Do you know when?

RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
I am curious does anyone else know the exact moment you began gaining weight?

I never had a weight issue growing up or an unhealthy relationship with food until one moment. So I am curious as to if others feel the same and if they were able to go back to where they were before. Or if it just permanently changed them.

For me it was shortly after my divorce I was just sitting around by myself at home watching tv when I got hungry. Not wanting to make food I just decided to order delivery Italian . Well I pick up the phone and order. When the food arrived I realized that I had ordered not only for me, but also what my ex-wife would have ordered. It was this moment that I said screw it I'm just going to eat both. Now that has lead to about 5 years of constant overeating and about 50 lbs. I guess it's nice knowing where it started so maybe I can fix it, but it's also really annoying at the same time.

Anyone else feel like this?


  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Not necessarily an exact moment like you described but the time frame was 2008 when I bought my first house. Before that I lived in an apartment complex with a pool, racquetball court, and weight room, all of which I used regularly. And before that I lived at the beach, always swimming, surfing, and riding my bike.
    The house my wife and I bought was new construction so I thought I wouldn't have to spend a lot of time with stuff around the house. Ha! Wrong. Anyway, 4 years and about 40 pounds later there was still plenty of things on the household to do list but decided to get myself back in shape.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member

    On the bright side it took you 5 years to gain 50lbs. Some of us have no problem gaining that in 1 year.

    Also, whats important is that youve identified it, you arent happy with it, and want to start doing something about it.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Yes, though it hasn't helped in losing weight. Math did that.
  • XanthePersephone
    XanthePersephone Posts: 34 Member
    I remember the key decisions and changes behind every gaining/loosing cycle. When I decided not to join track in high school because of body-image issues: gain. When I started walking/running to class up hill both ways for college: loose. When I started drinking: gain. When I moved back home to a sedentary lifestyle and a pantry full of junk food: gain. My weight has always fluctuated, but recently it hasn't been going back down. Now I'm just trying to orchestrate changes in my life to embrace activity and make mindful choices when it comes to food.
  • mandapanda0925
    mandapanda0925 Posts: 7 Member
    After my divorce I realized that I started gaining weight during my first marriage and reflected back on how unhappy I was in my marriage. I first joined MFP after my divorce and did really well and ended up losing 35 pounds but then I met my now husband and gained all back plus ten pounds but I call that happy weight, lol! I have now lost 20 pounds and getting back on track to get back down to the 35 pounds weight loss mark again. I have noticed that I am an emotional eater and that I need to stay away from sweets because that is where I binge eat. Best of luck to you!!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    For me it was when I graduated from college and got a desk job. I went from walking 1.5 hours a day (between classes plus give tours to prospective students) to sitting around staring at a computer for 50-60 hours a week, going home and crashing, and then getting up to do it again the next day. I went up and down several times, weight-wise but it didn't really click until now, 15+ years later.

    My advice to new college grads: stay active and fit. It's much harder to get back into shape when you are older than it is to stay fit in the first place.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,007 Member
    I have always been heavy but I know exactly when I started to get heavier. April 24, 1992. It was a Friday. My 7 year old at the time was hit by a car. He was badly injured and was in traction in the hospital for almost 2 months. A expected to be at the hospital all day so I lovingly spent 9 to 5 there every day. I would have breakfast and lunch there almost every day. Bacon and eggs. Burgers and fries. Just to get a break out of his room for a few minutes. I dont know how much I gained but it was substantial.
    I get my son home in June, he was recovering nicely.
    Come August my 39 year old hubby is diagnosed with kidney cancer. More hospital, more stress, more food. Gain gain gain... I ballooned to 333 lbs. I guess I stress eater.
    Long story short my son is 29 and perfect. My dear sweet hubby passed away in 2003 after a long hard fight.
    Here I am on mfp 11 year later, 217lbs and a long way to go but I will get there...
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Yes, the first time was back in 1993 when I stopped playing competitive sports in high school. Unfortunately I continued to eat as though I played competitive sports...