Generic Greeting Attempting To Grab Your Attention

Hey all, I'm IAmThatGuyYouAlwaysSeeAtTheGym, and ironically, I don't go to a gym. I do crossfit, which apparently is some kind of sin, because so many fit people that don't do crossfit I've spoken to treat me how stereotypical atheists treat christians. It's gotten annoying to the point that I actually feel the need to mention it on my second sentence. The worst part is, they never really say what's bad with crossfit, they just say stuff along the lines of, "nah, it's not like your kind will change their mind." I wouldn't mind changing if someone offered me a better alternative. I lost 15 pounds going to the gym in six months while having a personal trainer, but in crossfit I did it in 3. Please, if you're going to insult my fitness choice, please give me reasons for why my choices are bad and provide some alternatives.

Aside from that small rant, I'm a guy that wants to get fit. I'm going to take a wild guess and assume some of us have that in common. I'm recently trying to lose 10 pounds in a week and I know it's stupid, but don't worry, I'm a very cautious guy. If I see it having any kind of negative impact on my health and overall daily life, I'll stop immediately. I'm sure the two of you still reading this are wondering why I'm doing this. I want to pass a Navy physical, which is my excuse, but my recruiter says I could probably get by with a waiver. I just want to see if I could do it, since he told me about this one guy who lost 40 pounds in a month. I'm not going to be shown up by some mystery guy. Who the hell does he think he is? Does he think he's better than me? I''ll show him. I'll show everyone!... Nah, I'm not crazy, just bored. Chat me up if you'd like, I'm pretty chill for the most part, although if I had a flaw, I'd say it would be that I'm a Twilight fan, BUT I'm also an ex-Belieber, so as you can see I'm growing.


  • mikebesurfing
    mikebesurfing Posts: 15 Member
    Hey whatever works for you go for it.
  • moonpieto
    moonpieto Posts: 76 Member
    Made me curious about what crossfit is.
  • Lisa_Michellex
    Lisa_Michellex Posts: 11 Member
    Chat me up if you'd like, I'm pretty chill for the most part, although if I had a flaw, I'd say it would be that I'm a Twilight fan, BUT I'm also an ex-Belieber, so as you can see I'm growing.

    There is nothing wrong with being a Twilight fan! We all have our guilty pleasures. ;)