Haven't been losing as much as I want to....

So I've been on my diet for 6 weeks today and so far I've lost 10lbs. I weigh myself every Thursday and last week when I weighed it was 195.4 and when I weighed a few minutes ago I was 194.4.... so I've lost 1lb this week, and I know I should be happy but I'm not. My goal was to lose 2lbs per week so I can be fit by March 2015, and at this rate it will take me twice as long... I've been exercising, walking at least 2 miles (usually 3 or 4 miles) every day this week, sometimes even twice a day and the only time I've eaten fast food was yesterday, I drink water and powerade and I eat about 1300 calories per day.. what else do I need to do to lose more? I mean, I am a little happy that at least I have lost something but I just really wanted to be down to 188 by the end of the month, that's the goal I have set.. Any tips or advice I would really appreciate it.


  • Cardio4Cupcakes
    Cardio4Cupcakes Posts: 289 Member
    10 pounds in 6 weeks is more than 1.5 pounds a week. I think you're making great progress. Why don't you open your diary to public so we can see what you've been eating.

    It took me about 4-5 months to lose 20 pounds.
  • shadesof66
    shadesof66 Posts: 75 Member
    I agree with Cardio4cupcak - 10 pounds in 6 weeks is a great result! I have lost just over 20 pounds in about 12 weeks (same rate as you). The point is don't get disillusioned if you lose less than your projected amount - stay with your plan - it WILL WORK..Your plan of 1300 cal per day with some mild cardio is a good one. I might suggest throwing in some jogging instead of one of your walks to up the cardio burn but thats up to you. GOOD LUCK AND DONT LOSE YOUR FOCUS!
  • Shaystays
    Shaystays Posts: 34
    Thank you. I try to jog a little but I have asthma so I have to do it in intervals and be really careful, but I am trying to work my way up to jogging without stopping and eventually running.
  • Cardio4Cupcakes
    Cardio4Cupcakes Posts: 289 Member
    Alright lady. I'm asthmatic also so I feel ya there. It will get easier though, often times in the morning when I wake up I'm a little tight chested but I go to the gym and actually find jogging helps- do NOT do this without an inhalor nearby or without checking with your doctor :)

    So I peeked at your journal for the past week. You're eating a lot of things that could easily be replaced with healthier options. I noticed you eat a lot of bagels- swap that out for 2 slices of toast with PB. I noticed one day (I think it was a Saturday) that you had fast food twice that day- happens to the best of us, but try to make better selections like grilled chicken, salads etc. I hope you don't take these as slams, I'm honestly just trying to help! I used to eat fast food ALL the time.

    You're on the right track, I'm just worried you're going to hit a stall soon and become discouraged if you're not loving the progress you've made so far.
  • Shaystays
    Shaystays Posts: 34
    I actually like healthy foods, it's my family. I have 3 other siblings in our house and my parents tend to take the easy way out by getting fast food all the time and buying chips and sugary cereal and stuff at the grocery store. When we buy food I always get healthy stuff but it's hard to resist all the crap laying around my house, and it's hard to resist when everyone gets mcdonalds and I am stuck with hard boiled eggs... lol
  • Cardio4Cupcakes
    Cardio4Cupcakes Posts: 289 Member
    Unfortunately that is just part of life. If it's not your parents, it'll eventually be a roommate with cookies. Or an SO with a sweet tooth. Or an office filled with cookies.

    You're going to face challenges everyday. I would much rather bury my face in a burrito than eat baked chicken and vegetables- again.

    The good part about cals in, cals out is that you're allowed to eat what you want (in moderation). But making healthy choices is a solid foundation. Is everyone perfect? Definitely not. But if you eat well throughout the day, you can allow yourself that snack at night and not feel guilty.
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    You are losing at a nice and steady pace. I know how frustrating it can be when you want to lose a lot quicker but it really is best if you lose slow and you have less chance of gaining back this way.

    I would suggest working out more so that you can eat more. You say it is hard to resist things in your home etc. You do not need to 'resist' and cut out as much if you increase your level of exercise. Youtube videos can be great to work out at home (Hasfit, fitnessblender etc), also maybe try the couch to 5km program (you can google it) and this will mix in running with your walking. Also strength training at home...squats, push ups, doing a plank etc. Hope this helps a wee bit.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi there! My name is Kim and I have lost 80 pounds in the past 2 years. My hubby has lost 106. I would be happy to share what has worked for us. Add me if you are interested.

    You can always share what worked for you and your husband here in the forums versus spamming the boards with this same post. (hope you aren't trying to scam people into buying a product)

    You are seeing progress. One thing to remember, it is possible you will not see a loss each week. I question your calorie goal and if it is appropriate for you, but don't set yourself up for disaster with expecting to lose a specific amount each week.
  • bane0317
    bane0317 Posts: 60 Member
    If you didn't exercise much before and have increased your activity you may see weight gain as you strengthen your muscles. Muscle weighs more than fat, but it takes up less space. Have you been taking measurements of your body? Especially with exercise you will often see those numbers go down but not the one on the scale. I am experiencing this myself. I started Zumba about 2 months ago and have actually seen some increase in the scale even though my diet hasn't changed. It fluctuates. I do know that I have lost a couple of inches. My clothes fit differently and people ask me how much I've lost. I tell them that while I haven't lost any weight I feel better and I believe I have lost fat. Also - as you build / tone your muscles they may retain some water as they are broken down and rebuilt. Keep pushing water consumption and it will even out. On days where I Zumba and don't push water before and after I will be up 1-2 lbs the next day due to retention of fluids. It is easy to be disappointed and frustrated when looking at just the scale. I get that way myself. I keep focusing on the overall picture of how I feel, what my measurements are and what the scale says. Like all things it is a balance and will take time. Good luck! We're here if you need us!
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    Cut out the PowerAde. You don't need it if you're just walking. That stuff is full of sugar.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    You've lost 10 lbs in 6 weeks that is fantastic. Don't set yourself up for disappointed expecting to always lose 2 lbs a week, there will be weeks you lose nothing, other weeks you might lose 3 lbs. You need to look at the overall trend.

    In 18 months I've lost 114 lbs, my goal is 80% good choices / 20 % I don't worry about. If you like your powerade there's no reason not to have it, you just make it fit like you are doing. I would suggest looking at your calories they seem on the low side, and you want to learn how to make changes that you can continue forever, not just for a diet.

    Here's some information that might help

    Log your food accurately and honestly. Go for 80% good choices the other 20% don't worry so much about. I eat lots of delicious food and have consistently lost. Keep it simple find a REASONABLE deficit:

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal


    Find an activity you enjoy doing - I found I love to ride my bike and lift heavy stuff :)

    Here are 2 more threads that will help take the time to read them:

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Weekly weigh ins are not a good representation of your weight. You could have lost 2 pounds this week, but just gained 1 pound of water weight today that you'll lose tomorrow... Just keep doing what you're doing.