New and looking for help

Hi. First of all, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place, or if it's too simple of a thing to ask for help over. Basically, I'm just starting out with trying to lose a lot of weight (150 lbs), but I know so little about it, and all the things I try to research just confuse me more. I don't want to crash diet, I really want to change my whole lifestyle, but I'm struggling with figuring out how much to eat per day, as even the MFP things confuse me.

I'm 276 lbs, 27 years old, female, and with various medical conditions/medication that make it harder to lose weight. I don't have anyone offline who can help me with this sort of thing, and I feel alone and confused about starting out.

Again, I'm sorry to bother you all, and if this is wrong then please tell me and I will delete it right away. Thank you.


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Take "before" photos and measurements. And read the Sexypants post:
  • E_Gowens
    E_Gowens Posts: 1
    I feel your pain. I also have health problems and have to take steroids to treat my autoimmune diseases. Then when you feel bad you're not active. Weight just piles on making your health worse. I am 37 and determined it is NOT going to beat me down. I had a horrible flare in 2011 to early 2013. When I first started recovering, I couldn't do much but I've built myself back up to a really happy active life. Still overweight but continuing to work it off.

    This is what works for me: Start slow. If you break yourself down you will be more likely to quit. I try to add one lifestyle change every two weeks or so. It all adds up + little by little you feel more like yourself. It is not going to be fast or easy. Drink plenty of water. I just buy enough for couple days. You get more variety that way. Plus fresh stuff doesn't last as long. I'll send you a friend request. We can swap tips that works for people also having to fight illness. If you accept, we can private message more about what we're fighting.
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    Good for you for taking the steps that brought you to It takes courage to take those first steps in a new direction.

    Here you will find a lot of people who will support you and some will be in a very similar circumstance to you. I'm not around anybody who is losing weight and getting healthy like I am doing in my life currently. I had one lovely neighbor who just had weight loss surgery, turned her life around, lost a huge amount of weight and got healthy, dealt with her emotional baggage.

    Within 6 months, May of this year, she lets me know she is moving to Florida. How happy am I to be here and with people like me? Very.
  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    Woo HOOOOO!! Good for you. You made a great first step. You have a journey ahead of you and having supporters and friends along the way to help you celebrate and commiserate will make the journey more enjoyable.

    My suggestion is: take it one step at a time. Don't try to overhaul your eating habits & learn how to exercise all at once. Changing your life habits takes practice and patience (sorry). You will succeed. You will screw up. You will lose weight. You will gain some back. It is all part of the process. Take it in stride and learn from your errors. Your are human... a human on the path to a healthier life style.

    I have a friend (he's a MD) and he won't call a weight loss plan a "diet" - - he calls it a "LIVE IT" because that is the plan: to live it to a fuller, healthier life.

    Assuming you've consulted your physician, I would start by looking at your food. Spend at least a week (ideally a month) working on your diet before beginning a serious workout routine. I mean, take in a walk if the mood strikes you, but don't run to the gym tomorrow and try to bench 50 lbs!!!!
    Keep an ACCURATE food diary. Don't let shame allow you to omit something. Enter them at the right times, too. You may notice eating patterns (I.e.: "Geez, I love to carb load at 10 pm... hmmm." or "Wow, I am great about getting my veggies and fruits in for fiber and vitamins - now I should work on getting lean protein in!") This will help you target your diet in very specific ways.

    Oh, and I agree with the previous poster who mentioned before/after pics. Do measurements, too! Sometimes when you are really discouraged, looking at these can boost you. Weight loss is a slow process and it is easy to forget where you came from. (I speak from experience here. I lost 50 lbs before MFP and I lost 35 lbs before I changed clothing sizes. Then, I lost inches when the scale stood still for 2 months. If I didn't have pics and numbers to refer to, I would have given up!)

    Good luck!!!
  • Thank you everyone that replied, and I accepted the friend's requests, that means a lot. I don't have any before pictures, so I'll make sure to do that asap for a record.

    I did read the sexypants article before posting here, but I'm afraid it just confused me. I have mental health difficulties, which is what has me on the medication to lose weight, and sometimes my reading comprehension isn't great.

    All the tips you've given me are great and I will definitely incorporate them into my life. But what means more, is the kindness, thank you for reaching out and I promise that I'll support you all too in losing weight.
  • BlueStarBoi
    BlueStarBoi Posts: 81 Member
    Due to you having a lot of medical issues you might want to talk to your doctor on you wanting to lose the weight and him helping you out and possibly finding you a nutritionist that can help you make sure you eat the right foods and how much and knows what types of diets you should be on with medical problems. (Sorry i was a former nurse)

    Good luck on your journey, stay strong, stay dedicated you can do it!
  • Well, you've made the first step by joining here! Well done. As Blue StarBoi rightfully advised, find out from your doctor what help you can get. there is help out there. Once you know what level of exercise you can do, then start. I find it's better just to start getting out and walking briskly every day. If you are mobile and have no joint issues then walking is a nice way to get started. If you have issues with joints then swimming is a great way to exercise without placing stress. Good luck embarking on your new healthy weight loss journey!
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can do this! If I was able to lose 108 lbs, anyone can! Add me and I can encourage you along the way.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I did read the sexypants article before posting here, but I'm afraid it just confused me. I have mental health difficulties, which is what has me on the medication to lose weight, and sometimes my reading comprehension isn't great.
    You lose weight by eating fewer calories than you burn.

    Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly.

    Buy a digital food scale, and weigh everything you eat & drink—even packaged foods.

    Weight loss is not linear, so photos & measurements will show you your progress when the scale doesn't budge.