I created a monster and I need your help to conquer it

This post might end up being a long one but please read through, I'm at the point where I am so screwed up I don't know what to do.

I'm a 23 year old male who has never been in shape. In 2011 I suffered from a car accident that left me disabled and depressed. My weight rocked up to the highest in my life and it wasn't from muscle gain that's for sure. That entire year was me sitting on my *kitten* just getting fatter.

In 2012 I began a year long physical therapy program to become a normal person again. It was then that I decided to begin my weight loss journey. However if I had a time machine I would smack myself. I lost weight by ONLY decreasing my food intake with very minimal exercise. This is where I had lost ALOT of weight quickly by not eating properly. I would guess somewhere in the range of 60lbs in a six month period.

After the weight loss I found myself to be carrying a lot of fat still despite being the lowest weight in my life. My mindset was it worked the first time, so I need to keep eating minimal food and the fat will keep decreasing. I continued to lose weight but the fat stayed. Then it dawned on me I need to exercise and eat minimal food! I went from running for 30 seconds to 3 miles! Zero push-ups to 40! A few sit-ups to 60! All the exercises I did we're from my own home with my body weight or dumbbells. Unfortunately I kept the same meal plan of eating minimal amounts of food while I exercised.

I keep mentioning this "meal plan" and "minimal amounts" of food. For me that meant one big meal a day and a few snacks. So around 1,000 - 1500 calories randomly. I did not take into account protein or any nutrients didn't know or care about them. Don't let me fool you into thinking I wasn't touching junk/unhealthy foods because I ate whatever I wanted.

So while exercising and following this meal plan that takes me to today. I am 150 lbs, 5'7 and "skinny fat". The majority of my body's muscle mass has been burned away. I am super skinny in some spots of my body. My family tells me I look to skinny and to be honest I do in clothes. However without clothes it's gross in some areas. I am not exaggerating when I say I have lb's of fat on my lower body that just sags. link to pancake thigh when I sit: http://imgur.com/Vr3pncR

I want to change, badly. I want to do it right. Right now the way I see it i have two options.

1) Go on a detox for about a week and burn off as much fat/weight as I can. Hell I'm already skinny without a lot of muscle mass at least I know what I lose will truly be the fat that is plaguing me. Then I could begin a proper protein diet and muscle building exercise program.

2) Begin a protein heavy diet and exercise program to build muscle mass. However I'm still going to have this fat on me and I'm only going to get more added to that. In the future I would have to cut and I feel as if I would end up back with the same problems.

Thank you for making it this far. This is where I need you to help me. I don't know what to do to change this situation. I have a goal of joining the military and I want to get in shape as quick as I can. I'm confused, lost and sincerely appreciate any help


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Option 1 is a definite no, losing another 10lbs won't help the situation at all.

    Eat at maintenance, lift heavy ****!
  • jj191
    jj191 Posts: 10
    Option 1 is a definite no, losing another 10lbs won't help the situation at all.

    Eat at maintenance, lift heavy ****!

    If I lost 10lbs for example I feel like it would be mostly fat at this point. I would feel soooo much better about myself if I was simply skinny instead of skinny fat. I'm worried if I do option 2 and start eating 2k calories, 150 grams of protein, 100 carbs that I'm going to keep my current fat, pack on even more. Yeah I'll gain muscle along the way but :/ still fat.
  • jj191
    jj191 Posts: 10
    Here is a picture of my worst fat area

    (NSFW) http://imgur.com/Vr3pncR

    Thats when I sit I can grab inches of fat off my butt/hip/thigh. My skin in that area also has visible celluite. Other similar problem areas are my legs, calves and stomach.
  • st0rmagedd0n
    st0rmagedd0n Posts: 417 Member
    Option 1 is a definite no, losing another 10lbs won't help the situation at all.

    Eat at maintenance, lift heavy ****!

    If I lost 10lbs for example I feel like it would be mostly fat at this point. I would feel soooo much better about myself if I was simply skinny instead of skinny fat. I'm worried if I do option 2 and start eating 2k calories, 150 grams of protein, 100 carbs that I'm going to keep my current fat, pack on even more. Yeah I'll gain muscle along the way but :/ still fat.

    A detox, no matter what kind, isn't going to do anything but cause you to dump water weight at best and eat away at even more muscle mass at worst. Skip it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Option 1 is a definite no, losing another 10lbs won't help the situation at all.

    Eat at maintenance, lift heavy ****!

    If I lost 10lbs for example I feel like it would be mostly fat at this point. I would feel soooo much better about myself if I was simply skinny instead of skinny fat. I'm worried if I do option 2 and start eating 2k calories, 150 grams of protein, 100 carbs that I'm going to keep my current fat, pack on even more. Yeah I'll gain muscle along the way but :/ still fat.

    firstly, you never just lose fat when you lose weight... you also lose water and muscle, so if you lose more weight, you stand to lose even more muscle...

    secondly, if you eat at MAINTENANCE you wont gain fat as its the number of calories you need to MAINTAIN your weight.

    how do you even know 2000 cals is your TDEE?
  • jj191
    jj191 Posts: 10
    My BMR is 1,634 calories. I'm a little confused on TDEE and it's activity levels. However I'm guessing my TDDE is between 1243 - 1401. Does this mean I should be eating at 1243 - 1401 calories for weight loss? I want to gain muscle and lose fat and I'm confused on how to do this.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    My BMR is 1,634 calories. I'm a little confused on TDEE and it's activity levels. However I'm guessing my TDDE is between 1243 - 1401. Does this mean I should be eating at 1243 - 1401 calories for weight loss? I want to gain muscle and lose fat and I'm confused on how to do this.

    TDEE is total daily energy expenditure, so it is HIGHER than your BMR, not lower.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    My BMR is 1,634 calories. I'm a little confused on TDEE and it's activity levels. However I'm guessing my TDDE is between 1243 - 1401. Does this mean I should be eating at 1243 - 1401 calories for weight loss? I want to gain muscle and lose fat and I'm confused on how to do this.

    No your TDEE will be much higher than your BMR. BMR is the number of calories your body would burn if you were in a coma. Your TDEE factors in exercise and daily activity. Here's a TDEE calculator:


    If you continue to cut, not only are you burning fat and muscle, and losing water, you are also putting organs and bone density at risk. There are many health risks to continuing the path you have been on.

    My personal thoughts would be for you to begin a progressive strength training program, and begin eating either at or a bit above your TDEE. Reevaluate in one month. You may gain a bit of fat, but your body needs nutrition. So in the calculator for step 6, choose either clean bulk, or gain muscle and lose fat.

    Do not continue to deprive your body of the nutrients it needs! This will not serve your purpose.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Take a read through this as well:


    There is a lot of great information here.

    Just to reinforce, you will not get different results by continuing the same behaviors. Open you mind to alternatives.
  • Aestuavi
    Aestuavi Posts: 15 Member
    I think you should eat more calories (around your TDEE) and do strenght training. You will lower your body percentage and become more toned. I don't feel comfortable with the way you talk about your plans and body, I think you might need to talk to someone? Maybe get professional help for this journey? I know it's not my decision to make or anything, but for some reason I'm really worried about you.
  • jj191
    jj191 Posts: 10
    After reading I'm definitely going to try and pack on the extra lbs and get toned. I have been killing my body it's no wonder why I look like I do. :( at least I'm realizing this now.


    My BMR is 1675
    My TDEE is 2597
    For a clean "bulk" I need 2847 calories.

    My last two questions are, if I simply want to get toned and gain a little bit of muscle mass do I need to eat at my TDEE or my clean bulk goal. Also this seems like a ton of food, I don't know where to start. Is anyone familiar with a meal plan that can help me?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Work your way up to TDEE first.... 200 cals a week. Get your lifting sorted and then you can bulk once you're happy eating over 2000 cals.
  • jj191
    jj191 Posts: 10
    Work your way up to TDEE first.... 200 cals a week. Get your lifting sorted and then you can bulk once you're happy eating over 2000 cals.

    Thank you. Yourself and everyone else who has replied have been a major help to me
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Work your way up to TDEE first.... 200 cals a week. Get your lifting sorted and then you can bulk once you're happy eating over 2000 cals.

    Thank you. Yourself and everyone else who has replied have been a major help to me

    The body is very resilient. You are young, so that is on your side. If you are having trouble bringing your calories up, consider adding in more calorie dense foods. Full fat versions of thinks like dairy. Peanut butter. I have no doubt you will do just fine. :smile:

    ETA: Take some pictures and measurements too. You may not see the changes in the mirror, it lies almost as much as the scale, but holding up side by side comparison pictures of where you are now and how you are progressing will give you a much better picture. It doesn't hurt to add in a few friends here for support along the way.
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    I was going to comment, but as I read through the posts I realized you have been told everything I would have said, so I will just say Good luck, stay committed! It won't happen over night but with commitment and time it WILL Happen!
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    After reading I'm definitely going to try and pack on the extra lbs and get toned. I have been killing my body it's no wonder why I look like I do. :( at least I'm realizing this now.


    My BMR is 1675
    My TDEE is 2597
    For a clean "bulk" I need 2847 calories.

    My last two questions are, if I simply want to get toned and gain a little bit of muscle mass do I need to eat at my TDEE or my clean bulk goal. Also this seems like a ton of food, I don't know where to start. Is anyone familiar with a meal plan that can help me?

    Not sure what your current intake is right now, but this is great news for you. Great news in the sense that to get down to 150lbs youve been eating at quite a deficit. Now you get to eat more!!! TavistockToad & nutmegoreo give excellent advice.

    I think all you need to do now is find a strength training program that interests you (start with the sexy pants thread) and start working out (and tweaking your macros) for the body you want.