How does a busy mom find the time to exercise?



  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Also, don't think you have to workout at the same time everyday. I've got two kiddos, and we're homeschoolers. My husband and I own a small business, and I run a non-profit organization. I work out at different times pretty much every day because our schedules can be a little nuts.
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    When I first had my son (12 years ago), I just used the recumbent bike while he napped in his bassinet next to me. As he got older, we started "explore" walking around the farm (where we lived at the time). We continued our "explorations" when we moved into town haha. I also did a lot of VHS workouts (yes, I'm old-I know haha).

    Do you have any parks in your area that have a walking track? I also used to take my son to play at the park & I would walk or run around the track.

    Now that he is older I can workout more easily. But, I am in a master's program that takes up a lot of my time. For me, it's all about time management. Each night, I carve out a schedule that I strictly adhere to.
  • vkdarling
    vkdarling Posts: 161 Member
    Take them on a walk, Go to the park and play on the equiptment with them, play ball with them, jump rope with them, dance with them, do races with them, go skating, go bowling, go swimming. I'm a single mom too and it took awhile but I realized that the trick isn't "getting away" from my son to exercise but including him... he learns to be healthy that way and we both have fun...
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I have a friend whose husband was travelling most of the time for work for far more than a year, so she got someone to babysit a couple of times a week for her; mom, other family member, or close friend.

    Like someone else said earlier, it is about taking the time. Your family needs you to be able to care for them and that starts from you taking care of yourself.
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    I take advantage of the daycare room at my gym. My son loves to play with the other kids and I get to do my workout without interruptions - like being crawled on/under in the middle of a yoga stretch or "push-up". :laugh: Our center also has a pool so some days I'll drop him at daycare go for a swim & then take him for some play time in the kiddie pool. We also go for walks and play at the playground or in our backyard. For the days I just can't get my butt out the door, I play one of the fitness games on the xbox or wii.

    When I first started trying to incorporate exercise I made a commitment to go to the gym 3 days a week and over the course of the last year I worked up to doing all of the above. Don't feel it's an all or nothing kind of thing, look for ways to add activity into your day. Maybe leave a little earlier and walk the kids to school/bus stop. Park a little farther away from the stores when shopping. Nobody said you have to workout for an hour straight for it to count as exercise - do it in 10-15 minute increments if you must.

    One last thing, pick an activity that you really enjoy. The more you enjoy it, the more likely you will be willing to make time for it.
  • MsLaTisha83
    MsLaTisha83 Posts: 54 Member
    At home, before they wake up or after they go to bed. Or while they are awake, just have them work out with you. My kids loved to do that when they were younger. Now I only have 1 under the age of 9 who will exercise with me. The other two care more about their phone or the tv...
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I think for us busy moms it all depends on what works for your schedule. I am on the move 24/7 so I feel your pain. However, I found something that I can stick with and that is what you will need to focus on. I work full time I have 3 kids 16, 13, and 5 I'm the first one to wake up in the morning, then my husband followed by the teens and it ends with the little one. Luckily my husband drops the boys (teens) at school I am left with the little one to take to daycare. While she eats breakfast I do weight lifting (dumbbells do not have an actual gym at my home). That combined with calorie counting I have successfully lost 15lbs steadily but I know they will stay off.

    I would recommend you try different methods and see which one works for you some of my tries was late at night when the kids were a sleep. Another one was during my 1hr lunch I attempted to go running at a near by walking trail. Or you can do what I do and attempt to squeeze it in the morning. Good Luck!!
    LULUREBEL Posts: 86 Member
    Hi, I have two little ones and work full-time. I take walks with them in the evenings after work. On weekends, we do lots of activity together. (trails, parks, playgrounds, zoo) If I can manage to wake up early enough, I work out in the morning using DVDs before I go to work. I'll do it at night after they go to bed if I'm not too tired lol. Don't give up - it's hard but you can make it work. Feel free to send me a FR!
  • 143Meowww
    143Meowww Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all so much for the advice!!! I walked two miles tonight with all three kiddos... :)
  • anjones623
    I just finished my second round of an amazing program. I have two boys 12 and 14 and we are alllways busy, running here and there plus trying to keep up with everything at home. I have always been super obsessed with trying to stay fit and healthy, and teaching my kids the same but as a busy mom and wife it has been hard!! But I recently took the plunge and ordered the 21 day fix after seeing it on Tv! I love it! I am about to start my 3rd round and I feel amazing. The workouts are only 30 minutes; you can sneak them in any time. And it gives you these awesome containers that teach you healthy clean eating. I've actually been packing my hubbys lunches based on the containers and he has lost weight without even exercising! The nutrition program makes you so conscious and becomes a new lifestyle. I look forward to my 30 minute workout everyday! So excited to pass this information along!
  • icck
    icck Posts: 197 Member
    I get my 3 year old involved. She lifts weights with me (I use a barbell, and she uses an empty dumbell without any weights on), we jog together, we follow fitness DVDs, we go for long walks and race. I'm ordering a new hoop soon so we can hoop together.
    I get to fit in more workouts, and she's learning how to keep active at the same time. :)
  • sarahharas5
    sarahharas5 Posts: 256 Member
    Hi all, I am new here. I am currently at 225 pounds and trying to lose around 75 pounds. I am looking for suggestions from other mommies on how to find time to get my exercise in. I am a single parent of three amazing kids under the age of 9. Please help!

    I love Jillian Michaels DVDs. As tough as it is, I wake up at 5am every morning to get my workout in. Now its just part of my routine. I tried working out after work but seemed to find more excuses. For me, exercising while everyone is sleeping is key.
  • hj1119
    hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
    I have to get up at 5:30 am to get my run in before the household gets up and everyone needs to rush off to school/work/daycare/summer camps/friends houses etc etc etc....
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    I only have a one month old, so definitely not THREE kids! You must be super busy. Are they all old enough to work out WITH you?? Make it fun, something they would enjoy, play the wii, go for a walk/jog, do yoga with them (it would be cute!), play outside! Orrrr do what I do, and work out when the kids are napping. I put my baby down for a nap in the evening and I have a good 2 hours to work out and shower and get cooled down. :)
  • sims2013
    sims2013 Posts: 283 Member
    I do in home daycare, i take care of 7 kids. I used to do T25 during their nap time.
    Now i workout at the gym when they all go home. I am losing weight to get pregnant.
    No one is ever too busy to workout. it is all about time management. If you want to lose weight bad enough, its simple, you will find or make the time!

    just remember this quote
    "excuses dont burn calories!''
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    minecraft videos on youtube, my son (5) will do anything to watch more of those.

    I own a richard simmons dance DVD that the kids do with me. They love how goofy he is, and the music as well.

    I also go to a yoga class once a week at my local hospital. Its cheap, and It starts when my hubby get off of work.

    I also walk to do my errands, I push the stroller with my kids in it, and my son rides his tricycle.

    Since its summer I try to take my kids out to do active things, like walking to the park, swimming at the lake or pool, or doing a free activity locally. (last night we went to an event in town with a moon bounce). Anything to get moving, and outside.

    Mostly, my weight loss sucess has come down to eating less. I exercise for other reasons.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    If you want it, you make time, not excuses.

    3 kids 5 and under tand and 4.0 gpa in my 3rd year of school. I worked out for 45 minutes today and burned 600 calories.

    I love that attitude.

    I don't have kids yet, but my husband and I both work out religiously and have no plans to quit once kids come into the picture. I already get up at 5AM to exercise Monday-Friday, but if I can't do it at that time for some reason, my husband will watch the kid(s) for an hour in the evening so I can lift or whatever. And I'll watch them while he goes to the gym if he can't do it after work before picking the kid(s) up. I also plan on staying active with them whenever possible - kids need exercise too!

    It would be harder without daddy there, but it's still doable if you want it bad enough.
  • Jlmervin03
    Jlmervin03 Posts: 152 Member
    Also, my YMCA has sliding scale membership fees and free childcare. :-)

    My YMCA does this too. i am also a single mother of 2 ( 6 and 1), and they love going there. I only pay 20/mo for the 3 of us. On the days I don't go to the gym I try to go for a walk around the neighborhood. They love being outside.
  • carnavore
    carnavore Posts: 65
    I'm not a mom but I do know some gyms have daycares that allow you to take kids about 2-3 years old and up. Also depending on your financial situation a babysitter if not you could also consider doing a workout video at home. Try finding something that works for you.

    I recall before my weight gain, every object I ever encountered was a workout machine from my bar stools, to my desk at work, to my chair in my computer desk (eventually I switched it out for a ball).
  • amymwp
    amymwp Posts: 3 Member
    If you work, try to fit it in during your breaks. I joined my local YMCA located near my office and go work out during my lunch hour and then eat lunch at my desk later in the afternoon. This also keeps me from going out to eat with co-workers for lunch, saving money and helping to keep on track with my meal planning.