Need some advice about weighing (was a bit silly)

I've been eating as healthy as I can and cutting down on my daily binges for a week and a half. But at the begining I made the vital mistake (please don't laugh as in so embarrassed) of weighing myself on carpet. Suffice to say I was overwhelmed when I found out I lost a stone when I weighed on the kitchen tiles. I'm meant to be going to my doctor in 3 weeks as she wants to check in with my weight and maybe prescribe me orlastat. She did originally weigh me (and as I'm not too certain about how much weight she wants me to lose) so should I ring up and speak to her and ask for my proper starting weight? Also is it better to weigh on flat surfaces and not carpets for future reference? Thank you x


  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Yes, it's better to weigh on a flat, hard, level surface--preferably the same one and the same scale, same time of day, etc.

    You could ask your doctor, but her scale will probably be different from yours on a flat surface too.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    No two scales are ever calibrated the same. So the doctor will compare your weight to your last office visit.

    At home, weigh weekly (putting the scale on a hard surface) under the same circumstances: at the same time of day, wearing the same clothes, preferably in the morning after using the bathroom.

    For good "how-to" info, read the Sexypants post:
  • Guitarlos2
    Both good responses here so far. My scale is all over the place, and even on a flat surface it doesn't give me reliable results. The best you can do is get a reputable scale, place it on a flat surface and weight yourself in the morning. I don't know if this is 100% medically legit, but weighing yourself in the morning should yield more accurate results. You've been fasting all night and will not be seeing the results of the meals you just ate etc.
  • tinydeer
    tinydeer Posts: 9
    Thank you so much for your reply (and the link!). So helpful x