're coming from though. Last night I got home from my ride around 8pm and didn't feel much like eating but knew I had to eat something so got in the kitchen. One thing I do is have a cup of chocolate milk right after my ride which is 150 cals. I also want to mention that I do go over my cals on most rest days so I'm closer to reaching my calories for the week. That might not be the correct way but so far it has been working for me.