Anyone age over 70?

Hi I'm 71. Finding it harder to loose the weight than it used to be. Still try to walk a lot and do Tai Chi but the weight creeps on. Need to get 1 stone off before holidays. Don't want to buy a new holiday wardrobe!


  • Quilterbunny
    Quilterbunny Posts: 19 Member
    Yes, it is much harder to take weight off than when we were younger. I am 76 and find it harder to get in the exercise I need.
  • Gawanne
    Gawanne Posts: 105 Member
    I'm originally from dear old Yorkshire. I'm also 78. I've found this site really good and I've lost 14 lbs in 83 days. I'm now walking at least 1 hour a day and more often 1 hour and a half. My gammy knees have completely disappeared and I'm leaping around like a spring lamb, so it's doable. All the best for your journey and enjoy your holiday. P.s. Lots of earlier Scots in our DNA.
  • So happy to see people over 70 on here. I need to lose at least 40 pounds . Just can't seem to do it. Garden, walk the dog but weight just hangs on. Husband admits I don't eat that much. Help ! Please any suggestions?
  • Oh, my name is Sharon live in Wisconsin USA . I'm 71 5ft 3 in. Weigh 191 lb's
  • d4rkkn16ht
    d4rkkn16ht Posts: 77 Member
    My mom is 68 (not 70 yet :tongue: ) but she is quite fit.
    She doesn't do workouts but she does a lot of housework alone since my father died almost 3 yrs ago.
    She is still working because she can't stand doing nothing.

    I wish I can make her move with me or my sister.:ohwell:
    We all live separately & far away.