The right side of body is fatter than the left side?!

I’ve been working out and following a low carb diet for about a week now. Last night I looked in the mirror and noticed that one thigh has cellulite and an extra layer of fat on my butt. The other thigh has absolutely NO cellulite and looks really fit. When I put on my pants, I can feel that my right pant leg is tighter than my left pant leg. I asked my husband about it and he agreed that I’m definitely thinner and fitter on the left side of my body. I even have more fat on the right side of my stomach and even my right breast is larger.

What the heck???!! Does anyone else have this bizarre phenomenon with their body? Any suggestions on what I can do to even my body out?? I’m open to any exercise ideas or techniques that worked for others that have this situation… if anyone else does….? Help. :(


  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    I had the same problem for the first few weeks. I think my right side is still a little bigger but not as much. Do you have back problems? Mine was due to constant back aches and toting little kids around on my hip for years. LOL. I had a habit of shifting my weight to the left and as a result my left side was much smaller than the right. Here's the strange thing. When I started losing weight and exercising I got bad sciatica for a couple of weeks. According to my Wii Fit my balance had finally shifted to the middle. I finally figured out my body had good posture for once and it was hitting the nerve in my back. That took several days to overcome and now I'm good again. My measurements are much more even. I remember one week about a month back where I lost inches on my right side and nothing on my left! I lost like 2 1/2 inches in my right thigh and 1 1/2 off my arm. So your body will even out with exercise. There's no way to target it. I do walking and strength training but just overall toning works great.
  • DaisyJane82
    DaisyJane82 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for your feedback! It's good to know I'm not alone with the strange weight distribution in my body. I don't have any back problems and I've always had pretty good posture. The only thing I do a little different from others is that I always sit indian-style all the time. At work, at home, all day. I'm not sure if that could contribute to it in anyway. I doubt it though. Maybe I just put more weight on one side of my body without realizing it.

    I think I've always had it slightly, but after this week of exercising and counting calories it's become more noticeable. Hopefully my body will even out over time the way it did for you. :)
  • earth_echo
    earth_echo Posts: 133 Member
    I think that's pretty normal. If you're right handed, you'll tend to use the right side of your body slightly more than the left side. If you're left handed, the opposite will be the case. If you've ever sat cross-legged on the floor or in a chair, you'll most likely feel more comfortable with one leg on top and the other on the bottom. For me (I'm right-handed), I prefer the thinner leg (right leg) on the top in both positions.
  • emoonting
    emoonting Posts: 14 Member
    Me too, and it's my right side too! I notice it most in my one sided love handle, don't think I'll be wearing any skin tight clothes ever but otherwise I try to ignore it as I'm hoping others don't notice it as much as me.
  • earthboundmisfit
    earthboundmisfit Posts: 192 Member
    I'm left-handed, and my left thigh is bigger (and stronger) than my right.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    The left side of my stomach is thinner than the right side. It took me a long time to realise that it's because I sleep on my left side.
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    Same here... everything is a little larger on the right side (and I'm right handed). My foot size is bit bigger, my thigh is a bit fatter, my breast is larger and my fingers are bigger (I can't wear my wedding ring on my right hand, my ring size is a whole size larger!)
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    If you have the time and inclination, I might go see an OMT and see if you have a hip out of joint. My father realized his had been out of joint for probably 20 years, and after they popped his hip back in, the off-balance of his physical development was really obvious. I can imagine if a woman had the same problem, that one leg would compensate for the other leg's weakness, the way his did, but that you'd notice it visually more than a man would.
  • ExpectantHope
    ExpectantHope Posts: 60 Member
    My right thigh is slightly bigger than my left :(
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    This is completely normal when you begin working out. For everyone. The truth is, though, that most people only measure one side rather than both.

    As others have pointed out, we tend to use one side of our bodies more than the other. Usually it's the same side as the hand we use to write with, but it can be opposite that hand for a number of reasons.

    However, as you being exercising that will change and you will begin to even out. Why? Because unlike our daily lives, we tend to exercise both sides of our body equally. If we're lifting weights, we do the same number of reps with the same weight on both sides, or we use both sides together to lift a single weight. The same goes for almost all cardio. For example, it's almost impossible to only work your right leg while running, stair-climbing, etc. You're going to wind up using both of them equally unless you're going out of your way not to.

    Give it a little time, and you'll see things change.
  • sparacka
    sparacka Posts: 137 Member
    I noticed a few months ago that my left shoulder is higher than my right (by a very noticeable few inches!). I carry my purse on the left, along with my work-bag, and when I pick up the kidlets, I sling their backpacks on my left shoulder and also carry the baby on my left side. My body has skewed itself to hold up all of this lopsided weight. A trainer friend of mine recommended resistance training (as well as distributing my load more evenly throughout the day). It's getting better, but slowly. If I had any free-time, I would consult a chiropracter...
  • ryan07wilson
    ryan07wilson Posts: 1 Member
    I feel like when I lay on my left side my right side feels really bad and “fatty” and it is the same for the other side but not nearly as bad. I think this might be similar
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  • MercuryForce
    MercuryForce Posts: 103 Member
    swierzbik1 wrote: »
    And BTW, no a part of your body is not "fatter" tha the other, each one of us is at certain body fat % now and it includes whole body. If anything, what we perceive with our eyes as more/less fat is to do with muscle redistribution.

    That's seems yes, we do have a total body fat percentage. But, there is a perfectly even layer of fat covering our entire body and it comes off at exactly the same rate. Just because you can't spot target where you want to remove fat from doesn't mean it is evenly distributed.

  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    Working out is when I started to feel the imbalance in my body. I've got a left hamstring ache from jogging (new to the C25K game) and I've got a left side groin ache that I think is from poor form in free standing squat routines. I can see a small size difference from one side to the other, but not so much that it is bothersome or interfering with clothes fitting.

    I've given myself a few weeks off from the gym, to relieve the aches before trying again.

    Next round, I'm going to be very mindful of what I'm doing and try to correct habits of leading always with the same side, or favoring/leaning to one side over the other.

    good luck to us all!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    This thread is from 2014--it was revived. The 2014 posters will probably not respond.