See no progress

Started at 16st 10 last year and I'm now 13st 9. It sounds odd but I cannot see any change in myself.

I run every day as well as do some form of weight training, and use the cross trainer whilst eating clean and drinking plenty of fluids. However, I'm still fat; I have a large belly and man boobs and a fatty back as well as bingo-wings. I don't understand why it isn't noticeable. I've had the odd treat days as we have been for meals with some family who are visiting, so some days I had Fish and Chips or a chocolate sundae...however I didn't enjoy them at all. Too sweet for me and didn't put me off track, so that isn't something I feel I should worry about. I am also eating less calories every day. Some days I have under 700, others is 1800ish as recommenced by this app previously. I'm never hungry anymore, zero appetite.

I took a photo a few weeks back and took another the other day to compare. The scales say I've lost 9lbs difference.

My goal weight is around 10.5/11st and I am looking to get to this by Jan 2015 as I am going to Australia in February. Does anybody know why I am not seeing any difference? I feel I train hard enough. I train to the point where I feel faint or that I can no longer go on...and I sweat a lot too. I don't know what it is...I still feel as fat as before.


  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Sometimes it takes longer than a couple weeks to see results. GOing by your join date, you haven't even been here a month.

    You also don't have to train so hard you faint. Moderate exercise 30-60 minutes a day for 5 days is enough. Unless you're lifting.
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    Can you open your diary?
  • jjdiggy
    jjdiggy Posts: 172
    Sometimes it takes longer than a couple weeks to see results. GOing by your join date, you haven't even been here a month.

    You also don't have to train so hard you faint. Moderate exercise 30-60 minutes a day for 5 days is enough. Unless you're lifting.

    I have actually been here a while, since around March last year. I just created a new account because I was logged out from my last and couldn't remember the password. That's why I mentioned " 1800 calories *previously* ".

    It has been longer than a few weeks. The weight loss shown in the ticker is what I have lost since around 2/3 months ago, so even still I can't see results.
  • chuff438
    chuff438 Posts: 1 Member
    Ihave found that when I go that far below my go I dont lose as well I have. read that of you don't eat enough calories your body goes into starvation mode and prevents weight loss . Plus you really burn even more calories with the exercise. Try exercising Plus the alloted number of calories. Let us know how you do in a couple of weeks. Good luck.
  • jjdiggy
    jjdiggy Posts: 172
    I have found that when I go that far below my go I don't lose as well I have. read that of you don't eat enough calories your body goes into starvation mode and prevents weight loss . Plus you really burn even more calories with the exercise. Try exercising Plus the allocated number of calories. Let us know how you do in a couple of weeks. Good luck.

    Thanks for the advice. I'll try increase my calorie intake.
  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,666 Member
    You shouldn't try to rush weight loss. Instead of putting a timeline on when you "need" to lose this weight, just do the best you can and realize that anything you do in this time to make you a healthier person will be a success. Eat at a slight deficit, aim for max of 2 lb loss per week, exercise moderately with a mix of cardio and resistance training. Eating only 700 calories is definitely too low for an active man! Eat more food! Weigh everything you eat with a food scale. Also, if you're pushing yourself to the point where you feel you will faint, that is too hard. Exercise sensibly or else you are going to seriously hurt yourself.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    If you have a significant amount of weight to lose, it may just take time for it to be noticeable. If the scale is going down, you're making progress.

    And the starvation mode thing is not true.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    In August, I will be at this for 2 years. This year I've lost nothing, but I'm JUST NOW starting to realize that I'm much smaller than I was. I'm JUST NOW realizing that hey, I don't look too bad!!

    The brain takes a LONG time to catch up sometimes.
  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,666 Member
    Here are a couple of popular linked sites to check out from a couple pros..

    start by reading this post :

    and follow up with the link within that post :
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Do you weigh your food with a food scale?
    Have you tried taking measurements? We tend to be the most critical about our own bodies and as such, sometimes we don't see the changes being made.
    What is the average amount of calories you are consuming? (take a week and find the average) Dipping low 1 or 2 days a week isn't going to cause any real problems, but if you start doing it a lot (or eventually everyday) it could cause health problems down the road. There isn't a point where our bodies magically hold onto fat.
  • jjdiggy
    jjdiggy Posts: 172
    You shouldn't try to rush weight loss. Instead of putting a timeline on when you "need" to lose this weight, just do the best you can and realize that anything you do in this time to make you a healthier person will be a success. Eat at a slight deficit, aim for max of 2 lb loss per week, exercise moderately with a mix of cardio and resistance training. Eating only 700 calories is definitely too low for an active man! Eat more food! Weigh everything you eat with a food scale. Also, if you're pushing yourself to the point where you feel you will faint, that is too hard. Exercise sensibly or else you are going to seriously hurt yourself.

    I'm not rushing. If anything it's coming off a lot faster than I expected. I mean, I lost 9lbs in 2 weeks which I found really hard to accept because it was such a great weight loss in such a small amount of time. On average I've been loosing around 3-4 lbs a weeks. I do cardio every day and throw in a little resistance training too, for example today: I had a banana for breakfast, then took a 2.8mile run with the dog, and came home and rested for an hour or so, then had dinner which was a ham omelette with a side of rocket salad and I am still so full...that was 4 hours ago. Then after I did some bench pressing, squats, rowing with dumbbells. And now I feel incredibly lazy because I feel I've done enough training today so I'm sat watching TV. I suppose I could go on the treadmill or crosstrainer later tonight to make myself feel better.

    I weighed everything when I first started again a few months back, and have since stopped but not sure why. I guess it was too much of a hassle when it also came to cooking food for the rest of the family. Especially how I eat wholewheat/wholemeal, low fat and calorie sauces and all. I just put on a portion like I would normally, except smaller, and then eat until I feel full.

    The other day I had sausages and mash. After one sausage (out of 3) and a few small spoonfuls of mashed potato I was full to the brim...yet I hadn't eaten much that day.
  • jjdiggy
    jjdiggy Posts: 172
    Do you weigh your food with a food scale?
    Have you tried taking measurements? We tend to be the most critical about our own bodies and as such, sometimes we don't see the changes being made.
    What is the average amount of calories you are consuming? (take a week and find the average) Dipping low 1 or 2 days a week isn't going to cause any real problems, but if you start doing it a lot (or eventually everyday) it could cause health problems down the road. There isn't a point where our bodies magically hold onto fat.

    Weighing food: I used to..I'm not sure why I stopped, but as I mentioned I guess it just became too much of a hassle.

    Measurements: No, I have never actually taken measurements from parts of my body before. When I was talking to my family regarding why I couldn't see it, they mentioned it could be from parts I would legs or neck...or maybe internal. I could really do with doing some measurements though, as that'd give me some motivation if I was to see I've reduced in size of legs etc.

    On average, probably around 1400 maybe. My goal as stated is around 1800 per day. Some days have been higher than normal since I have had the odd chocolate sundae when going for meals with my family, but that won't be a daily thing, considering I didn't enjoy it...nor could I finish it.
  • trm68
    trm68 Posts: 55 Member
    So, what if someone is exercising daily, is on mfp,eats the right foods,enters the data on mfp and for 2 months weight loss is only 8 lbs. In other words, you work your T-hiney off and its a slow go,,it must be frustrating. I do not have that problem, but what advice do I give to someone that does struggle with every ounce they lose?