How much weight have you got to lose?



  • lngbrd
    lngbrd Posts: 279 Member
    60lbs mas o menos
  • morgan1981
    I have 5 more pounds to go to reach my goal. It has taken me over a year to lose what I have lost. I had a weight loss incentive through my health insurance. All I had to do is get to a healthy BMI and I would receive a $500 check. I am finally taking it serious. Dieting is so hard for me. I am actually, proud of how far I have come. The money would have been great, but health is more important.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm currently at 160 pounds. I started at 202.5 (5'6") and have lost 42. Right now my goal is 10 more and then we'll see from there. I usually lose anywhere from .5-2 pounds a week eating 1700-1800 per day. I've been bouncing back and forth between 160 and 161 for a few weeks now but am patiently waiting to move out of the 160s.

    I started out really restricting my grain and added sugar--pretty much to one day a week. I have a lot of Type 2 diabetes in my family so I wanted to really watch my carbs. Plus I tended to be a person who could not eat one serving of those things without eating all of them. So I restricted them to one day a week but am now at a point where I've added them back a bit and have them a few times a week.

    I run 3 times a week, strength train 3 times a week, and then take a few walks when I can. I really like the exercise. I work a desk job so, for me, it's nice to get out and move whenever possible.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I have 21 pounds to lose until I reach my first goal. Since that will still have me in the overweight category I'm going to reassess once I get there and set another goal.
  • rileyleigh
    rileyleigh Posts: 106 Member
    14 down, about 14 to go. I'm aiming for 180. I do a lot of cardio and have started some lifting at the gym as well. I typically eat about 1700 calories, but i also don't eat back any exercise calories. I've been at a fairly healthy 1-2 pounds a week loss for the past month.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    I am 5`3 and I want to loose 30 pounds.I started at 150 but now down to 145
  • binniesmart
    I'm working in kgs, so I want to lose 10-12kg, which will be around 25lbs. My ultimate aims is to get to a BMI under 25, for the first time in 8 years!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Height: 5'4.5"
    Age: 24
    Start Weight: 260lbs
    Current Weight: 188lbs (72lbs lost)
    Goal: 130lbs (58lbs left to go) **
    Calories: Varies. Since I'm currently breastfeeding, I'm trying to avoid a huge deficit and have MFP set to 0.5lb per week loss. I try to average around 1700 NET calories. I'm not exercising yet and will most likely increase calories when I start working out again.
    Loss per week: remains to be seen. I only just started counting calories again at 6wks postpartum (currently 7wks postpartum). So far this is how things have gone:

    **My goal isn't set in stone. Once I get to a healthier weight, I'm going to focus more on body composition and what the scale says won't matter to me. I know what I would like to look like (myself before I got fat) and I'm going to get as close as I can. After 2 c-sections, my stomach may not end up exactly like I would like but I'm okay with that.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    I'm going to lose another 44 pounds, I'm a little over 244 right now and I started out at 337.
    I am using 2000 cals per day and sticking to it religiously and exercising an average of 6 days a week, mostly cardio, when I hit about 220-225 I’m going to start doing a LOT more lifting and less cardio.
    7 ½ months in and I’ve dropped close to 93lbs which is close to 12lbs per month average.
    I just turned 52.
    What are carbs? LoL My diary is wide open if anyone wants to look...
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I'm down 100 pounds and have another 100 to go. My highest known weight was 350 pounds.
  • scrounger888
    scrounger888 Posts: 17 Member
    ~60 pounds. Starting 238, currently 235. Goal is about 175-180. I know as a female that's still heavy but for my build its the top end of "normal" as I'm 5'9" and built like a tank. I started this once before but fell off the food wagon so I'm starting again. I'll make it. Calorie goals 1800 a day, mostly weight lifting for exercise but adding walking and exercise biking.
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    I started at 178 lbs, and I have 26 to go, but I am sure that will not be the end, will reassess from there.
    To lose 1/2 pound a week, my calorie allowance in 1450 daily, but I don't count any exercise toward my goal. I am under 1450 about 4 or 5 days a week, but I consider anything under 1700 a win.
  • marricurt
    marricurt Posts: 47 Member
    My diary is open to add me. :)

    I started at 94kg (207 lb)
    Currently at 89kg (196lb)

    First goal is 75kg (165 lb).. Hoping to reach that around November...

    Second goal will be 65 kg (143lb).. Probably will reach that early next year.

    I am 168 cm ( 5 '6) and currently eat between 1200-1400. This will increase soon once I can start exercising again (recovering from surgery). I tend to eat lower calorie foods for breakfast and lunch and snacks and store extra calories for dinner.. I prefer to eat a normal healthy dinner or have a light dinner and a treat afterwards... :)
  • Coltsforlife
    Coltsforlife Posts: 124
    11 lbs lost - 38 lbs to go
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    About 15-20
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    Hello Everyone ????

    Just a little Query, how much weight have you got to lose? around another 15 pounds for me! what is your goal weight and how many calories are you eating to lose and how much a week/month do you lose?

    I've got another 18 lbs until my ultimate goal weight. I'm 5'7" and currently weigh 153, my goal weight is 135. I'm currently breastfeeding my 8 week old son so I've got my goals set at maintenance which is 1976 and then I'm supposed to get another 500 for breastfeeding but I don't include that. I'm not losing much of anything right now but I'm ok with that, my baby comes first and not to mention I totally sabotaged my deficit the last two weeks in a row thanks to pizza buffets, another thing that I'm ok with.