Hello World!

Just dropping in to say hi! Jumped on to MFP about 7 weeks ago because I got on a scale one day and it read 256 lbs, my heaviest weight ever. I have struggled to be healthy pretty much from my mid twenties until now (entering my mid 30s). I decided I was fed up with just going through life so careless about my health and finally did something about it. I have lost almost 25 lbs in the last 8 weeks and want to keep pushing forward. Looking for friends who regularly use MFP and can keep me motivated. I walk 4-5 days a week now trying to put in a minimum of 4 miles on each walk. So looking for friends who will also do the same to push each other.


  • jennifermay1971
    Well done , very inspiring to read your story , keep up the great work. Have a few stone to lose myself so here's to goodbye all that fat ! Lol
  • pancakemix16
    pancakemix16 Posts: 45 Member
    Feel free to add me, I log everyday and want more friends for motivation and to motivate! My goal is to workout 5 times a week, 3 miles on elliptical. Currently only doing 3 days a week and want to kick it up a notch!